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  • haha i guess its not that bad, just the odd chav.

    The Sun has officially come back! just in time cause i just finished my exams :D didnt managed to have any ice cream but did play some football on the field with the great weather

    yeh i do love the mcdonald ice cream cones! oh and chocolate sundays *droooool*

    yeh ill just be a bum for a year and do nothing then retake :p

    yeh i will be my bosses fav person :D and get many promotions!
    lol theres some chav kid outside my house whos like 15 and he has a bottle of beer in his hand and a cigarette in the other, and its like 11am....

    yeh its sooo cold these days, what happened to the SUNNNNN!!!
    yeh it was £2 for a regular..... nope no sauces on mine, i like mine plain :p no i was eating it on the way home, i think people were looking at me like i was crazy eating ice cream when it was so cold -lol

    yeh if you dont show up you fail that module which means you fail the year, they might let you carry on with placement but make yiou redo the team building day next year or they could just make you redo year 2....

    lol yeh an underground short cut, maybe i should just take my private helicopter in everyday instead :p
    haha... nono... i love ur chinglish... it's always so challenging trying to figure out wot ur saying :p j/k *mwah*
    lol still on about the gold fishes..... I had a 99 flake today :D but there was no sun and it was cold, but i still enjoyed my ice cream!

    haha ok how about you take my place and i will stay in bed ;) of course we dont get paid, its part of one of our modules, so its compulsory to show up....

    nah it only takes a bit longer, but i have to pass by gatwick airport making it more likely for me to be stuck in traffic jams all the time, which of course my boss would not be happy about :mad:
    i remember the name, but i never did eat them.... yep were they not actually 99p back in the days?

    i dunno, i think its gonna be stupid stuff like build a tower out of newspaper which can support your mobile phone.... i think its gonna be so boring 9am to 5pm!!!!

    yep i will be homeless -lol not really though cause if i dont find a place to live i will live at home!
    screw ball? i dont remember them. lol all i ate were the ice creams with the flake, they are the only thing you cant really get anywhere else

    my last exam will be next tuesday, but i got to do some stupid all day team building exercise thing next thursday....... oh and i have to write some stupid report on someone i knew who showed good leadership qualities.......................................... lol to think about it, theres so much to do and its all boring stuff.....

    nah still gotta look for a place to live lol but just dont have the time to do it right now. hopefully i will find a nice place, which isnt gonna cost an arm and a leg to rent....

    so what about your plans? your graduating right?!
    I nearly went blind trying to read your reply cause it was in yellow -lol i think i may need glasses now....

    yeh it plays that tune, and its amazing how you still recognise it just like when you were a kid

    just 2 :D then im freeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! ooo so all those red bulls still not enough?! but nice to get an extension, takes some pressure off!
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