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  • Thought legal you have to do some kind of stuff or exam in Canberra, my brother told me that yesterday and he said UTS have the test in there, so you can avoid going to Canberra as well
    yes they are! yau dim? hahaha being a fan means i will have track their every movements T_T thats too much hassle for someone who's constantly in the media.. angelababy this.. janice man that... @_@

    OOORRR you could be my personal news tracker XD u track i absorb the news haha
    XD natalie tong is 28! but i guess its only 6 years gap :p
    so that's who you are!! janice man + Angelbaby XD (not a big fan of either)
    ahaha how old you think i was? you still have some years to go before you're 22 :p
    on your profile picture.. you are one on which side? XD
    You haven't heard about the stuff with UNSW?
    Uni weeks weeks are shorter than all other uni, mid sem break is shorter than other uni, workloads are 3 times harder than other uni
    haha thank you & happy birthday to you too [belated].. hope you had recieved loads of cool gifts and enjoyed the best day of the world !! :D
    LOL, you doing 2u, 3u, 4u or general maths?
    My brother is currently studying for 4u maths LOL
    So how come you're not studying?
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