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  • hey :) .., i tried to reply to your comment about the ezcema stuff.. but it didn't work like.. three times >_<".. =/
    but yeh.. ezcema soo annoying.. i've also tried hydrocortisone and aqueous cream before.. but didnt work =/ then like.. they gave me protopic which was good and worked.. but apparently increases risk of cancer =_="... *sigh* and then this time round they gave me elidel.. which i'm sure i've overused =/ .. but yeh i'm just gonna use moisturising cream now and hope all the redness goes >=O

    hope you are well~~
    and wrap up warm~~
    i do admit i get road rage, but not the shouting abuse type. i usually block em in or cut em up haha

    nah, hand car wash near mine. it was clean on sunday, its not clean anymore, dam you salt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lol of course i do. i drive at "appropriate speeds". but on the bike 30mph already feels like 40.... i have to admit i got up to 70 on a road i would ever only do 50 ish max..... but that was all part of the fun :D

    nice and "warm" but raining.... haha then you could have a nice beach outside your house :p

    i want yu daan and cheung fun.....
    guess thats better than my instructor who had lots of road rage and didnt like female learners hahaa. but he was cool in his own way :D
    yeh prob just in case you get too happy, what about if you fail??

    nah my swift is not neglected, i will still use it all week. In fact took it for a nice wash yesterday, its looking shiny! But did go out on the bike, acceleration was crazy, I kept thinking i was going really fast then looked down and saw i was only doing 30mph haha

    a few inches on roof of houses and cars. an inche or so on the pavements but roads are ok as they are gritted hardcore lol

    much warmer now 8C or so!

    thats why you put lots of soya sauce in white congee, well then it becomes yellow/brown congee -lol random but ahhh i miss HK convenience food...
    lol that is pretty laid back allowing you to bring cds, or even listening to music! hhaha i knew you were a rebel, pressing the brake pedal on your instructor! i never did that.... wonder why they always drive you back after you pass...?

    well they make their commission somewhere in the middle, but still it was a lot cheaper than anywhere i could find.
    yeh everyones a broker, because even though you might buy your insurance from tesco they get it from someone else (well dunno for tescos specifically but most companies do this). for example my bike insurance was bought from bikesure but its actually from equity red star. So really you have to check who underwrites your insurance.

    and yes i bought my bike today haha, wonderful weather (sarcasm), snow everywhere, i had a scary ride home despite only being about 2 miles away.... but cant wait for the weather to get warmer :D

    haha michelins. it was meant to get warmer this weekend, but still i wake up and theres snow everywhere...

    oooh yeh i see, no point infecting everyone for something they cant cure. ah when you are ill cant taste much anyways :p
    lol didnt listen.... yeh i remember when if you didnt see something but the instructor did and they slam on the brakes and i was like wth is going on!!!

    because they do all the search for youssss! i saved like £500 from them compared to online! plus everyone online is a broker aswell, selling a policy from an underwriter

    wow -11! its kinda got warmer here by which i mean its like 2C but not negatives... good thing the office is nice and warm haha

    lol i cant take anytime off, cause i just got back to work and there are important things i need to finish..... lol i may have coughed in his direction haha. lol why do the doctors shout at u????? i have never been to doctors just for cold or flu.... just stay at home with hot water and congee lol
    lol surely your instructor must have given you some time before the junction to tell you! or was he so laid back he didnt really know what was going on haha. lean over near your head?! sounds dodgy hahaha :p

    i think im with zurich but through some chinese insurance broker. just go on all the internet comparison quotes, then when you find the cheapest start ringing them up and demanding less !

    omg you have never heard of myth busters, they are like 2 canadians (i think) who basically try to figure out if myths are true or not, check it out, quite interesting or wiki it

    it was -5C all the way to work this morning.... luckily no ice.... i always see "****50mph*** gritting in progres****" but never see any grit trucks....

    lol i think i passed on my cold to my colleague, i laughed at him :)
    haha see now you know how annoying it is to have to highlight just to read!

    lol always do the opposite.... you so rebellious!

    exactly, no point risking points! wonder how much your insurance goes up as soon as you have 3 points...?

    lol never seen anyone use their mobiles at petrol station, but i think braniac or myth busters did like a test and said its fake.... yeh well i dont think i would wana kill anyone full stop :p

    haha i would hate to eat and drive... cant enjoy the food..... so much salt about the roads are now white and so is my black car.... and i swear they gritting the roads 24/7!

    just a cold i think, but it proper sucks.... first day back at work and i feel like crap....
    lol you should never trust satnav 100% or you end like that german driver who drove into a lake because his tomtom told him to turn right.....

    av. speed cams only take front # plates atm, although they gonna make rear taking ones. yeh that switching lane thing was apparently fixed ages ago and no longer works....

    yeh switching off mobiles at petrol stations is to stop any chance of static electricity which could set tyhings on fire.... but i never do, but then again i dont ever use my phone whilst fillling up either. and in hospital its to stop the signal messing with sensitive hospital equipment which makes sense.
    lol you are one careless driver!

    omg im ill.... why.... just a day before i go back to work..... lemsip max doesnt even work... boo....
    haha ok ok i guess you dont need a tomtom, just your super powers! i always use like google map to route plan as well as my tomtom cause you can only trust the tomtom like 90%. always good to have a backup and idea of where your goin

    yeh, cant wait till i get out on my bike cause they only read front number plates and bikes only have rear ones (Y)

    lol you have to have the engine off?! ok i didnt know that.... yeh anything that can distract you such as changing a cd, or even smoking i guess, you could be done for careless driving

    cant remember the name, but about him being a racist but becomes friends with some asian kid. lol i dont want to look like a looser and take self piccys everywhere, my boss would take the piss out of me!

    maybe i already have and the news years i went to was really just a dream.....

    haha you gonna steal it back and sell it on for "thanks"!

    lol yes i had to highlight the text again just to read it.... revenge is sweet
    hey bb, sorry for the late reply.. i went to beijing and there was no net there -.- but yeah merry christmas and happy new year :p
    haha spit knifes as well, well that is impressive....

    lol feel, with your hands out the window touching the lamp posts or something -lol
    just go for a simple tomtom one, or go widescreen, but you dont really need any special functions like bluetooth music/phone connection etc, although some come with it.

    yeh i really hate those av. speed checks. i always see people speed through though, like they dont know how the camera works or have a way round it....

    lol thats exactly why its illegal! talking on a phone (without handsfree) or txting will get you fined and points. even still, they can do you with careless driving (which they do if you crash whilst eating or arguing with passengers etc). so i suggest you stop breaking the law or i will report you!

    lol clint piccys and a clint mug..... although i did watch a film with clint in it, was good. yeh every room has like a celebrity... the hotels is quite "quaint".......

    haha well when i said it, i did intend to call her up again, but after holiday i thought about it and realised she was crap....

    yeh good thing, ive been out with friends or i would die of no social interraction... but im back at work soon, so will spending less time home alone....

    not yet... maybe PA didnt like my downloads haha

    haha only cause it was my ss pressie, soon it will be back to my girlie avvys!
    I use Photoshop + Image Ready to make gifs, if you want I can make a tut for you to learn, if you want any gifs to be made, feel free to ask me.

    Hehe...I went to a friend's party as well, had an outdoor spa, music, screen and a trampoline!

    C Qwan and 6 Wing are not from LMF. But DJ Tommy (Their Producer) is from LMF, their boss being Edison (Clot Media Division)
    Gifs are easy to make.

    I meant how was your new year's/how you celebrated etc.

    Fama but with 6 people (2 ex LMF)
    Nah, they are professional photography, i just made them into a gif but it's all distorted.

    There were 1.1 million in the city that night, so I don't feel like getting squished so just went to a friend's count down party instead :XD:

    How bout you?
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