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  • ooo....uni eh? must be fun :p
    nah dont worry i can wait :yes:
    u got until summer time lol to perfect ur skill....mwuahahahha -devil
    very very sorry -hug dont cry :p
    same here exams are coming up way soon...u doing Alevels? or u in Uni now?
    oki, practise makes perfect :yes:
    i cant wait to hear u play ^^
    wah..sorry for the late reply...
    i just been trying to revise lol but apart from its all good :yes:
    how u feeling? hope ur toothache's gone now.. -sorc
    i know! u should play a song for us ^^
    use phantoms...?..thas kinda weirdd....cant really picture it but never mind....^^....

    is there even such a thing 'anti-attention seeker'...?...-lol....are ya sure about that...?...and who was the one complaining about their tooth ache...is that attention seeking no...?...j/k....^^...and how scary arr..??..i dunno i always think the quiet ones are people that seem to be ubbbber shy....

    hahaha......everyone gossips gah la....no biggie....but yeshh i guess i can see where ya coming from...^^...always on your guard huh...
    well ya need to work to read my messages.....cant always be easy....hahaha...j/k....

    but i have all the diff. weapons....and you only got the boomerang....so sure i'll play you if and when i buy that usb thingy....and the pen thingy...coz ive lost it =/

    hehe....you should de-quiet yourself then....its fun asking questions hahaha....people ask you Q's with bad motives....??..-huh...like whut...??.
    icicic....meh i'll consider it and when i doo...you'll be the 1st i challenge....okies...hahaha...

    zelda rank H..??...i didnt even know they had ranks...o_O....ooOOOo wait do ya mean rank h from the online battling thingy...??....with tetris.....i just play it on my own when ya clear the lines likey the oldddd tetris ya play on the old school gameboy's....^^...just sometimes simple games are fun to play...:)

    please may i be the person to punch ya in the face if/when it happens again....??...:D

    umm..i havent watched it before either....ive just heard someone mention it recently...

    happens to you all the time..?...people asking you...?...or you asking them....?...im usually the one asking too many questions...-lol....im guessing you've noticed nows....^^
    hiya :wavey:
    long time no talk....even though its been a week LOL
    how's the guitar string/tuning going?
    PART 2:

    can almost remember how to recite the lords prayer if i think hard enough...-lol...evangelism aint that some manga name as well...hahaha...

    yeh its good to be iquisitive but also too muchy and it becomes '8-gwa'....ive always been told 'curiousity killed the cat'..=/


    oops too long..>.<
    so you need that sticky thing to connect to the i-net...??...i thought you dun need one....kinda like a lapy when theres wi-fi you can connect to the net...?..thas pretty crappy nows...i never knew that -____-" bahhh i hateeee buying stuff from argos sometimes...the stuff there are soooOOOoo old.....you wana play against me on DS so you can add another name to people you beat...??...nah i sucky at it....i mainly play tetris and mario kart with my friends nuttin spesh....^^...ooOOooo you're playing it mores....good job..(Y)...is that 1st boss..??...yeshh he's pretty easy....:)

    unlucky ive had that before too...suckss..and by the time the pain comes again you have to wait another week and bam the pains gone again =/

    hehehe i went to a catholic primary school.....used to <3 going to mass when we get bread and some red squash of some kind...
    hiiii...its not an anime as such its a film.....^^....as good as <3 hina..?...i never watched that but i have read the manga books....and they were funnnny.....:)

    ooOOoo i thought you play using wi-fi or something teeem....i need to find/get a new stick thingy coz ive lost mine =/ was so proud that ive had it since i had the ds and nows i lost it booo

    after sleep standing ya need to perfect sleeping with eyes open....hahaha....j/k...hmm..monday today so im guessing your app will be nows.....good luckyy...:).....

    OOooo just read the bit where you said you mostly read religious stuff...??..keeping up to date with the stuff that gets updated or something..?...or reading about other religions..?....kinda got curious thas all...^^
    hahaha dun worry about it....im not that fussed about it....end of the day just a profile jah...^^

    okies okies....i check it out when i log out laters.....yeshhh i likey some anime songs...have you heard this one...its good...>>Hanako Oku - Garnet...clicky its a youtube link<< its from a flick called 'the girl who leapt through time' its goood watch it if you havent...100% bb recommended....^^..

    nooooo play the story line to zelda...!!!!!...its soooo gooood....!!!!!....ive never played with my ds online....have played it with friends but thas not online is it...??...so muchy fun esp. when we play.....used to play in the library....hahaha..

    learn to sleep standing then....hahah...-tongue2....get one of them travel pillows that people use on planes/cars....

    seems your tooth ache is going nows...??....guess you'll be to hold out till tues right..??..
    icicic.....okies i'll allow you to delete it....even though you've already done it...-lol..

    thas kinda weird....whut moosic you put on it..?..

    seems ya got it all worked out huh......hows zelda going...?....addicted to it yet....?...-lol...whut ya readign anything good..?...or actually reading the readings for your course..?..

    hahahaha sounds like ya sleeping like a grandpa...in ya chair...:laugh:....doesnt it ache your neck having to sleep upright..?....sleep on the 3seater....sounds/seems ,more comfy...^^
    puhahaha....you deleted a message from my profile...??...-lol

    thx for the tip....wow your profile is very niceeee....the clouds reminds me of dragonball for some weird reason...^^...

    hehe good job on the teeth....guess you'll be able to hold out till your dentist app. then...your tooth has a <3 beat..?...-what?.....hahaha still sleeping downstairs huh....aint it noisy sleeping downstairs..?...

    yupz thas best way....i have a couple of friends who dun take paracetamols anymore coz they dun do nuttin for them no mores and always need something stronger for their m-pains....*sigh* the pains we go through...hahaha....

    why you sitting upright..??...your leather chair is a single chair or something..?...-unsure...
    oooOOOoo slowly doing the profile up i see....(Y)...i was doing mine yesterday and it was driving me crazy coz i was changing the color to something but couldnt actually see where it changed -_____-"

    it mebe will make it less painful...mebe try not to think about it as muchy by doing something else to take your mind off it...?...oh and try not to pop them pills too muchy coz they're pretty strong tabs....

    awww youre sick....so in my house whoevers sick can do whutever they can....its like a permit and use it wisely..if sleeping downstairs helps....move downstairs....haha...
    *google*....ooOOOoo that brand....so hows the tooth after popping stronger pills..?
    not really about old fashioned...its more like pooor no money >.<
    ya started playing on zelda...?...how ya finding it...?..good huh....^^
    nerofen..??....not heard of it before wor...o_O

    i didnt think people still bought games.....R4 cards is the way...(Y)....kekekeke
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