"The text that you have entered is too long (2057 characters). Please shorten it to 1000 characters long."
omg, this is so gay, never knew there was a max! GAY!!! anyway, hence I cut my msg in 2.....
i guess she didnt care n just gave up on those kids (very low level high schoolers). Haha, i try not to have those moodswings u mentioned. most of the times i am kinda chilled out, like i give em time to chit chat, the first 5 min they get in to settle down and some time in between so they actually will do their work when i ask em to. after my schoolbreak ima be teaching 4 days a wk for 1 semester... thats gonna be quite intensive....... hope i'll survive but it depends on which school i get placed at...! when's ur summer break over? u didnt go on holiday did u?