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  • It's been alright... Lot of work but lots of fun also...
    Too bad, school is starting soon in around a month...
    How did your birthday go? Major partying? ^^
    wwwwhhhhaaat no........ my bday is January! i do it, minus the badge -lol oooohh i see, you just get insanely drunk at a house and fall asleep on the toilet or bath tub :P

    i dont have too many of those kind of labels, im content with buying whatever looks good regardless of brand. So you one of them girls who only wears brands!

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8143780.stm :P
    havent watched newsround in well over a year.... dunno if its still around.... and it is a legit news program!!!!!

    hey you drive with one hand of the steering all the time dont ya?! everyone on bikes rides with one hand when its ok to!

    i would like to, but im still in europe during the week freshers move in........ hey you go gatecrash my freshers fair for me and get me some freebies!

    hmmmm i like some of their jackets. haha you can go wear the mens stuff if you want!
    Lol... Awww.... bb... when u come to NL.... ima cook u so much food ur gonna go home to UK n ur mum wont recognize u...!!

    haha got plenty of time to wait then! good good, did you wear one of those big badges that say "Its My Birthday" and go around the town and get drunk -lol

    lol yes I am chinese. do I have to own burberry then? they are not made up facts, they were in the news!

    next time im gonna carry some mcDs milkshake, and next person to try and spray me, gona get a big mess on their windscreen ahaha

    we will see how good the new is! but everyone knows it will suck.... also the freshers now move in before us, and so i cant go to freshers fair and get freebies.... that sucks...

    not really seen their clothes about or got any of it.... good? or is it one of your chav brands :p
    hehe no probs, have a good birthday then?

    ill let you know i do not own one item of burberry clothing! cant believe chavs ruined that brand. the japanese (just ahead of british and canadians) are the best and french the worst.

    well then you can be stuck in traffic forever. I swear i went the the front of 2 rows of stationary cars stopped at traffic lights and when i got to the front the guy tried to get me wet by washing his windows.... what a looser....

    ive never had tuna sub before, but with any other sub, its always toast with the filling inside except salad. lol grilled tuna.....

    the old ways was good though! why change a good thing..... now no more xmas holidays..... thats why i cant go back to HK this xmas......

    lol its ok i know how to duck and dodge :p
    Im feelin so embarassed right now.... =X OOOOPS.... happy belated bday... im sorrryyyyy... but when u come to NL i will make u a cake ok.... sorry soryyyyyyyyyyyy

    so what gifts did u get.???? what did u do on ur bday......???
    yes. ill just wear a wig :p

    yes but im not a chav ahahaha. Apparently the worst tourists are the french because they are cheap and dont like to speak english or the local language of the countries they visit lol

    maybe a little bit downhill, but some of those bikes can go fast! maybe you should get a push bike too, then you can zoom past traffic lol

    dont remember it being spicy, its just nice! cause you like mayo lol?? i want to try the reggae reggae chicken one

    lol id actually start earlier! i liked the old system and so did everyone else... it meant i had a proper xmas holiday, now i gotta spend my xmas revising.... thats just messed up....

    dunno for sure, im just hoping lol! yeh just rain this week.... haha hiding behind girls, better you get punched then me -lol:p
    1st class for leisure!!!!! no if they have free seats in business or they overbook economy, then they will upgrade people! you should ask nicely next time and give me the ticket :p

    lol people love us wherever we go, we are very nice and civilised. not like those typical british chavs..... :D

    ive seen some push bikes go pretty fast, 30mph riding next to my car, when i saw them, i thought i was doing 10mph or something....

    I was hoping for something, anything to please my taste buds.... sweet onion is nice, but you should try south west, its nice! you can have mayo with tuna :p

    because my stupid uni decided to change the time table from now on.... so start october instead of september and exams are now after xmas.... dam them! they didnt even ask our opinions before they changed it!!!!!!!!!!!

    next week. the sun will shine when i go!!!! oh yeh never accepting the blame is super manly haha
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