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  • Haha... I rarely use my profile for anything. I guess I was really bored one day so I decided to use it. ah, how do you add music :)
    very weird indeedio!
    they both do annoy me as they have to correct everyone and asking stupid homework questions urgh
    yeah the vegan will deffo annoy u.. the rest of hte others wont as such coz u r looking at their reactions instead coz this other vegan was debating whether to turn back to meat or not...
    maybe if u watched the last one where they was cookign and eatting the offell.. that's a funny ep lol
    well u should watch it then coz the arguments between the vegan male and the meat eatting girl makes some valid arguments in there...
    like some people love animal to the point that they prefer natural death than euthanasia of the animal and as an animal lover would you want to watch it suffer and the vegan said he'll let the animal die of natural cause and watch it suffer

    i see animal as food and animals too lol
    i guess this all animal rights issue is taken too far tbh...
    watch Kill It, Cook It, Eat It.. the new series in iPlayer so and you there is this one vegan that is just what u just said... and this girl who always argue with him... maybe you wont stomach the whole slaughter tho :S
    some people see's their pets as their children so they will sacrifice themselves for them but to me they r just animals that is there to keep up company that's all...

    but some people just don't think when it comes to this if u get what i mean...
    this may sound very insensitive but as a dog walker and being in the town for so long wouldn't you know where the lakes and rivers are even if it is covered by snow or ice?
    I'm not being funny some people may take the risk for shortcut but even I wouldn't even dare to walk through glass flooring let alone ice
    hahah ave u read through the manual??
    usually the more u learn about a camera the more use u have for it and the better quality u will be able to take the picture with :D
    im not very good with cameras tbh....
    one im using is a casio and it works just fine for what i need but canon is known to have good cameras and nikon too..
    why u asked?
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