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[KOR-M] Six Children - 總有艷陽天 / 六個孩子 (1998) [102/102] *COMPLETED*

Nov 4, 2006
Six Children, Six Siblings, 總有艷陽天, 六個孩子, 六兄妹, 육남매


張美姬(장미희), 吳泰京(오태경), 李美美(이미미), 盧亨昱(노형욱), 李燦浩(이찬호), 宋恩惠(송은혜),
尹美蘿, 白一燮, Iris Song Hye Gyo 宋慧教, Park Eun Hye and more

六十年代,戰後的韓國一片蕭條,人民都在逆境中掙扎求存。一個生於顯赫家庭的女孩,因為殖民解放後家道中落,而被迫下嫁一個貧窮的男人,婚後兩人誕下五名子女,誰知丈夫還未見到他們長大成人就突然離世,而第六名女 兒剛巧就在他離開後一百天出生。二十來歲的少女剎那間成為一家七口的支柱,面對迫人的生活及嫂嫂的勸說,她竟然把小女兒賣給城內一對不能生育的夫婦,換來的卻只是一包白米!懂事的大兒子和大女兒不忍與妹妹手足分離,遂冒險潛入醫院把妹妹帶回家中;他們此舉亦觸動了內疚的母親,決定要咬緊牙關,守護著這個家的每個孩子!七口子的艱辛溫馨生活亦由此展開 ……
In the year 60s, Korea went into a depression after the war, people were struggling for survival in the face of adversity. A girl who was born in an prominent family, because of the colonial liberation, was forced to marry a poor man. After the marriage she gave birth to five children. Suddenly her husband past away before he could see their children grow up. Not long after 100 days the mother gave birth to a sixth child. A 20-year-old girl/mom suddenly became the pillar of their family of 7 people, facing through the hard life, she decides to give away her baby daughter to a infertile couple near city, to exchange for a bag of rice! Sensible eldest son and daughter could not bear this and sneaks into the hospital and brought their baby-sister home; this making their mother feel guilty. She finally decides to grit their teeth and guard the family of each member! Enduring the hardships of life the family begins to have a warm life~

Information from wiki

I AM BACK, will post more later, I also have the FULL/complete of episode 36 !

Cantonese[hide=0]01: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZAS4W90V
02: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=81I7W928
03: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W7FD0OQ0
04: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HZYFS0AS
05: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G9OF8W36
06: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CGZP17HE
07: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RA6MVVRL
08: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VVFKRFI1
09: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DDFUJ93B
10: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SX9XMWUX
11: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2W22ZC60
12: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TSICWM5L
13: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6HQATKTQ
14: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PG8O7US0
15: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UKWJEK46
16: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=882AXWWM
17: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RX7VBOE0
18: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RMPMN824
19: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XQAK7UQW

#36 full/complete 39 minutes long. : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FJ2QSPKI

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View attachment ATV six 47-2010-4-30.rmvb.torrent
Jul 3, 2008
More torrents:
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View attachment ATV總有艷陽天97-2010-7-13.rmvb.torrent
View attachment ATV總有艷陽天98-2010-7-14.rmvb.torrent
View attachment ATV總有艷陽天99-2010-7-15.rmvb.torrent
View attachment ATV總有艷陽天100-2010-7-16.rmvb.torrent
View attachment ATV總有艷陽天101-2010-7-19.rmvb.torrent
View attachment ATV總有艷陽天102(完)-2010-7-20.rmvb.torrent
Jul 3, 2008
Cantonese RMVB[HIDE]20: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OPQQJUIV
21: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EB4MAP90
22: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QXRUOP1W
23: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I0IDPPUX
24: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5B1GG7GV
25: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B7H51E63
26: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6SMF4SRP
27: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4FYDHPWK
28: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QBIWMZJL
29: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AAKI4OVY
30: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5I6J3VXZ
31: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=941PNVB4
32: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X4G3DODE
33: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XRGHD880
34: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NU73M08G
35: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K2TEXST5
36: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2MKCFUIC INCOMPLETE EPISODE
37: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZYCXEFKV
38: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GTO6V1HD
39: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E9O49ROB
40: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V5H47UVX
41: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y1MNLCFR
42: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J173LLQ6
43: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KDX32NTZ
44: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1ZIB7AC0
45: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FPUKWY18
46: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P1EHRRKC
47: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ARWM1T1J
48: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=76N7XMAZ
49: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4DXVTMSR
50: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AP9TQBU0
51: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DZYAPXV5
52: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ADMP70JC
53: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5VVNBTEM
54: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=997P6X3O
55: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2IW9GEV6
56: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K8IE49H9
Nov 9, 2007
| Trad.Chin.sub | TV-RMVB | 151MB (14.62GB) | 41mn | 720x416 | aTV Channel | cky @HDzone(c)2010/7/20.
Episode 01 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 02 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 03 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 04 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 05 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 06 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 07 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 08 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 09 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 10 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 11 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 12 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 13 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 14 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 15 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 16 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 17 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 18 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 19 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 20 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 21 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 22 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 23 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 24 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 25 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 26 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 27 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 28 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 29 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 30 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 31 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 32 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 33 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 34 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 35 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 36 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 37 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 38 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 39 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 40 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 41 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 42 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 43 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 44 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 45 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 46 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 47 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 48 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 49 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 50 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 51 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 52 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 53 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 54 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 55 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe *Read below note!*
Episode 56 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 57 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 58 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe | FileServe 2
Episode 59 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 60 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe

Episode 61 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe | FileServe 2
Episode 62 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe | FileServe 2
Episode 63 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 64 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 65 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 66 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 67 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 68 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 69 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 70 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe

Episode 71 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 72 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe *New Link dd 2010/8/6*
Episode 73 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 74 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 75 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 76 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 77 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 78 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 79 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe | FileServe 2
Episode 80 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe

Episode 81 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe | FileServe 2
Episode 82 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe | FileServe 2
Episode 83 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 84 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 85 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 86 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 87 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 88 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 89 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 90 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe

Episode 91 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 92 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 93 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 94 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 95 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 96 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 97 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 98 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 99 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 100 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe

Episode 101 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe
Episode 102 - MegaVideo | MegaUpload | FileServe End
[/HIDE]Note: Mirror links will be added whenever time allows!


  • [PA] Six_Children_##_fs.dlc
    1.4 KB · Views: 21
  • [PA] Six_Children_##_MU.dlc
    1.3 KB · Views: 61
New Member
Jun 17, 2008
Can someone please Reupload episode 72?? The fileserve version is only 1.9 MB. I prefer Megaupload if that is possible. I tried the torrent version but unfortunately there are no seeds anymore!
Thank you all in advance

Fixed version up! Atm I'm more convenient with FileServe ~ yu

Thank you very much!! Really appreciated!!
Apr 24, 2006
can someone up from ep 56 under megaupload please. Thank you
Dec 26, 2008
Is this movie any good or worth the time to watch it? 102episode..wow!
Oct 30, 2007
Hi Yu,
Is there any chance of uploading the rest chapters to MU. I can't seem to with fileserve. it keep saying "too many wrong captcha attempts" for days now.and I do tried this at all different time of day including through night times.
Dec 26, 2008
I'm having trouble with chapter 90 and up. Can someone please re post or put it on megaupload?
New Member
Oct 24, 2009
Nice serie..needed alot of tissues for my tears and I am only at the beginning :D. The links of fileserve are working fine. Although it needs a waiting time after each download, while MU doesn't have that problem. Wish that Yu could maybe open the MU links again? just asking :D
New Member
Oct 24, 2009
I am sorry to bother Yu Yu ... After long time, my downloads is now at 97..There is some problem with episode 90. Keep saying error with the downloader. Downloaded what I could and now I am still missing 90,97-100 ...seems that Van22 was right, after 90 there is some problem. Can u reupload on fileserve or megaupload?
Thank you in advance..I really want to finish this series.
New Member
Sep 16, 2006
Could someone reupload the serie in Fileserve or MU. It's a sad story but so interesting to watch.

Mar 19, 2009
I really like this serie but I'm sorry to bother You. But I got some problem with download episode 43, 69 and 77. Can u please re-upload it?

Thanks in advance.
New Member
Sep 16, 2006
Whiterabbit, episodes 43 & 69 is working perfectly. Sometime the links are crazy, so try again later. I try it, is working ok. But 77 is dead.
Jan 1, 2009

I'm also having the same problem with ep 69 and 77. I tried a couple time with 69 but it doesn't seem to work. since ep 77 is dead. Can you re-upload these ep? thanks