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  • yeh gotta become one of those company executives, and just fly business everywhere.... next time you go airport, you should check in on your own and see if you can blag an upgrade! my dads friend flies a lot to hk and goes alone, and he gets upgraded to business quite often

    lol ok so my options are build a bridge/track from spain to uk or swim? hmmmm both sound too easy, so i think i will just build a catapult that will shoot me from spain to uk :D

    thats if you can catch me hahahaha!

    ooh never had the teriyaki. i had sub of the day yesterday, turkey and ham, geeze what a disapointment, thank god for south west sauce!

    nah, my exams will be right after xmas, so i cannot go :(, havent been back in ages.... will prob try and go back summer

    beach weather come on!!!!!!!!! i blame you, because you wouldnt come down.... so its really all your fault :p
    yeh gotta get those business class seats which turn flat... nah they do it by choice, i think most adults get <7 hours.....

    yeh we are using the train in europe, but we need to get their and back via plane. plus there are no trains from spain to uk!

    dont worry i will be up on my bike some day, then to the snakes pass

    i like subway, but the place we found is nicer and cheaper :D sub of the day sucks, unless its meatball haha

    lol all that excitement just kills you eh. got any plans to go hk soon?

    im pretty much spending the week there. lol maaan it would be rude of me to keep asking joe if it was actually happening! you gave me bad rep now -lol
    yeh just get a hoodie and roll it up as a pillow. lol what ubber fluffy, i only see some crappy pillow that is like a piece of paper! 1-9 is pretty decent. think my parents get like 7 hours, depends

    lol i do, everyone of my trips has always been on a budget. just recently booked our home flights from europe, easy jet, something like £25 from barcelona

    nah all the times ive been to buxton, ive never been on the cat and fiddle. yes you should go on it and film it so i know what its like

    nah offer finished, but we still go back, because even at full price its cheap and nice compared to something like subway

    lol got them holiday blues. yeh it sucks when you land in england, and its all cloudy or raining and everyone looks miserable....

    yeh i am going to brighton instead.... maaaaan not my fault, they hadnt confirmed anything, so i said yes to my friend instead.....
    gah I dunno where you buy that stuff from.... I just use a rolled up hoody instead :p lol even thats a bit too early for me......

    wonder if they ever do deals on business class....

    i will pay for the ham and cheese pannini on flight :p lol yeh it is in the peak district! seemed to be loads in buxton.... you should go race them on the cat and fiddle road haha

    retarded genius which still makes me more clever!!! :p

    nah it was a really nice sandwich bar/cafe. go there for lunch mmmmmm

    yep if you arrive at like 5-6am, there is no one in customs to check your luggage, no one works at that time except the border people
    cause they cost like £7.......... those dam shops at the airports are waiting to rip you off! nah i dont, but i usually get my 8 hours. if i get 6, i will just feel like crap all day.... yeh i like the smell too but hate the taste...

    lol my dad still goes to a chinese travel agency who finds the best price for you! always cheaper than the "cheap" deals online

    sorry my private jet is in use, you will have to fly easy jet or BMI haha. yeh quiet and a bit boring....you should go at night, all i hear are boy racers in their cars!

    lol see youre the one who is a retard! aahahaha! Im just too clever that my brain automatically works out what it should be :D

    friend works at one of the places and another place just opened so was 50% for a few days :D

    haha yeh! luckily we always fly back in the morning, so never any customs about -smart
    yeh, i just put in my music and fall asleep. its still uncomfortable as hell, i wake up with neck pain, but it passes the time lol. wow 6-7 hours and no coffee, not bad!

    lol ring them up! they prob only have those for chinese people ahaha so dont wana show on their website!

    wana ruin my clean license! fine just fly down, less than a hour by plane :p yeh i drove to buxton and newcastle before. In fact when i drove to newcastle i was following a grandad driving at 100mph!

    omg how rude! just jealous at the relaxed lifestyle of a student :p

    hell yeh! i think the last 3 meals i went to eat out were 50% off hahaha

    ahhhhh yeh, they dont care about customs and the fact half the stuff is illegal to bring in lol
    lol only on the plane. 8 hours is enough for me normal life. you one of those people who get like 5 hours sleep a day and drink coffee all day to stay awake??

    hmmm i never see those deals :( ok buy my ticket first then i will get yours ;)

    psssh only 4-5 hours, just drive a bit faster :p lol you northerners just too use to your tractors going slow

    yeh i want to be a STUDENT!!!!!!!! lol i dont to become a retard! pssshh your advice sucks :p

    if i could apply for one of them free bus passes i would, better than paying £1 for each journey.....

    ahahaha smuggling them snacks. my parents smuggle suitcases full of those chinese herbs and stuff for making soup.....
    maybe its cause i go to sleep for 10 hours and never see anything happen.... lol yeh the expensive airlines! i want to fly cathay or virgin business class!!!! you can pay for my ticket :)

    ah its only a drive away to get down south ;) ahahaha well i cant promise i wont murder them all..... lol jk jk....

    lol guess a year working turns you into an old man, gotta get back into the student mentality!! yeh the UK ones, i think they are still piloting them for certain people? any other ids i can sign up for :D ?

    you wait till your next holiday, when you come back to uk and to immigration, it will be me refusing your entry aahhaha :p
    neglected, forgot, going crazy, its all the same :D

    wwhhhhaaat?! Whenever I fly BA, i never see pot noodles..... Yeh BA have like 1 or 2 chinese movies, but cathay usually have loads! again what!?! i never see them hand out calibee!!!!

    ok, thats the only exception lol. since you know everyone, you should go to a meet!

    lol well im greedy and like to complain -tongue2 hmmm maybe i should sign up for them new ID cards they making -lol

    i heard it was full of terrorists.... fine, send you to somalia, you can become a pirate!
    lol i thought i replied to you already..... must be going crazy....

    yeh its cause he studies french

    lol tbh every company is the same to me. I get to sit in an uncomfortable chair and eat crap food. The only reason i like cathay a bit more is because they have more chinese shows and pot noodles haha

    yeh been here a while, but all the people going to the meets are new people....

    lol i would be so annoyed if i missed my slot.... means more queueing!!! well i like being greedy so neh neh

    wait till you end in yemen, then we will see whos laughing :p
    lol nah not now, but my friend was working in paris. haha yeh despite how it sounds, 8 minutes of just messing around with someone whilst drunken sleeping is funny as hell!

    thats only cause you cant be at my level :p however i may have forgotten everything i learnt at uni already.... god its gonna be tough when i go back....

    BA i think, yeh not those budget airlines, that even charge for water.... haha well i dunno if its any good yet, ill thank you later! still bit weird to meet up with random people....

    yeh i hate how they only allocate like 100 spaces at each place, so you have to queue super early to get a place.... i might renew my passport online, then collect it when i go back to hk

    haha well i still have links! yeh you best be prepared!
    lol i have a friend who fell asleep in the paris metro, whilst my other friend for 8minutes was poking his face whilst filming it and he didnt wake up at all....

    haha will u feel better if adult is 30yo instead! oooooooo mine was a typo, i was meant to write 5yo and i graduated a 4 year masters in 1 year :D and got my PHD a year later so beat that!

    just google interail, lots of fun. haha nah no eurostar, we flying into europe then taking trains from then on. haha yeh nj msged me. i think i am going, but not for defo atm

    renewing uk passport, then renewing hk one, then had to get the new hk id card with the chip, then theres my drivers license... to think, the amount of money i spent on official id.....

    lol u sucka! since i work in passport, im gonna get them to wipe your details, then you get arrested and deported to yemen..... :p
    lol 130 trophies with one platinum!!! aint hard lil girl anyways you don't believe me go check it out, oh wait you can't hahahah.... anyways i got an 100 dolla gift card with mines hehehe... oh yea sixaxis controller is the old controller lol, i got my ps3 before it was bundled with the dual shock.
    lol i didn't get any games with my ps3 i even had to buy the dual shock controller separately lol that sucked. but i have a spare six axis for people. 70 trophies ain't bad i'm not too far from that anyways haha you have golds or platinums? go get the resident evil 5 one was easy just played online with other people.
    lol if there isnt a shower, chances are there is no bath too! you use anything that you can find, bottles, chairs, tables, etc -lol

    i think 21 and your officially considered an adult?? well thats because im the child genius that went to uni at 8yo, so clearly you are still older haha

    lol its not a cruise, most of the countries im going to are land locked..... its interail! you buy a train ticket which allows you to travel through europe. meet up with PA people?! i cant remember why i didnt join.... i think i was away or something?

    yeh im use to paying extortionate fees for official documents.... yeh but i think it has a period even longer than passports, not sure

    yeh i started in july, i dunno, i think they messed up the recruiting, so made it all late.... oh well nothing to do with me anymore :)
    lol i'll add you and you'll know mines anyways me hurry? you slow gah lookie at convo laa, i asked you one week ago u coulda pmed me lol fine i'll take that as a no lol you don't have to give it to me its ok laaaa... lol its like 80 degrees where i live stop complaining! lol i think theres a trophy for beating gta in 30 hours or less have to play it again though after the update haha. you have trophys yet? mr. ecko gor has like 300 hahah i have like 130 only. i don't have lbp unfortunately.
    i beat it in a lil over 30 hours, it was my first ps3 game lol then i went on to mgs and yea pool sucks! what you never been into the hospital? is gta your friend's or yours lol...
    anyways when you giving up your psn id or just say you don't want to give it up and i won't ask haha..bb leave me hanging arrr. just say no if you don't want to its fine laa...
    man if you have no access to a shower, its the next best thing! oooh i seeeee lol. you should play that game, where you try and balance as much stuff on that person without them waking up

    lol my friend said something similar, it was his 21st birthday, and he said he was sad he was no longer a teen... well you are older than me, so its downhill quicker for you ahahaha :p

    yeh, they just chosen because they look good in a band, only made to make money. no actual real musical talent... but im not complaining... :)

    all around europe actually, starting in Amsterdam, going through a whole bunch of countries via train and ending up in barcelona. going to be mad, staying like 2-3 days max in each place, then moving on.

    lol my passport is actually out of date by 1.5 years now.... luckily my ID card wont expire for aaageeesss :p

    we showed the new permanent staff stuff when they first came, but we didnt get to teach the new students as they dont start till like august or something
    baby wipes then, no need for water haha lol tooth paste thingy???!

    omg, they old like you :p but they pretend to be young like me :D

    nah no amazing songs or albums, but the odd good song here and there. but thats what you get with typical manufactured pop singers

    europe this year, asia next year :D

    they did ages ago, but i turned them down, because i still have 2 years of study and things can change in 2 years and i want to try out other things. but my boss did say to me that he would happily hire me anyday, which i found reassuring
    lol just give up ur psn laaa then you can just check on the trophies page....u stoooppidd bb kung kung chung ming nei sor sor di ah :spank: lol i don't even play the games on home since its always full in the us (tried euro home, nobody on there lol) i quit it after like i explore all the spaces.

    oh yea i've completed gta a loong time ago lol wah bowling and darts what about hitting up the hospital hahaha...get online i'll take you there show you whats the real deal about:kekekegay:
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