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  • nope i do not, i dont wana live in a cathedral and ring bells all my life or whatever he does -lol
    lol did disney attempt to make him look quite, cause i think they failed....

    no man, zooms are for n00bs, gotta do it proper stylee :D yeh all the people in TVB have bluetooth these days

    well if ya started applying you could start turning down jobs too :p cant be a bum all the time haha
    lol...no la....its almost winter here wo......
    but it only means ive got heapsa more time to get in shapeee.....

    im goood....et toi? comment ca va?

    im currently spending time on other stuffz like errr....cooking n going to gym n all that...
    butbut...im still active on PA wor....^^

    lol yeh i feel much better to know im not the only dirty stop out hahhahaha

    yes standing straight is important for your posture ya know, you dont want a hump back when ur older now do you :p
    yeh man getting the close ups are important! and as so are the bluetooth headsets :D ho ying ah!

    some are still looking. yeh its pretty tough, but it depends on how lazy you are or what u want to do. One of my friends got offered a job but turned it down cause he wants to live at home or at uni so....
    are you looking for a job yet?
    yeh i should, next next summer I will :D

    lol are you sure its not you who gets called a dirty stop out so many times that its part of you regular vocab :p

    OMG COOOOL! Imma be like these :



    yeh got a few friends who are looking for a place to live, so ive still got options.

    oh yeh! *hi5* back for the bums and hobos of this world :D
    im sure youll all get into a drunken rave haha :p
    well i guess its university property and they allow it, so now worries:biggthumpup:
    hahahaha dirty stop-out, i havent heard someone use that in a long time! nah no pics, my phone doesnt have a good enough flash and i dont take my cam out with me :( but there are plenty more end of year parties to be had . I'll take pics at my graduation :D

    yeh but still busy trying to sort random things out, like houses.... lol i still dunno when i start until i get my security clearence, but it should be soon :)

    so now your exams are over what u doin? being a bum too :XD:
    yeh theyre everywhere......

    thanks, feels so good to have finished another year :D so youre nearly finished too eh, so you gonna have a huge party to end the year? we just had our end of year party at our lake, people raving til like 6am and the sun came out haha
    now if only the ice cream van was there too, then it would have been perfect end -lol

    well i went to that team building thing and it was loooong.... stuck in a classroom just doing crappy exercises like building towers out of newpapers and sorting out in size order nails and screws blind folded...
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