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  • mudkip!
    i got my gogogogogogogo gadget flow!

    whats up don? just hi-jacking chelly's wall cuz it's so nice and pink :angel:
    if you are what you say you are a superstar, then have no fear, the crowd is here!:kekekegay:
    damn....your sign is annoying lol everytime i click on it, it leads to the cheezburgas hahahaha:laugh:
    don't glare me... just because u show up when i need to leave... it's not my fault u have poopy timing -fear
    I can't believe u posted that on my wall... u know what's gonna happen now? -fear
    oh how can i miss saying happy birthday :(
    "you're in my arms and all the world is calm, the music playing on for only two, so close together and when i'm with you so close to feeling alive":kekekegay::XD:
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY... sweet I didn't miss it.. by that much!

    And I also demand a different thank you jpeg that you gave everybody :XD:
    I'm so picky.
    AWWWW it is ur bdaaaay!!!




    btw...check the bitch clickkkk
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