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  • lol i mis-read... yes i am king of monopoly lol i either win big or loose big...

    yes i enjoy chaving up my car :p

    yeh i changed them on the swift, cause its like the only thing i can do without spending too much nor invalidating the warranty. But white lights are nicer than the yellow standard ones ;)

    yeh cats love the dot! go on buy one and try!!! its funny watching run in circles!

    oh dear, i cant watch stuff thats long on youtube, cant handle poor quality lol!
    ooo touching eh, looks like a while before i even get onto money, no time anymore to bou kek jap...

    yes test the boundaries and get done for plagiarism (thank god for spell check, cause i cant spell plagiarism for shit)

    i always see the red mini in tvb but not a smart!

    lol no salty fish, my colleagues would hate me forever! but my mom offered to make me a rice box for work lunch, beats the sandwich van! yeh cant wait for my first payday!!!!

    no, one for car one for bike :) yeh bikes are cheaper than cars, but im only looking to spend 2k on a bike.
    yeh i hate when bikes cut in at traffic lights and islands, its just dangerous. lol saying that i will probably do it when i ride my bike...
    Ooooh i checked out their website....thnx
    some of their stuff look pretty cool yeah.... but i think i prefer topshop or river island :P

    The dress i bought was bright red n the color had some embroderies thingies lol
    i cant describe it but aaanyway it looked very very niiiice so i couldnt resist n bought it after lurking at that shop for weeks n weeks


    thats the link to their website huhuhuhu... their dresses are sooooo hot n sexyyyyyyyyy muahaha

    i dun like the winterrrr...ive never liked winter that much... just when its like xmas time n snowing a lot... thats when it gets all pretty...
    n after that ima complain n whine about the cold again hehehe

    Aaaanyway... if the pope says bb is the greatest i will send the mods a request n ask them to change my name into BB is the greatest.
    Also i will change my hotmail account into [email protected] oki?

    hahahaha...neva gonna happen -sorc
    I never heard of oasis or warehouse wooo...we dun have it here in aussielanddd...
    we have some cool shops here but yeah their expensive too... theres this cool cool shop called Seduce which i love a lotttt.... but its heaps expensiveeee...
    i bought a dress thats considered cheap there and it was bloody $150 and thats like the most i wanna spend on a dress
    u know us girls... we wont wear em for many seasons anywayyyy.... n also.... i saw that dress on sale the other day... its only $75!!!!!!! MEHHH :(

    I really hope i can c the popeeee... not sure yet... i didnt sign up for pilgrimage n there are limited spaces for general public... but i will go there n give it a shot...
    once im there chillin with the pope i will tell him u said hi oki :p?

    Enjoy the summer hun.... ~
    lol how did you play with real money, was it like 1p for every monopoly pound or where you guys doing it the proper way: pound for pound -lol

    nah no crappy door or bonnet lights, you know your sidelights as in the light before dipped beam, i change the crappy yellow bulb for some nice white LEDs and i actually changed my main bulb for some whiter bulbs
    lol i use to use mine to make cats go crazy, they chase the dot like theres no tomorrow haha

    no i dont think i have watched that, whats it about?
    yeh its quite annoying because i just watched journey of life where she was real nice, and she usually plays a nice person so...

    i dont actually know what system they use but apparently they have a system -shrug i dont think i will be testing it out haha

    lol i hate smarts too! i just hate them, dont ask me why, just hate em. lol. smarts only come as autos??

    yeh i started my job monday, its all going well, still learning a lot, so no proper work for me yet, and were in a transitional phase where we have lots of new staff
    yeh i had to take another theory test but biased towards bikes. so yeh hopefully i can pass, then buy a bike, cause commuting an hour there and an hour back is beginning to wear thin... i hate everyone else on the road and traffic (although not much) sucks and i see all the bikes wizz by...

    Bumming around at friends' house when broke is the best....
    I used to do thaaaat...when i would still live at home... just ask my girls to come over n chill

    I want to buy a black trenchcoat but havent found a nice one yet so....
    Zara is not that expensive right? I dunno... I think its cheaper than a lot of UK shops like river island...
    Their clothes are sooo hot but the price tags are hotter =(

    In Aussie u can get tax return if u work fulltime huhuhu... which is good.... MONEYYY $$$$

    lol...yeah ima c the pope.. take pics with him n tell him to do the peace sign muehehe

    hoooo pao ar....just finished a bacon n egg roll...so yummm...but sooo fatty...
    should go jogging again muahaha....

    muahaha...yeah i decided i dun wanna be a loner no more so i just go out n explore the world :p
    not that theres much to do...i just hang out n go out for dinner all the time...
    super bad cuz im superrrr poor!

    i got my leather jacket from Zara... it wasnt that expensive...cuz i bought it on sale hohoho
    i feel like shopping again... i wanna buy a super wicked ultra coooool trench coat!
    looks sooo yingggg!
    maybe when i get my tax return i can go n shopshop =)

    what i've been up tooo...not muchhh...
    my life is still boring... ima go c the pope on saturday cuz hes in town n its world youth day... so im just gonna chill with him muehehe
    Hiiii BB,

    Nooo...i wouldnt ditch uuu...
    I just dont feel like sitting behind the comp lately... feel so bored... seriously
    I am trying not to lock myself up in my room.... but to go out, work out n socialize huhuhu
    && yeaaah.... it is cold... had to wear a buge scarf and a leather jacket today n yesterday (N)

    how bout in ukkk?

    how is miss graduatedddd? did u party haaaard?


    haha if you challenge, prepare to loose! I played it just before I moved out of my old house, in fact I played it like 3 times that week -lol yeh one of the times I was forced to sell everything I own but still couldnt pay back all the money I owed to people :)

    lol but white LED lights look sooo much nicer than the orangey ones! A laser pen?? haha so you bought it for yourself and got bored so gave it away... nice!

    Im kinda bored with a lot of TVB series, I really need a comedy one like men dont cry, man that was excellent! I dont remember that song from the series.... i just remember she had a song.
    forensic, they have just about figured out who kidnapped that nasty womens son, ben. so like 10 ish more eps and im done

    lol nah i dont plagiarise! but my friend was doing his lab report when he sent it off to a team mate to print it off, a few weeks later he and the lecturer found out that during that time between passing it to his friend and printing it off, like 3 people had just copied his work, word for word lol. but the lecturer knew he wouldnt give his work out, so he didnt get in trouble

    you talkin about these ones yeh?

    lol i still hate them, maybe inside a city they would be ok, but im doing motorways, so i need af fast bike!

    yeh ive had my lessons, my test is next next week, so ive already had to ask for a holiday day haha
    yeh just little variations on the rules of buying properties and building on them :)

    ive sold loads of random stuff, like i bought some LED bulbs for my car in HK, but they werent great so i sold them on ebay, ive sold games that i didnt want, my old mp3 player, just random stuff thats worth some money
    lol if im in A&E you wont know, ill just send you the sweets and say they are real good! thats what you get for laughing!

    lol you really hate his line dont you! well every show has its "thing" and him screaming MEEEEEE is thats shows things -lol
    no not OTT acting just not boring acting like many c-lai series are :p

    nah i wont rat her out, shes probably gonna fail anyways, so im not too bothered :)

    yeh most of my loan went to rent, but due to a very short ending semester (after easter) you get 1/3 of your loan to spend over like 5 weeks, as opposed to the autumn semester being 15 weeks long with 1/3 of the loan to use. so as you can see, i end up with money left over.
    yeh i hate it too, but now im back at home, ill be able to make sure they dont open them before me!
    i can ride a moped now as long as it has L-plates and not over 50cc engine, but thats what the chavs ride, so i would never :p
    lol i hate those mo-peds! dunno why just dont like mo-peds in general i think, a real bike is where its at!
    luckily i fell off slowly so had time to kind of jump off, but just scratched my knee and my boots. i went on a 5 day course thing where i started at about 10am everyday and finished around 3.30pm
    lol yeh you never really read the rules, cause theres always someone who has the game who you learn off and you take their rules. I have 2 sets of rules lol, one is with my old housemates and the other rules are with the people i lived with this year.
    No ways, my iron will flatten you!!!

    haha yeh, funnily when i sell stuff on ebay, thats how i try and make up money lost in fees and stuff, is bump up the postage :D but not by an extortionate amount.
    lol once i saw this listing for something really really cheap but postage was like £100, super scammer!
    if the bubble gum is a fake, i wont be laughing ill be in hospital, but ill be sure to send you some, so you can have a taste :p

    lol i guess the shows always trying to be funny, so he exaggerates a little.... yeh i watched family link, it was ok, i think i got bored of it like half way through and couldnt wait for it to be over! i think i just like young casts lol

    lol i was willing to help, like i would anyone of my classmates, but she did not put in any work whatsoever so i had no sympathy and just told her i cant help her, its too late. i think she just ended up copying someone elses work...

    i have left over student loans as usual, due to our weird uni calender. well my car i can either sell sell or my sister may be looking for a first car. you know i think i can let go of the swift, its quite exciting being on a bike :p
    yeh i kinda didnt tell my parents about taking lessons, till they opened my letter and found out lol cause they would not have agreed.... but my mum has objections to me buying a bike and using one, but my dads better, he just joked its more environmentally friendly cause it uses less petrol haha
    but tbh they know they cant stop me, if i really want one and its also the fact, im using one because ill be better off commuting to work on one apart from the danger side of things. ive already fallen off the bike round a corner when doing my lessons....
    yeh i think thats an official rule, but maybe we made it up LOL... omg how dare you spit on my deluxe edition! I spit on your plain edition! haha. I've seen the newest england edition with the visa credit cards and money swiper thingy, its still not cool as the original i have to say
    I always use the iron for some reason...

    lol yeh thats one thing i hate about ebay, if anything goes wrong, your 99% not gonna get ur money back or anything
    but recently ive bought a ps3 game off ebay saving myself like £10, and the japanese bubble gum that i could never find, i found some on ebay from america :D

    yeh the alternate is basically he doesnt get shot and he turns up at the beach.
    lol that means u gotta sit there with your finger on the mute button all the time!
    hmm i dunno c lai ones are kinda boring, but for me it depends on who else is in it. but since you say its funny, i will start it next after forensic which is a long way from being finished

    i think so, isnt that what call barring is for?? but i think you can, maybe only on pay monthly
    yeh im just too weak to resist the urgent cries of people who have left their CW way too late to do and have no idea whats going on
    but i do have my limits, this one time a girl, who i dont even talk to but is friends with my friend, realised that we had CW due in like a few days. She comes up to me and demands (yes demands) my help and i ask her what she already knows and shes like "nothing, i dont turn up to lectures"
    at that point i just said i cant help you then, now thats annoying!

    i think its £60 for the test, but lessons are much more expensive, cause ive been doing intensive
    if im on a bike, it means when i commute to work, i can skip traffic and save on fuel, cause my swift drinks waaay too much. but if i do get i bike, im most likely to sell the swift as i wont be able to afford both especially insurance!
    haha yeh it always suck when you have a million houses and you have to pay for each one of them! lol just get some trick dice next time and you can roll all the doubles you want, but 1 thing i hate is rolling 3 doubles in a row and off to jail -lol
    yeh i think its cause i got the hong kong deluxe edition, even the iron/hat/boot/etc are gold :p

    lol u feel into the trap of oh ill bid a little more, im bound to win, then realise you bid waaay over your limit or what you should have paid for it haha

    yeh theres a alternate ending, but its pretty much the opposite of what actually happened to jack, everything else is the same
    haha aaah mmmeeeee! yeh it gets annoying sometimes. I havent started money making recipe but it didnt look that great cause it looks like its about see lais (house wives)

    lol 15 miss calls, what happens if its super important! could be like the queen haha
    i hate having to help people out when im so busy myself, but its hard to say no....

    im going for my motorbike test in a few weeks :D yeh you can get tomtoms that are for bikes, from what ive seen they are just smaller, but maybe they have a headphone type thing cause obviously you cant hear it from a speaker
    yeh you attach them to the handle bar like so
    i can just about read the white :p

    haha yeh i love and hate that rule, love it when i get other peoples money from income tax, but hate it when i loose so much money to tax and someone who has loads of money already picks up free parking!!! i always roll doubles after ive paid to get out lol
    is the board wooden or just the houses and hotels, cause my version has wooden houses and hotels :D

    yeh, im not sure if they have changed the rules, but if you want to withdraw your money from your paypal account they charge you like x amount %.... and yeh ebay charge for listing and then extra pictures and a bold title and then a sub title.............

    yeh ending was meh, BT should not have died, he was too cool lol! did you watch the alternate ending?
    yeh wasabi is a bit on and off, its just a bit dull really, nothing really too interesting

    haha i never do that! straight up just press the dont answer button haha, nah i use the silent button sometimes too, but tbh theres not many times when i dont want to answer someones call

    if i get a bike, i may get a tomtom thats for a bike. but i also want that samsung touchscreen (the new one that isnt out yet) but dunno
    aaahhhh I'm blind!!! from trying to read your post........ I had to highlight it to read it -dead

    the proper rules are, as soon as you land on the property you may buy as many houses and a hotel (after 4 houses) in one go, so long as you have the money to do so... but thats the crap way to play :p i play like you, 1 house each time you land on a property :)
    lol wooden monopoly, you can get that??

    i dont sell loads of stuff, but things now and again, like you things that i dont use but still is useful. but i just find it so much hassle, its not just the listing fees, its when someone pays you and paypal take a % of your money so you can transfer it to a bank account!

    lol i have to say ive never seen brokeback mountain as serious emotional love films just arent my cup of tea... and gay cowboys arent exactly an enticement.... haha...
    lol if your good boy many times! man im only on 11ep for forensic and i need to finish it, but its just not interesting me, ive been trying to put off watching it by watching other stuff lol
    yeh ive watched that marriage one, yeh it was like a poor-ish series, i always maintain that them 2 should have died together when they wrecked their house then carry on lol despite me always saying how tvb killing people is bad

    lol yeh i know what you mean the silent button, "REJECTING A CALL..BUT THEY DUNNO" hahahahahhahhahahahahahahaha
    but for some reason when my tomtom is up, certain options disappear, like my loudspeaker option -noclue
    Yeh your only allowed 1 hotel after 4 houses but i had 3 hotels on each of the blues :D do you play exactly how the rules say? cause we have our own rules about building such as only building one house at a time, only when you land your property, none of that build as many as you like each time...

    yeh i sell stuff on ebay from time to time, but tbh its more hassle than its worth sometimes. especially with them charging so many fees on each item you sell, your profit goes down quickly!

    LOL gay fantasies, youve been watching too much brokeback mountain!
    well i finished journey of life, and i have to say the ending was disappointing! too many people dying and too many bad things happened, i mean jeeeeeez you dont have to kill so many people in order to make the audience excited, so i thought that was bad, then the race was cheesy with his "dead" grown up daughter giving him water LOL
    Now need to finish forensic, but not too interested....

    yeh my ring tone is mp3 but in the car i have my music playing so i dont want the phone left ringing cause it would just be annoying -lol
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