Lol weird, its suppose to only be june 1 -7th...but Futureshop still has the preorders. Anyways at FS preorder any 3 games over 49.99, and choose a 4th one for free. so thats 180$ for 4 games....holy fuk.
Which works out to be 15$ off per game.
At BB its 10$ off a preorder and you get 10$ in rewards back after. Rewards is the points thing, so 800 pts is 10$ that can be use to spend on things in store. But its like you pay 50$ up front, 30 days after purchas you get your 800 pts, and then you can print out the 10$ cretificate to use. you get 60 or 90 days to use it, but its 5$ more than futureshop and you dont have to buy 4 games.