xmichelly Mar 3, 2009 I KNOWWW. i think i only like him in MIT though it's the manliest i've ever seen him :XD:
xmichelly Mar 3, 2009 evo -noclue anywaysssss cus my friend got me into MIT and i was like OMGAARON -inlove
xmichelly Mar 2, 2009 lol at least SOMEONE likes it have i told you of my newfound love for aaron -lol
ralphrepo Feb 19, 2009 LOL thanks for taking back the groan, I was starting to lose sleep over it, Ha, ha... (Hmmm... I wonder what she meant...)
LOL thanks for taking back the groan, I was starting to lose sleep over it, Ha, ha... (Hmmm... I wonder what she meant...)
ralphrepo Feb 17, 2009 Forgive me but, what was so objectionable about my post to cause you to groan at it? For the life of me, I still can't figure out what I said that would be so groan worthy... -unsure
Forgive me but, what was so objectionable about my post to cause you to groan at it? For the life of me, I still can't figure out what I said that would be so groan worthy... -unsure
[N] Dec 12, 2008 whats this db talking shit...goddamn homo, assume the position and wait for some fat hairy men....-kekemad
whats this db talking shit...goddamn homo, assume the position and wait for some fat hairy men....-kekemad
DataBeast Dec 1, 2008 It's been awhile eh? If I remember correctly, you're 18 now... has NAS finally made a move on you yet? :XD:
It's been awhile eh? If I remember correctly, you're 18 now... has NAS finally made a move on you yet? :XD:
[N] Nov 30, 2008 cause it's gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.................. and mines HAAAWWWTTT and SMEEEXXXYYYY!!!