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  • It's the layout of your profile, colour, and pics. haha.
    But the name, no. I would say boy, your vegetables speak for your gender haha.
    With my bg colour, yes. On your channel no.

    I would actually think your a girl LOL.

    You like my Tee?
    Ah, you cheat, you made me writing pink LOL. I'm not gonna let that happen though BLUE FTW!.
    yea I think so too, I don't know why people could still (evo) make the colour not blue when I set it to blue though?
    Okies, I only managed to mess around with one option =s very confusing la.
    Yup yup, throw a chair at her then do closeline her+an elbow drop, followed through with some deep wrestling move haha.

    By the way, could you let me know how to change the border white(like yours) and the text to blue?
    Bait, it is unlikely to do those moves perfectly and yet have good vocals (and breath) to sing.

    Your Fany proves that they don't lip sync xD

    I wonder why they don't complain about Justin Bieber LOL.
    Knock knock,
    whos there,
    OMG *nose bleeds* - Fah then runs of to stick tampons up his nostrils xD *open door*
    Harro Peter Chao heree.

    Random, am I not?
    Wahhh, must be sad times (when you are broke). Happy days are when you get the money!

    My God is Jesus, mines Buddha!
    My God supplies me food, cloths, girls.etc
    Who is your god Jackie Chan?
    MONEY, money is my god.

    From one of Jackie Chan's old movies.
    I can't keep up with technology, too expensive.
    I want Iphone4 but price is too high, I don't work so yh...Iphone 5 sound nice but I worry that it has issue - nothing is perfect (that is the prob about buying it when it first come out, it has issue. EG Iphone4).
    Where you getting these info from =p

    November is next month, wooo (not like i'm getting it lol)
    White one is nice, I think some1 told me that they are gonna fix the reception issue on the white one. Is that true?
    Ouch, another 3 weeks.
    Iphone5 would prob be out by then (I kid.)

    They should give you something in return for the long wait, something like a huge poster of Fany. Customer satisfaction is a must!
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