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  • I like superdry too, but everyone, i mean everyone, wears it... so i dont bother....

    all i wana do on my weekends these days is relax...!
    i personally thought it was a crap film, tried way too much to be emotional and the actual plot was a bit retarded....

    nah it looks super cool on my car haha guess it would really only look good on a black car. cause AC wastes petrol! just cause you wana kill the planet :p

    well the theory is proven, that is all i can say -fear
    haha already trying to smuggle me stuff! i think some hard drugs would make better currency inside prison...

    lol well its in progresss ...... somewhere.....

    oh so people say its bad!? I think i will watch last one standing first... but i dunno, looks way too serious to me, might just skip it....
    couldnt you just get like a small size and then pass it off as a womens tee?

    hmmm see that would be a nice weekend, kicking back with some documentaries :D I did watch seven pounds with will smith yesterday, dam what a depressing film....

    yeh they cover like the top bit of the window, so you can open them when driving without inducing a hurricane inside your car :D See if you had wind deflectors, you can open the windows and no one would notice!

    well clearly from my story, the conclusion is, I can break the law and get away with it -lol
    well in jail with you guys im sure, i will learn from the master criminal asbos you guys are :p

    well i could send you some, but it would prob get destroyed in the post espesh if it was tofu -lol if i go any time soon i will take some pictures and let you have them ahha

    nahhhhh, ive been watching nothing.... dunno why, cant be bothered to start a series, i really should.... you watching it? any good?
    haha "why are all the fun things illegal", OOOOKKKKKkkkkkk.... your clearly too much of a criminal..... :p

    lol i dunno why i wrote that, I was planning to have a lazy weekend, no going out -wheel.....
    yeh what i would do is just leave the windows open just enough so my wind deflectors cover it and so you wouldnt even know it was open. Yeh i got some smilly face freshners, but not put it in the car yet

    lol you cant copy my excuse! Hmmm I once ran a red light, only to see a police car do a u-turn and turn on his sirens, i shit it and was getting ready to pull over... but then the police car passed me and zoomed off :D
    lol yeh your right, im just turning into a boring old fart... maybe i should get myself an asbo, then would i be with the "in" crowd like you guys :D

    hair dryer usually works wonders on damp clothing :D i use to have to walk to school and if it was pouring down with rain, it would be spend teh rest of the day damp....

    lol maybe you should visit london just to get some proper chinese deserts !
    haha nah only uncivilised people do that, I just cut them back up or block em in :D
    yeh i think any horn that plays a differing tone whilst in use is illegal.... haha yeh i find them funny when boy racers have them

    busy busy weekend... i seem to be cleaning every weekend... my car smells a bit damp, but dammit not hot enough for me to be able to air out the car....

    lol i cant believe you actually do that.... i think i ran a few orange/reds this morning... just couldnt be bothered to stop the car since i was already doing 30... see i do it because i wana save the planet, you know save fuel...
    lol you guys are so random, see as i said earlier all you guys need asbos...

    haha nah i usually only take clothes from my wardrobe which are all dry.... haha i bet you still go out in those damp clothes though! so uncomfortable....

    nah never been in another china town except london... omg no bubble tea or tofu faa.... are you sure its a china town?!
    yeh my cars horn is pretty piddly.... i do use it, but id rather get em back by other means lol
    lol circus horns, i think horns that play tunes are illegal...

    lol nah i mean in in my car, cause when people step on leaves and get into my car, brings em all in.... but i know what u mean when leaves settle on the bit just between the bonnet and screen....

    sure it is! just as dangerous! and plus it was 70 in a 40 :p I bet when you run red lights u just close ur eyes and hope for the best lol
    maybe it is stress haha.. especially this winter, the weather sucks and ive just been overstressing =_=" but exams are finally over.. but i got loads of work to do for summer exams n uni stuff (portfolio *sigh*)... stress.. so frustrating haha.. it;s like 3am right now and im feeling stressed now.. having to carve some sculpture for monday.. it's fun.. but your hand gets soooo tired haha.. and ur eyes get tired. i need sleep =_="

    yeh maybe i'll try gloves.. itll feel weird wearing gloves in bed hehe... i dun like wearing socks in bed.. hehe xD.. thanks for your advice :)
    hope the weekend has been well for you
    and happy chinese new year^^
    take care
    lol why would you point a hair dryer at people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people will call police and then armed police will shoot you..... -dead

    lol well its just drying but inside.... you wont get fresh air smell with the crappy winter... more like damp.... in summer then yes!

    what! no tofu faa in china town... thats not a china town.... bet its got bubble tea though ......
    lol maybe you just suck at making them ? :p
    I think i might fit one of those super loud horns to my bike and car, my car has the most pathetic horn ever. I think people laugh at me when i use it....
    lol you guys were hooligans..... always doing something antisocial....

    yeh its good sometimes when it rains, cause at least you know the salt and dust is being washed away, well at least some of it.... there is now a collection of leaves in my car.... really need to hoover the interior....

    lol and you wana book me! it blatently wasnt orange/red, you mean RED :p hahaha! well you didnt go through any which had cameras by them did you?!
    nah we have like clothes racks in like a area we use for laundry, so no need to worry about good weather

    isnt there a china town near you? look on teh interwebz to see how to make it yourself!


    omg i have had to post in 2 parts due to stupid limit...
    hmmm dont notice people flashing unless they are letting you past or want you to move over.... need to get meself one of those truck horns, you know the ones that are so loud they will scare little kids haha

    see i knew you would succumb to the hand car wash, its way too cold to do anything yourself :p oh dear, luckily they didnt move my mirrors when the wiped mine. jeeze i might have to pay to have mine washed again, its soooo dirty....

    yeh, but in my defense, its a straight road thats down hill slightly and very wide, so you can see all the way to the end and it wasnt dangerous, so neh :p
    hahahaaha that is such an evil game, but i must admit i have also played it. but not in a car. We were leaving a friends house at night, had a digital camera, so as cars were driving past a speed cam we would take a photo and all the drivers instantly slam on the brakes thinking the speed cam went off
    i have a little bit on my arms.
    and like on my face.. like.. around the eye =_="... and on some days its ok..and other days its like rly sore... even though ive put cream on and stuff... but yeh rly annoying having it under the eye and a lil bit over the eye cos the skin is so sensitive there T_T..
    i want it to go >=O

    hopefully itll die down when the weather gets a little better... or something =S maybe it's all the dust in the house.. i'm allergic 100% to dustmites.. and other stuff etc =_=.. it caused a problem for my nose for like 1-2 yrs and i ended up taking some stupid inside nose operation.. .. maybe dust affecting around my eyes now xD
    Thanks Si-Fu!!!
    Belated Merry Christmas to you too!

    Hope everything is going well for you =)
    haha i did actually sound my horn on the motorway cause some idiot cut me up and i had to slam on the brakes..... and too much traffic to try and cut him back up.... yeh see thats how i annoy people who annoy me too, take as much time as possible, then when they speed past all angry, give em a nice grin :D

    lol well according to fifth gear a car wash isnt too bad, the hand car wash would have won, but they used a rubber wiper blade which put loads of micro scratches on the paint.....

    did the 70 on a 40 road which most will do 50 on max. but i had some guy in a van trying to go up my ass, which i didnt appreciate, so i blasted off haha

    i hang up my laundry inside my house, its fine :D i hate tumble driers, ever since i shrunk some of my clothes, i always naturally dry mine.
    beach house sounds cool, better be ready by the summer!

    aww if only you were down here, theres this place in china town that does loads of types of tofu faa, very nice!

    what the hell, 1000 character limit....
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