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  • actually, i feel as if this video is trying to threaten ppl to do whatever god wants u to or u go to hell... n lots of other things that preachers say kinda comes to the same thing
    hey master_g, i watched that vid u uploaded for me, i dunno... it was interesting... but kinda brainwashy...I must say i know most of the things already (from primary n a christian friend).... thanks anyway
    i guess im what they call a "searcher still".. not really convinced to be honest
    lol...master_g... ive already got 3 christian books on my bookshelves n also a bible...i guess that should do
    Lol....awww... i dun have a bf *sobs*

    Whoa.... r u on that path? trying to make me aware eh :p.... i know la... i used to live with to Christians for a month or so...i am very much interested in christianity but i dunno... not disciplined enuff i guess
    Lol...hi G.... nope.... not at the moment... i am doing a 9-5 for now....but i will.... probably next year when i go back to uni... i can go overseas for a semester the first two years n after that i can go overseas for like 1,5 year....love it! what r u doing? studying still? or working?
    haha just trying to find ways to understand the bible...no matter how simple the explanations the churches are, I've always had trouble understanding...well most of the time...and also uni's been occupying those time as well...I so need a break from uni and get back to church...
    Wow thanks, for the link and talk, but is there a site with a much easier explanation...tbh I need a really detailed and down to earth simple explanation to actually understand it like your explanation of the 4 types of people which the gospel will reach. -lol
    haha i got too much spare times nowadays.. i cut back since today hahaa... im more into the downloading stage coz i need to get some dramas for my mother >.<
    meh im not joining the evil side haha
    Wow, thats a new way to becoming one you're the first I've heard ever becoming a christian that way. So how do you becoming so focused into it?!?!
    hahahaha I will if that day happens -lol

    Just wondering, were you born as a christian or you became one later in life?
    not even for a week? And come on...attaching a can doesn't mean you do it...May has it on :shifty:
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