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  • headbang2HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!headbang2

    haha saw the bit where it leans back so he cant avoid attacks!

    lol what are you spiderman, sense your way out! you should get a tomtom, very useful and pretty cheap these days

    yeh theres usually a lot of traffic on the m25 and crappy road works with 50mph speed limits on the start on the M1..... but otherwise once up north its just getting stuck behind trucks and tractors....
    lol txting whilst driving is illegal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its the one i stay in if im at buxton, but for the last 2 times, i got the sandra bullock room, so better haha
    dunno what the next place is yet, i think im back in buxton in feb

    well i was taking like a 2 week break due to going on holiday, so i told her when i get back ill call you to arrange another lesson, i never did..... haha....
    yeh see thats ok cause you know your parents passed with them

    they come back in a week and a bit, yeh i miss my mums cooking and its kinda crap having no one around the house......

    i dont have mega fast connection, but the torrents are pretty fast anyways and like i said, its once a week, so im only download at max 3 eps a week of american stuff, i download like 3 tvb kek japs a day..... and i have to catch up each time im away.....

    ps love your dancing piggy haha
    do you have a picture of the amazing chair itself?
    oooh is this her last series.... that sucks, well at least shes also in gem of life...

    only done it once haha. but if not i will usually just follow people, then stop off somewhere and start my tomtom to finish the job :D

    longest non-stop is just over 4 hours, cause i was kinda running late already, so no time to stop for anything..... haha peeing whilst driving, i cant mulitask.... yeh cheap and cheerful :D as long as they are clean and i have a bed, i cant complain !

    lol that way sucks, maybe she wanted more money, so she teach me so slowly.... well i was getting too frustrated with no progress, so i just changed in the end!
    recommendations are best, at least you know people have passed before with them, rather than relying on big company names.

    yes i am afraid a portion of the food money will become booze money... will be off to someones house, then off out to a club. yes i will pass out just as they do the countdown and miss it all :D

    haha yeh, but what i do is download them as they come out, then watch them when i have time, just like kek jap. Still got prison break to go, its all downloaded ready. lol yes i look like this □_□
    Is this you?

    haha sounds like you want one of those gadget chairs!
    yeh but 80 eps is like forever! would take me 4 weeks instead haha!

    lol yeh ive done that, road was closed due to accident, so i followed these bunch of cars going into back streets, luckily it was a way out rather than people just going home...

    exactly, they rob you blind! plus no point waisting 20mins at a service station, quicker i get to where im going, the quicker i can usually get into my hotel room!

    haha well you were almost like that instructor, couldnt even tell me what i was doing wrong, just kept getting me to try and try again....
    its best to just stick with companies or instructors people recommend that way you know what your getting, but who cares cause we passed so long ago :D

    haha when she hid in the phone box and everyone was looking for her.... yeh just been out with friends, going to be a crazy night for new years, hopefully i dont drink so much i pass out......
    toy'r'us ya head! nah it will still be 2nd hand but from a bike shop. unless you want to give me some money to buy a brand new bike???!

    is it like world war 2 era?

    yeh i follow all of em, only 1 per week, so easy to follow. just waiting for lost to start again
    haha his gadget wheel chair -lol yeh i think i will give that series a miss. did you know gem of life series is like 80 eps long! I always thought the longest were the grand productions at 40.... and im talking about the full hour per eps ones

    well just cause you dont see people do it, doesnt mean you shouldnt! lol my joints dont click when i press the clutch i just get a numb ass for sitting too long lol

    i lie, i had more than 1 lesson with my 1st instructor, more like 3. But tbh she was crap, she couldnt teach... when i was first learning i didnt understand, you had to shift down a gear when you slow down to take a corner, so i would always stall mid corner.......... and cause i was not learning anything, i tried a new instructor and he sorted out my problem straight away and i went on to pass :D
    £23 hmmm.... dunno, when i was learning it was like £19 but for bsm or aa it was £20+ zone

    yeh right, i bet you cried everytime they had an argument which makes that like 5 times an ep :p i go back to work next week..... yeh its been a nice break, cant believe ive been working 6 months non-stop... gone so quick as well..... lol no santa hasnt brought me a bmx nor my bike yet. but i have seen one, im very keen on, just waiting for the shop to open friday and hopefully it all checks out and no one else buys it before me....

    lol silly, yes period drama, as in its set in a certain period of time! yeh lost and heroes were really good early on, but they drag on, they just dont know when to let go. but they are still good!
    lol that sounds like the suckiest ending ever! haha leaps from his wheelchair into the sky (Y)

    exercising the joints is good for them, clearly you have some weird ass joints if they keep clicking each time you use your leg :p or your clutch is uber heavy....

    yeh i said i also like the 306 looser :p lol that pic is just.... weird.....

    yeh although i like its look, i wouldnt buy a peugeot...... haha..... yeh i learnt with private company, did 1 lesson in a 206, then moved to another company and learnt, also, in a corsa 1.4!

    lol noob kiddies..... well we pay like double the tuition fees you oldies pay.....

    lol yes i cried in every episode, you should have seen all the tissue i used up ....................
    yeh... i just kept watching like 2 a day, then when i went on holidays, i just watched it non-stop.....

    oooo those kind of period dramas.... hey american shows are good! broaden your horizons and try it out!
    Hmmmm dunno bout them ancient series, is it any good? or you just watching it cause its on?

    lol your knee clicks when you change gear??! is that cause you press the clutch? lol maybe start stretching your legs or doing light jogging or something haha

    yeh that shape one is the ones i like, but in better condition.....

    I think i had one lesson in one of those "new" 206s, felt like a normal car. Why didnt you buy one then, since it was your dream car!??!?

    yeh top-up fees... dunno why they called it that. Yeh you can apply for more money and maybe get a grant up to 2.9k that you dont have to pay back, but that depends how much your parents earn... haha you should pay attention to those! how else you gonna know how much ya owe!

    haha its cause i knew what they were trying to do, so i was about to fall into their emotional trap, then i remembered it was just a tv show haaha. I preferred moonlight cause less people died and i liked the cast and story better :D can believed i finished it so quick....

    When Easterly Showers Fall On the Sunny West - is that another ancient series? yeh im kind of putting off starting last one standing. watching Hereos first :D then maybe prison break :D
    too late nows.... would take too long to try and download it all....

    haha nah im not old enough to want an auto..... yeh man its like your leg just cramps up and becomes numb cause your sitting for so long... i only like the old skool 206/306! but i think when i was learning it was a popular 1st car

    really?!?! you should get a statement letter every year september detailing how much you owe and how much interest they charge you each month. maybe its cause your on the old system, since the new fees were introduced during my 1st year of uni, so you may be lucky!

    lol ive finished it now, im suprised only the grandma died, and not killed like a bunch of other people in the process
    lol yeh i remember that bit, maybe im cold blooded lol, but that didnt make me feel like crying at all lol

    hmm now to start that last one standing, but it looks way too serious....
    HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!

    lol yeh i saw the advert for that, looks well silly how he fights in a wheelchair.....

    haha im talking about when you have to drive like 4 hours non-stop, leg starts to hurt cause you either constantly clutching or controlling the acc pedal!
    lol not that i love skoda but its the better than peugoet!

    you pay interest every month, regardless of whether your still a student or not earning enough money! they charge interest every month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lol i would like a glass desk but i would be scared about chipping it or breaking it, cause i like to just dump stuff on my desk.....

    i am up to 35 now, nah i havent cried yet, yeh they do lots of stuff to try and make you cry but its all a bit predictable.... i just wana see the end now, cause that evil women is annoying me with her constant evil ness lol

    you ar the best bb :D
    thx for organising SS
    merry christmas and a happy new year to u too :P

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