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  • haha yeh, gotta get one each, well some people dont even care and ask for seconds. well i could understand red packets, but for some sweets the people were going crazy....

    i got some playing cars in a JD tin and a hip flask lol omg we never got free pizza, but got pizza hut vouchers which were pretty decent. and we had no other commercial companies except rileys lol our freshers fair sounds crap compared...

    lol i only stop if im need toilet, tired or hungry or the journey is longer than 4 hours. i never play the games or go into the arcade.....
    what do you see?

    np laa
    and no im not leng lui ^_^
    need to gam fai to do the leng lui part haha
    so i remember ur a BBC too? where in UK mah? xD
    lol i was watching super trio and they were handing out sweets or something cause it was the CNY episode, and all the people were pushing and shoving to get to the side to get some. I was like wow its only some sweets, dont have to go crazy lol. but i guess thats chinese people, if its free, you gotta get some -lol

    lol i never got a bottle opener, but i got a whole load of jack daniels stuff, queued up a few times to get the different items lol. how about i trade you a small frisbee for you bottle opener :D

    no i hate tail gaters, i keep a decent distance without inviting people into my gap but always keeping up with the person in front. i just go with the flow (Y)
    just take all the freebies instead and then leave :p yeh every table had them, but then again chinese people like to smoke....

    haha no see im such a genius, they think i have fallen into their trap, when really they have fallen into my trap :D

    ok we do have a natwest bank on campus, but they only set up outside their own bank and ive never seen them give anything away. yes although i did end up with so much crap when i moved out last year and realised most of it was from freshers fair...

    yeh your not meant to hog the middle lane, but people always do. I never hog, i always go as fast as the guy in front does, unless they doing <70 then i overtake :)
    well everyone would just leave then :p I also remember at some weddings they have packets of cigarettes too...

    lol no they interviewed me cause they wanted to see in person just how much of a genius i am -smart

    we never had any banks come to our uni..... lol inflatable chair, i guess students accept all kinds of crap anyways

    lol well glad you didnt kill anyone on your crazy drive! well thing is, everyone speeds on the motorway, its just the way it is, i mean on the motorway i go on, the middle lane is minimum 80mph or people will just tail gate you.... so on fast lane your doing 90 ish +. but really its all safe and your just going with the flow, but who knows when i cop will decide to pick on you and pull you over...
    thats cause cream soda is so much better! you dont see bubble tea at banquets now do ya :p

    lol nah its only uni interview, i dont think it needs to be formal at all, unless they say so. but i think everyone was just casual anyways. yeh there was this one parent at one of the open days who just kept asking and asking.....

    lol come on back in the days banks were offering mp3 players, vouchers, etc!

    i do see a lot of undercover traffic police about these days, more than normal police in fact.... i always get paranoid when speeding past new BMWs, volvos and general boring but fast cars, cause i think they are police.....
    omg you suck, cream soda is the best!

    nope i didnt wear any suits to my uni visits or even to 1 of my interviews! tbh i didnt actually pay too much attention to the important things when i visited my uni...... luckily it all turned out fine :D

    well i could be searching forever if i dont have somewhere to start ;) otherwise all i would find are pictures of bears....

    lol well my barclays provides free pens, so i need something different and better before i open an account!

    not randomly, but i laugh a lot with my friend in the car, luckily the cops around here dont care about that....
    well you know what is really nice?! Swepps Cream Soda, just got a whole case full :D

    true true, much more better looking at unis with your mates, than your parents.... I went to my uni with about 7 other people i knew from college lol but completely diff courses, but i ended up in halls with 2 of friends 1st year. still good friends with about 5 of my mates from high school/college which isnt too bad

    clues to search for pics ;) since you said i just need to search for them :p

    my bike did put a dent in my account, but im making enough money to cover that. i think i will skip your bank, unless you will offer me £2000 overdraft facility and a credit card and a loan

    lol how unlucky is that, cop must have had nothing better to do.... i would be pulled many times if they did that to everyone....
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