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  • Yeh, did you wana get some haha??

    lol i dont watch xfactor, so i have no idea what is going on. But i always hear people talk about it and complain that its fixed......

    thats cool that you guys have a rule not to get expensive stuff. haha but socks?!?!!
    yeh haha those were the days.....

    mmmm so the whole competition is just messed up... JLS will be forgotten next christmas i bet!

    hmmm yeh, it should be pretty easy to do xmas dinner, just a lot of effort to do

    did the whole present stuff when we were younger but not anymore. all relatives and stuff just give lai see these days rather than presents. So you buy presents for everyone then???
    ok i accept leona, but not JLS.... give em a year and it will be like they never existed... i mean boy bands were big in the 90s but not now... -lol

    yeh cause it cooks for so long, so needs lots of attention to keep it succulent!

    oh wow yeh its almost a month till xmas, time flies! lol yeh no need for gifts :) although not really one of those types that buys everyones pressies...
    hmmm i see, why do people get so worked up about xfactor... the people never get famous after....

    dunno, a few weeks probably. ha noooo, turkeys are so big! i would rather have a roast chicken to myself :)

    have you got any plans for xmas?
    haha where else am i gonna get all my chinese stuff from!! No i dont think i could ever spam as much as you :p

    everyones fb status seems to say it was a fix or something, what was that about?

    xmas day, will take my parents to airport, as usual have to stay at uni... wont be alone, will have a housemate at least :)

    hmmm weird reason indeed :p

    haha well im sure everyone did. so you back short term or here to stay now...?
    bb jealous of butt meh. instead of hiding in cave gooo gymmm laaaa..:kekekegay:.
    wow it has been a long time! yeh i still download stuff off here :)

    i never watch it on tv but i catch up on iplayer, ive only watched up to the one where they made the bread and stuff.... still as funny as ever haha

    oh god xfactor, i only watch the beginning because its funny, but never after the auditions... you enjoying it then?

    yeh it arrived, was very nice in fact. but havent bought anything else off there since...

    busy busy busy -cry2.... in my final year of uni, so up to my ears in work...

    how about you, where did you dissapear off to?
    aussie don't celebrate no halloween, that rumour was up back when you disappear the first time lol.
    So what actually did happen to you?
    lol anyways....so bb finally got out of her cave. hibernating in the summer because she no normal bear -tongue2
    ngor hoo...lol bb yao mo yai yai...watch out da nei geh pet pet if you baddd...
    How come....o_O"...what happen to you this time? Got hit by a double decker again?
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