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  • lol my own gritter on my car, i dont think it will help, as the salt has to mix with the water beforehand and dissolve in.

    it doesnt matter, cause ive got so much cool, i can afford to loose some ;)
    lol using legs was just as deadly as once the snow got trampled in, it became super slippy ice, i saw some poor girl slip and both legs in the air before falling on her ass...

    lol i dont think that will work, but hey your welcome to try it.... then people will laugh at you when you take em to look at your BM"W". yeh i do live far from my work, so i go on motorways, A roads and B roads. lol yes I live in the ghetto, you should come down and experience some ghetto life!

    well maybe just fun for driver, but if the driver is good then fun for passengers as its exciting going round twisties fast!

    yep so not long now before i finish work, its gonna be weird becoming a student again... yeh i have to do one every 3 months.... then one big ass final one....

    lol they would only notice my ginger hair...... i think you should die your hair ginger and find out
    well if its been raining, it means water on road, which means ice! so you defo need to grit if its been raining then goes freezing temps! but funnily today my car wasnt even iced over

    well sport has climate control and is faster and sportier, as the name implies lol

    well if your a genius like me, the alarms dont even go off :p
    well sleet is like slushy snow, so half rain half snow lol. lol just no transport at all, and roads were crazy....

    yeh but thats what i get for running a "sports" bike. although to be truthful, i dont get as much mpg out my car as i should. The bike should do better even if i ride it faster then my car. i dont live in the nicest of places lol

    haha sounds fun then! well my placement ends june, right smack in summer :D

    lol no it wouldnt, people wouldnt even notice my eyes if i had ginger hair....
    lol at least you have grit! i swear none of the roads have been gritted since the rain.... prob cause they ran out.... but lucky there is not much water on the roads or it would all be ice!

    nah my swift is pretty standard, cause you get AC, alloys as standard. I think in the sport version you can go for the colour matching leather interior.

    you know i use to walk 10mins to secondary school everyday and back in uni, i use to walk like 20mins there and 20mins home! you should try it!

    lol ha your code. well ill just break out of jail straight away, im just too clever! :p
    omg i just typed loads and FF crashed on me...

    a little sleet today, but not much more. Well i dont go into central london, but stilll last monday i couldnt get into work, just too much snow. I think nearly the entire south of the country shut down pretty much...

    haha gotta love the twisties! yeh i will only go fast if i know the road. Well petrolwise, it uses the same as my car so not bad, but thats cause its really a "baby" sports bike. Insurance is only high cause of my age, location and im new to biking.
    nah i havent been on any twisties up north... I always drive near the cat and fiddle cause i always go buxton to work, but never get onto it.... But i will get up there one day, prob summer when i have 4 months off till uni starts lol

    haha well that helmet was for you! haha i dont think i would look very cool with a ginger mohawk!
    yeh it sucks to see all that hardwork disappear so fast... washed my car sunday, and it was looking so shiny, till it rained and i drove into muddy puddles... .... ... ...

    lol nah, they just replace them with the standard trim! lol i still didnt ring em....

    well if it was town centre i would just get bus into work, it would only take 10mins.... could walk and take 20mins

    lol well im sure you will get your chance to go to jail, since your always being anti-social with your friends....
    dunno, its just been raining hardcore this week, well now its sunny.... but last week london was shut down, no busses, no tubes, nothing....

    lol well near my work the roads are nice and twisty, so would make a nice ride there. haha come up north, that would mean riding like 4 hours, cause its a sports bike, its uncomfortable to ride for any length of time. Puts loads of weight onto the wrists..... but you do have some really fun roads up north....
    lol nah it does not have spikey hair on my helmet... haha you can have this one for your hair
    lol well if they had a job going there i wouldnt mind working in the town centre! yeh im glad i got a job :D

    well youd be suprised at how ingenious prisoners become, i mean you have got a lot of time whilst in jail to think of things!

    lol well maybe you should look behind you! (haha i bet you looked behind you)
    well its just raining for us... a lot... nah its just so boring, i dont have a laptop, so i cant just surf the net or watch movies whilst im away. Plus it was a nice exciting drive in the snow haha

    lol why would i go home to pick up my swift? Both good and bad interesting, i think i prefer to be a bike rider who goes out for fun, rather than using a bike as a practical thing too.
    what because of the ice or what? what is hazardous about using the jet spray??

    well just the boot carpet gets replace lol nothing cool about it... i dunno if they will provide me with a free courtesy, still need to ring them...
    lol no i dont live on a farm.... my work is in the middle of nowhere so people live in random places. so no one really lives near anyone

    i guess better than nothing.... im sure there is someway to turn it into a weapon -devil

    well i think you should be, cause I am scary!
    sort of exciting, but was scary at points. i just really wanted to go home, rather than spend another day in a hotel doing nothing...... yeh more snow and ice... oh god... is it bad up north or is it just us southerners getting it bad?

    lol admittedly not too many times, but weather has been terrible, and as im just starting out, i want to get use to the bike in good weather first! although i did go all the way to work last week on my bike, very interesting :D

    lol confusion... i dont even know what i was on about... a film or tvb....

    somthing about the carpets not having the correct fireproofing and the boot light shorting and causing sparks or something -lol... i really should book it in... but i need good weather so i can book the car in and use the bike to go to work
    lol no one at my work lives where i live :(

    lol a kiddie play saw, a junior hacksaw will do the job!

    well no one is gonna tip me off... cause they know the consequences! -dead lol
    yeh even 4x4 skid, but at least they can move in the snow... i was lucky i could even get out from near bristol today.... so much snow, and half the roads were just unpassable.... i was driving in snow storms....

    well i havent bought anything for last month, as i already spent a bunch on car tax and my bike, so kind of had to allow money to stay in the bank! lol my parents only buy chinese herbs from HK.....

    hmmm dont say that, i really didnt want to start it.....

    yeh i really do need to book the car in, theres a recall on my car anyways, something to do with the boot setting on fire -lol but havent had time and been a bit lazy to book the car in.... yeh i do like when the aircon clears the mist so quick!
    well i "would" catch the bus to work, but no buses go to my work, therefore i must use my car :p

    lol well you can get me one of those cakes, where a women jumps out with a saw -lol

    why pay when you can get it for free -lol

    unfortunately i went into work.... roads were mostly snow and ice.... but i got in and back home without incident.... i have to go to bristol tomorrow..... omg....
    not free till weekend as usual... but too cold to go shopping.... man was driving on the motorway doing about 50mph and the car is sliding all over the place...... crazy....

    well yes I do work too hard, at last someone recognises my work ethic :D yeh its just work takes up so much time during the week, weekends are now treasured! haha yeh i waste a lot of my money online too. My friend at work, when its pay day, must go online and buy himself something haha

    wasnt even a chick flick, just some tragic drama... no i havent watched that... hmm another sad story....

    no ways, SUPER COOL! lol well my aircon atm is broke anyways... need to get it to the garage so they can re-gas it.....
    come on at least hide a saw inside a cake or something..... you suck as a visitor!

    well i d/l at least for my parents, so not wasted. the drive of life.... cant remember drive of life....

    omg so much snow, couldnt even go to work today....
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