_Fahrenheit_ Jul 15, 2010 haha thanks =DD i cant find the exact same pose as my poster one tho =p that one looks nicer XD
EvilTofu Jul 8, 2010 Fei and Jia are Chinese and I read Fei knows Cantonese as well as Mandarin... After read a few interviews just now, they seem pretty interesting.
Fei and Jia are Chinese and I read Fei knows Cantonese as well as Mandarin... After read a few interviews just now, they seem pretty interesting.
EvilTofu Jul 7, 2010 Yea she is, a lot of people are saying that too and that she looks very chinese (whatever that meant) lol
Yea she is, a lot of people are saying that too and that she looks very chinese (whatever that meant) lol