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  • lol well if my maths serves me correct it would be 2209! (2009 + 200 = 2209, I must be correct!) Im no good at simple maths, only brain busting super hard maths :p

    omg not a fan of red meat.... your not a.... vegetarian are you?!!? eewwww haha

    ahaha yeh that thing looked so crap, i cant believe they made it... the other teams thing looked cool and i could actually see that being something real, like that wii board or some
    haha, ok im not a fake quite person, that sounds bad, im just quite when i want to be, not so quite when i dont want to be. its hard to explain, people who know me very well will prolly say i dont shut up, it depends on how comfortable i am with the people im with maybe. i dont get myself in silent situations, that only happens when ive been conversing with a friend for almost 3 hours straight and i run out of crap to say lolz.

    lolz yup i that happens, there was such a fuss when i passed my driving licence before my other cousins, was very amusing.

    noooooooooooooo i dont sing, thats phoenix trying to get me to sing :(
    xbox pads cost £35 for wireless, but the silly shop was selling wireless with the adapter to connect it to the pc for £25, they think that version only works on the pc!!

    na i dont work i go uni

    lolz fake quite person, nice :p, naa i like to listen but i can be loud when i want to be, yes ill be quite around people i dont know to well so i can hear them speak, you learn a lot about a person that way, if they happen to be a jerk then i wont bother with them. there was a girl who was owndering why i woundnt acknowledge her but little did she know, i listened to her speak to her friends and she was full of crap cus she was to pretty for her own good.

    i know about the gossip, my fam dos it lol
    you remember on zelda them big guys who chase you if you walk in front of them and you gota run and hide? its them guys, you can control them and the person your against controls link and you gota catch him, you take turns, its very good.

    yeah i did mention my toothache so you can imagine how bad it was for me to talk about it -cry, my friends in rl dont know about it though, only a couple of people i work with so they no why i couldnt do my work. quiet people are just quite, not shy. shy people are shy :p unless the person happens to be quite and shy >.< i just like listening to people but my friends say im only quite sometimes, other times a little crazy -noclue

    nooo i hate gossip, i dont bother with that stuff, when people start gossiping about others (talking bad) ill tell them to stop it or ill change the subject., this is because i know gossipers and they talk behind each others backs. MOST people gossip but not everyone.
    aww yeah i only got the boomerang, but in battle mode you dont use weapons, you use the phantoms :p

    im quite by nature but im good at listening, which is why i know a lot about people around me, they usually end up suprised when they see i know so much about them. i guess im a good match for people who talk a lot, they like talking and i rarher listen then talk all the time, call me an anti-attention seeker. i talk when i want to but in a group i would rather listen to everyone else but i can be scary when annoyed by people who are being idiots -devil.

    everyone gets questions with bad motive, trying to find things out about others that does not concern them, asking you questions that require you to talk about others, asking loaded questions, stupid questions!!, rhetorical questions (hate them the most), trying to be smart, cus im quite my listening skills are good so i see motive clearly.
    you know i will write you a cheque for 1 million pounds but date the cheque 200 years into the future, so you can cash it then :p

    hey lamb neck is really nice! pretty cheap too

    yeh i always follow apprentice! its so funny

    lol yeh i should have just downloaded the first ep.... well maybe you just have weird taste and its actually really good!?!
    1st - your white text is invisible against your white background !!! >.<

    yup, ill play you at zelda, im just waiting for luminous arc 2 to come, should be a few days now, yeah you get a rank when you play online battle with zelda.

    Im a quiet person really so i dont ask people questions, unless i can be bothered, they tend to ask me, but i dont mind questions if the motive is not bad, if it is bad then il prolly say something that will cause the person to not question me again -devil-devil

    your questions are fine so its all good. dancey1
    lol no ways, what happens if you have some money in your account though, do they still bounce the whole cheque or take whats there!?

    i did actually help make it, but the recipe was all his. yeh we make it all the time, its roast lamb neck, very nice cut of meat and seasoned and roasted mmmmm!

    yeh we will, lets see whos final product is better, dragons den showdown!

    only like chapter 10. i have downloaded that melon one, thought it looked funny. so is it no good have i wasted my time downloading it?!
    im not sure, i know someone gets charged, hopefully it will be the person trying to cash said bouncy cheque haha. only the noodles are pre made, everything else is from scratch. tastes so good!

    hey a desert chef is not a bad thing! i only know how to make a few simple soups. but my friend who i lived and am going to live with is a fairly good chef. Heres something we made (well he did most of the cooking)
    the only thing pre made was the noodles, everything else was made from scratch, sooo nice!

    too late, idea already stolen. eeewww who would want to employ acne teens when you can have a clean robot do it twice as quick and no emo ness

    lol yeeeh cheeese! it was kinda boring at the beginning, but starting to enjoy it. yeh the yellow lambo was nice!
    for the DS you need that wifi stick if you have no wifi in your house already or if your not in a hotspot, same with the laptop, you gota be in a hotspot so the stick basically gives you your own little hotspot in your house.

    ohh you wana play me at mario cart too :), only joking, im to good at that game but zelda would be fair, im still Rank 'H' :( ive never been into tetris though, i think i just sux at it lol

    yeah i was just thinking that, if it comes again it will be gone by the time i get to the dentist, maybe ill get lucky and someone will punch me in the face and knock the tooth out :p

    dont confuse evangelist with evangelion haha, i never watched that, cant be bothered.

    aye when you ask to much qustions it can get annoying, it happens to me all the time :(
    fine ill sign those cheques and then you can watch them bouuuunccceee away ahha :p

    ahh fair enough, back in halls we usually had take away like at the end of every week when people were too lazy to cook. so i take it you became a master chef during your time at uni?!

    haha well i bet i would make millions if i could invent something like that! haha and if i do, im not giving you any money for the idea !

    yeh i did, it was a really rushed ending from what i remember. well that girl is kinda a bad actor anyway, all in all it was a ok series! im on like ep 10 of that jewels one, only 70 more to go before i can watch EU!!!!!!
    Yeah the stick is not a memory stick though, its a wifi stick, so you do need wifi, it just makes one for your ds to connect to your internet, yeah try to get one though but make sure you get the right one like the one i showed you and not an access point like you would get from argos etc, i would love to play against you on the ds :), also i just beat the fire boss on zelda were you use the boomerang on him!!

    I went dentist, they did nothing because there is no symptoms any more, no pain, no sign of anything, so i have to go back if the pain comes back, my luck ehh.

    Im a christian, so i read many books including my bible so i can learn about it and actually be able to answer peoples questions when they ask. the books im reading now is based on evangelism, there is no updates though the bible was written and finnished nearly 2000 years ago hehe :p, curiosity is good as i said to a friend, "its good to be inquisitive" (he didnt know what it meant but he nodded anyway >.<)
    hey it was you who suggested sweets, so thats what i giving!

    haha it was pizza hut delivery! so dont even have to go anywhere!

    arent those McD training thingies worth like a few GCSEs?!?!?
    Hey bb, its a nice song, i will watch the anime seeing that you recommend it. i advise you watch school rumble, its my fav anime, even surpassed love hina!!

    I do play the story but not much cus i battle, but im at the bit were im about to sail for the first time to find some chick who can tell me about the boat i need to get to, still at the start basically.. u really need to get a 'Nintendo WiFi USB connector', you just plug it in like a memory stick and it creates wireless for your DS, then you can play me!! you can get it here http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B001JKXOHG/ref=dp_olp_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1238931948&sr=8-3

    as for sleeping standing... im sure ive done it before lol, the appointment is on Monday, i got it pushed forward, its a benefit of being friends with the dentist reception but back then it was hurting and i just wanted someone to come and punch me in the face so the tooth could fall out :(
    This is X3
    >.<, i didnt want to spam your profile to much lol

    the music is the ending song to one of my fav animes, can remember the name right now, just log out and check my profile to hear it!! hopefully this music thing will get fixed soon.

    95% of the time im playing the online battle mode on zelda, its got little to do with zelda but its awsome, im just waiting for 'Luminous arc 2' to get delivered, ordered it from playasia. As for my reading, for the most part im reading religious stuff, i would read more if i was able >.<

    YES neck ache is common, i got sore bum cheeks after 3 days of sitting :(

    if i could sleep normally on the 3 seater i would just go to bed but i need to stay upright, on the 3 seater im gona end up sleeping on my side even if i begen upright ill wake up on my side. its actually healing now or whatever, so i should be able to lay down normally again soon.
    yes claiming my karma cheque! when i win i will hand out some sweets like you always wanted haha

    they are pretty good vouchers, so many offers, i prob saved a bit of money during my first year thanks to that voucher book! :D

    sure, i put the work of typing it out, therefore it is also my work, people need to reference the hard work i do copying! -lol

    special jeans with kevlar sewn into the knees and hip for extra protection. proper bike suits arent really suitable just for popping to the shops or somehting !
    Hey, i sent you a second message then remembered i could edit the first and stick it on the end of that so i deleted the second.

    ty about the profile, i like it much, if you log out and go to my profile youll hear my music too, its not working when your logged in yet, strange..

    im in my room as normal during the day and go to sleep downstairs when everyone has gone to bed so its only me, a book, DS and the TV :)

    When you lay down your body is straight(Horizontal), because of that your blood rushes to your head more than normal, when that happens it aggrivates the toothache by pushing blood through the vessels and pressing the nerve on the tooth which is why you can feel the pulse.

    we got three single and one 3 seater sofa, i sit on the single and i have a beanie bag to rest my feet on :), it keeps me upright when i sleep. i actually put a little cushion on my head when i sleep so when i tilt or fall to the side it drops off and wakes me up!!! it actually works
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