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  • I bought an "interlock Tiffany" ring for my gf because it was her birthday on the 9th ^^
    and now I'm poor =(
    haha yeh i was born in HK, but never even went to school there...... i will try to chinese up myself more by watching more and more TVB lol
    Hey you watch uber amounts :p of TVB surely you pick up on some of the Chinese subs!

    nah, i dont have a local boozer.... although it would be cool if i walked into a pub and my drink was ready for me :D that would be amazing in a club cause i hate queueing to buy a drink....

    maaaan if neighbours was still on bbc1 i could iplayer it.....

    yeh thats the guy. I liked kill bill, but not like some people who loved it like it was something else......

    well i have to be sure barney is dead, so i will have to kill all of them :)

    tbh i would eat both rabbit and squirrel, just to see what it taste like :D nah you cant rspca on me, cause i wont be cruel killing them......

    i think im on like ep 5... omg the dam dog annoys me soooo much when he says hes scared "geng geng".... omg if it wasnt for my OCD of having to finish a series that i start -lol i would have quit already....

    lol i couldnt recognise the guy once he turned evil.... those evil ninja people with the green eyes made me laugh

    lol wash my ass, you sick person!!! nah you cant sue me, cause you never copyrighted your stuff neh neh neh

    what halfords do their own version???

    well hopefully it wont rain this weekend, im planning to hoover saturday and wash sunday!

    lol no i just press the delete button, i dont have the heart to go, "im a guy....." and kill all their hopes :p
    unfortunately not, I would say i can read most chinese off things like TVb subs and chinese music lyrics, which is actually where I re-learnt most of it, after totally forgetting like 5 years of chinese school lol

    haha i never spent my time at the boozer during uni, maybe some weekends haha
    lol and he told u what u missed as well, i dunno whether he is cool or not -lol

    yeh pulp fiction is a classic, bit weird but thats cause quentin tarantino directed it and hes mostly crazy
    omg home made..... lol you have a sick mind :p

    i think thats the right spelling...... i dunno lol......
    well either way a barney is -dead -lol
    hmmm maybe thats where they based the story on, my work place hahahaa

    im sure rabbit tastes very nice, or squirrel, plus if you catch a grey squirrel your not allowed to release it cause its "pest", so why not eat :D

    yeh but love cheesy is good, but that talking dog annoys me ssooooo much..... i really wish they hadnt..... plus i dont really like Myolie Wu... she annoys me too, i liked her when she played that fat girl, that was funny ...

    maybe you have, but too bad i already stole your idea and have sold it for millions :p
    nah, i can never find any at halfords.... but i wana buy some, sounds like good stuff

    i was just gonna pressure wash it, but me thinks its time to proper wash and wax it this weekend.... ahhhh gonna have to hoover and clean the interior too.....
    yeh my has a layer or dirt, enough so you can write words into it, even against the black paint haha

    lol no msn yet, but they usually say im hot and do i have Bf hahahaaha
    yep thats right, yeh its confusing enough trying to remember what each word means in a sentence anyway, and with simplified you have to think even more-what?

    lol no, neighbours was on about the time I would be with my flat mates or just because any free time i had i would be doing other stuff..... and i was always at lectures during the daytime showing
    LOL i cant believe your friend used neighbours as an excuse! :biggthumpup:

    that was from Pulp Fiction haha

    lol hows that sexist, i just didnt want to find out how to spell it and not mix it up with the drug haha
    i dont try and hit the front page! i would get some pics when its either covered in snow or when its warmer and all the animals come out :D

    lol thats what we should do at work, get a fire going and catch some cute rabbits to eat -devil

    yeh thats prob why..... i watched the first ep of that dog one with gallen.... not too impressed; talking animals............:slap:

    hmm havent heard of one that stops misting, but there is this one called RainX and if you wipe it on your screen, when it rains the water runs off immediately and you dont even need to use your wipers half the time!

    yeh i was just going to find my nearest jet spray thingy and give my car a once over but no shampoo or scrubbing.....

    yeh i get the occassional private msg saying im hot -bowroflarms
    I do like window shopping, b/c I like I follow their style ^^
    Well once in awhile, if I have money, I'll buy them ^^
    I see too many stuff -_-
    yeh simplified chinese, well is... simplified, where they just have one word for many words..... so it would be like using only "for" but meaning "for" , "fore" and "four", so it sucks really :p

    lol no i have tried to watch neighbours, but the fact it was on channel 5 and that i missed like 2 years of it due to uni, meant it kinda sucked...

    lol its a gag in his mouth! lol and yes he is handcuffed!

    exactly risk your life for the life of others!!! you could be a hero (cant be bothered to spell the female equivalent)!
    yeh my work is like in the middle of nowhere, we have loads of squirrels and the occasional pheasant running about, oh and lots of rabbits

    omg yeh thats the one, but even watching that i cannot remember at all what it was about lol

    lol i mean de-icer, same difference :P
    yeh i need to wash my car, would be a good time to get all that salty crap off too, as it rusts your car faster.... but i am too lazy....

    lol just read that now, i think my avy has the effect of making people mistake me for a girl :D
    lol spastic moment.... as long as you knew what i meant its all good :p just like simplified chinese, where they take words that sound the same (but written differently) and choose just 1 word to signify them all :D

    yeh neighbours was never meant to have advertisement in the middle of it, ruins the action lololol

    Look, I here is Barney, I have him!!!!!

    you should have been a good citizen and pushed it off the road :P all i see on the road these days is dead foxes and squirrels

    haha no discrimination, just that old people in love is not my thing :wtf: I think i watched an ancient one with bernice, but cant remember it either....

    just use anti-freeze spray :D or use slightly warm water, if your not afraid of it freezing back over lol
    I just changed my tires today...

    I didn't get anything ^^, I just enjoy looking at new stuff and if I actually got the money, then I might buy it =)
    oooommmmgggg your making me blind!!!!! so gonna sue you when i loose my site.....

    ahahaha yeh just like you, it was pretty good, cause it was news kids could understand haha
    what you saw was a repeat :p the real barney is in my hands!!!! muwhahahah

    lol sneak watching kek jap at work -lol see ur an addict too, cause you like watching in your spare time, but your spare time is all the time !

    ahahaha "flying off wiper speed" mode, i like that! in my car it doesnt, but i have been in cars that yeh feel like they are gonna fly off, especially if they make horrible sounds.....lol why were plastic milk trays in the road??

    gotta love cheesy love ones, except cheesy love ones with old people.... yeh demi gods is the exception, i only downloaded it cause it look weird ... turned out to be weird but good :D

    well im sure glass is pretty resistant against chemicals, nothing will harm them, but scratching glass aint better
    yeh my screen kept refreezing over, until the heaters got hot....
    omg not the yellow colour!! my eyes!!!!

    haha newsround, i use to watch that... hey you never know, have you seen barney in the public recently? i could have already kidnapped him -lol

    lol i like to think that im not a kek jap addict, like yourself.... although i have been watching a lot of demi gods one.... well if you were a farmer, you can buy red diesel which is super cheap but only for use agricultural stuff and off public roads, but thats fine since you will only be driving on fields!

    yeh i hate that too, lorry drivers trying to overtake with a 0.5mph difference, takes them like 10mins to do it..... haha wipers flying off, i just hate those huge puddles on the motorway, when you hit them at like 70mph the whole car slows down

    hmm uuuber exciting eh.... where have all my cheesy love series gone -lol-lol oh the diamond one with gigi? i dont watch many of the ancient series :p

    the one i have is in a manual spray bottle (not the can ones) and that melts ice instantly and hasnt burned me.... pretty good! wouldnt be scraping be worse for the screen!!! no time in the morning to take warm water to my car :p



    oh no my plan to assassinate barney has been discovered! too bad, your too late! mwuahahaha

    lol well they prob wouldnt make a very good gif, but i do have this sequence shot of this explosion going off, that would make a good gif! maybe i will make one at work

    haha nope it never occured to me, although all i wanted to do was get home.... yeh like my friend said they should just drive over the fields and not the roads.... wasnt the screen misting up, it was the spray coming off all the cars, wipers were just about fast enough to keep some view open.... lol no shower of rain, too busy driving to take a shower :p

    dunno bout that last one standing, looks way too serious for me.... but i will still watch it....

    get some de-icer!!!! -smart
    It's not really nesscary to use a gritter, my driveway is not that big ^^
    Yea, I mean fashion can someone define your personality (not always, but it tell abit of yourself). So I go shopping at like once a week but I usually don't end up buying anything -_-

    barneys too fat and slow to hit me haha, ill just jump on his back! plus hes tiny hands will mean he cant reach round and throw me off -lol-tongue2

    ofcourse, thats how you have to do stuff, overwise how can we prove we actually did the work correctly!

    haha all you can think of is TVB :p yeh it was actually quite a lot, got stuck behind a lot of tractors on the way up and stuck on the motorway hell that is the m25 on the way back..... and it was pouring with rain, making things hard to see....

    lol yeh i quite enjoy it, cause it makes me laugh a lot, good stress buster!! lol no way i said im that lazy -noclue :p

    no ways, no clint pics, but if you want some, i will get em for you next time :p

    not much snow, but enough to put a inch or 2 of snow on a car, but that was up the road, my road had no snow, but lots of iced cars....
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