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  • wow thats 416.67 years....

    lol yeh when it dried it was like peeling off skin.....

    but i like journey to the west!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    so it was your fault and not the subs :p explicit? not really, but had the most crazy twist at the end. very good movie all because of that twist

    umm not that she was my fav, but she seemed better than yasmina. i wanted james to win, because he was funny

    i did think it could be, but no way has my hayfever every led to flu like symptoms. plus its wet and cold right now, not exactly hayfever weather. either im almost better now!
    its my friends~ i stole it for some snaps XP
    they got it from a skill tester and I cant get it ><
    its like 35 cm tall~ quite BIG
    D= my reply to you on the ezcema forum isn't working =_="

    but yeh.. as i was typing xD... yeh i rly should stop using hydrocortisone.. my skin is like a cycle.. bad good bad good.. and each time. its getting more sensitive =_="... i really cba going to see a doctor.. might do.. after my exams.. =_="... *sigh*...

    and yeh hayfever .... damn.. *bin full of tissues*.. sooo annoying..

    how are you anyway:)?
    haha yes it makes me feel popular to have a reply waiting for me -lol

    lol i think people have already put down my thoughts!

    dunno what type of glue it was, just remember it use to smell of fish, and people said it was made out of fish bones haha. wow you rebels in primary school fighting with pva glue :p

    lol pretty costumes arent enough! dunno, most of them i find boring....

    lol bet the subs did work, you just didnt know how to use them :p did u ever watch "oldboy"?

    the radio ruined it for me this morning, though i still havent watched it.... i dunno is yasmina deserved it... she didnt seem special to me....

    yeh i either have swine flu or just a cold.... well like i always said, id rather catch it now and gain immunity, then wait till autumn and catch it at uni when i have work to do :D
    dont worry, im also spreading it to everyone i meet. it will arrive at yours shortly:)
    haha well done on the quick reply, shame i didnt read it till this morning :p

    ooh cool thread. i dunno what more i can add....

    im waaay past marker pens, get me some toxic glue! that stuff in primary school that smelt of fish must have been toxic.... -dead

    its the one where he was like a bad guy and lost everything and then became a good guy. im not a fan of ancient really, avoid it where i can..... 7

    you know what i have started watching recently, korean movies! think ive downloaded like 5 movies in the past week lol

    i will prob end up not watching the final tonight.... but i bet bbc or the radio will spoil it for me......
    yeh we hate on you note users and what! get a cab they take notes! i will try with a $1000 note and see what happens :D

    its a nice way to get high.... lol jk, usually have a door or 2 open!

    i dont think gordon brown is such a bad PM, i think it was a case of wrong timing, he joined just as everyone started to hate labour and recession

    lol im not finished on snooker yet, only like half way.... i think the only ancient series i liked recently was the funny one with dayo wong

    sunday??? i thought debra would be in the final, but i didnt think yasmina(sp?) would be
    omg your one of those people who always pays in notes! and then moans when bus driver wont change it! YOU! Yeh im pretty sure, i never pay by cash as i use the octopus card, but ive never seen a driver give change

    lol how is it gassing yourself! its just blowing hot/cold air!

    my friend thinks he will be gone by monday, but i reckon because he is so stubborn he will try and stay as long as possible.

    yeh with kennith and kate. ummm i dunno, watch the 1st ep and see what you think. i didnt think it was anything special after watching 3 eps. i just downloaded rosey after hearing the final got a high rating. is it really that good?

    hmmm yes i will have to watch it soon. bbc news ruined it for me... i saw a pic of the 2 girl and a title saying who is going to win..... so i know who is in the final .....
    lol yeh but hes got to either give 18 £1 coins or search for notes. it just inconveniences people like me who just want to get on the bus :p it should be like hk, either use the card or you dont get any change if you put in cash

    lol thats how you keep the system maintained. it says in my manual, that if you dont use it regularly, every month switch it on for 5min max heat max fan

    well they are dropping like flies, gordon brown will prob go soon.....

    lol yeh.... oh i started watching that ancient one. cant say im too impressed.... dunno not as funny as i thought it would be. although i havent deleted it, so maybe worth a go...

    well yeh if only they sold that 1 horse to that guy... lol they always have nasty jackets, last year or a few back , it was that wolf jacket..... man people buy some pretty nasty stuff lol. i havent watched the new one yet....
    yeh a lot of drivers wont accept notes these days. i agree though, its annoying if you have a queue of people and the driver has to change £20 for £2 bus fair

    lol i turn it on for 5 mins whilst im doing the interior. the car would never be hot enough for the air to be hot during those 5 mins!

    do they? not like those bank people, surely they just resign and thats it

    yeh its nothing special, kinda boring in fact.... i thought i would like it cause niki chow is in it, but tbh her acting is only so and so

    yeh i did, i like james when he was demostrating that birth pool and £2k for a rocking horse, what a bunch of idiots....
    just watched the new one, man i was cringing when they were on tv, thinking wow thats just embarrasing
    just something i know lol

    well yeh it will never improve the busses never turning up on time, but at least at peak hours you dont get those people who try to pay with £20 notes or something....

    i dont do it when im driving, if im cleaning the car, i just turn it on max heat and ac and blast it whilst im cleaning!

    haha jackie smith resigned today, i hope they all get investigated for fraud. some of that stuff is no way by "accident" or "error"

    yep finished, for an 80 ep series, the end sure was quick lol.... its like within 10mins they all went from bad to good

    im watching that snooker one atm, saving EU for when im off work since its gonna be good :D

    eeek i still havent watched the last one yet lol, i love bbc iplayer!
    hey if you want to save the planet, go kill all the cows. cows farting is a major contributor to greenhouse gasses, no lie.

    they make it half price using an oyster card because they want everyone to use one. cause its faster then paying by cash, you just put your card on the scanner and then walk on. but yeh its so annoying when you forget to take it with you because its double the price =_="

    yeh weather has beeeeeen good. yeh my ac does smell a bit funny........ i do try and run it every so often... but....

    ah actually i would accept, because you would then be on my bad friends list hahah :p

    yeh someone claimed for a duck island.... i cant believe how much they can claim for. some guy claimed £77k in like 4 years (i think he is paying back like £25k) but thats like more than some people earn in job......

    almost :D ep78 or so! i have to say, its kind of draggin..... im just waiting for everyone to die now, it seems to be going that way....
    well i am actually saving the planet with my bike and car. for some journeys i use bike, which uses a lot less fuel than the car! yeh bus is £2, but if i have my oyster card (like octopus card in hk) its £1.....

    SSSSUUUUNN!!!!!!!!!!! suposedly sunny for the bank holiday weekend! I had to turn on the a/c for the car coming home today haha

    yeh sure you can run me over, then i will sue you! i get practice and money!

    well i wouldnt accept the invitation ahaha :p

    yeh just trying to divert attention. lol @ the guy who claimed for a "duck island"....
    any short journeys i walk or take the bus. only drive to work and back really. so im doing a tiny bit despite not caring -lol

    raining alllll weeeekkk gaaaah! i want sunshine!

    hmm a bonet may cushion the blow. but somehow i dont think i will be "practicing".... yeh my car before i washed it was huge bug splats everywhere....

    i think you should buy one to ensure it stays a young peoples car!!

    lol on our profile, we have a friends list. you will now need one say "bad friends"....

    i dunno, cause there was more confirmed cases recently. but apparently it will come back in autumn
    Hehe, sorry BB, I didn't add you. I thought I did but I guess not. Now you're on my friends list, :D.
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