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  • lol ok yeh maybe you just wana blind everyone around... you should be banned! take the bus instead hahah :p

    lol ok since you wont watch it i will tell how they did the alternate ending. Ok obviously Roger doesnt die, but the way they saved him was.... the other cast members travelled back in time to find out who ran him over, yes travelled back in time, whilst talking to the audience about it, like speaking to the camera and going "omg look thats the guy who killed him, we must stop him, blah blah" they even managed to give a message about how bad downloading/pirating shows/films is LOL
    ive finished forensic now :D but yeh i thought they had killed Ivan for sure, since they love killing someone at the end. tbh i was just rushing through the last 3 eps, cause i just wanted to finish it, for me it dragged on too long.
    im on the c-lai one now, watched 2 eps, still duno if i like it or not

    jobs going well, did some work which was actually useful and used. But yeh stil the noobie placement student. whenever my big boss ( so my boss's boss) wants scanning or photocopying done, he gets me to do it....

    no ways, im gonna have the burberry cap, sports polo tshirt collar up and trackies tucked into socks, then come on my ped. I will just blend in with other chavs so no problem there and then i scare all your friends :p

    lol my license aint gonna run out! in fact in 2 years time, i can ride any bike of any power! lol isnt a BMX a push bike?? how am i going to go on the motorway!!

    oh dear, i think you should come back to AA meetings, looks like the alcohol is getting to u!!!!

    no need for you to see the video actually cause the person i will be aggravating will be you ahahah
    lol how can u leave main beams on accidentally?? cause for me I would have to pull the stick down, then push it forward, and i can tell when im on main beam, cause its so much brighter and light goes higher!

    lol cause i download all my kek japs so they always put alternate endings out. but you should try and find it, just to see how stupid it is. oh yeh i saw in the news they were making number 2.
    hmm i think the money one will be my next one to watch, ive nearly finished forensic :D
    yeh i like the cast in the silence one, although i dunno what its about

    lol its true! people in minis just think they are so cool! if i flashed them they will probably attack me cause im a swift!

    yes ok i will send you some food to thank you for the idea haha :p or when i go bankrupt and have nothing left, i will find you and make you pay!!!

    haha ok i buy a scooter and tuck my trackies into my socks, people would love me :D
    then i will ride up to yours and hang around you and just scare all your friends away mwuahahaha

    yeh dealers give you less, but less hassle. I duno yet, it will be a while before i can afford a bike. I want both a car and a bike, cause weather is not always good for biking. If i can afford to run both i will, but i doubt it, unless i buy a real cheap bike. But when i turn 21 insurance should be much cheaper anyways. OOORRRR yes i do your lunch idea and buy as many bikes/cars as i want :D

    yeh im still going, but its not been the same since you left and became an alcoholic again :p haha

    lol so you want videos of me crashing! thats not nice, but i will record videos of me aggravating car drivers and speeding off!
    Yeah I have school tests now, then state test october till novemeber, then holiday from then till march 09
    lol it means to get drunk ;)

    haha no I found it on google images actually! Nah mine arent actually xenons cause they are illegal to fit unless your car comes with them originally, mine are just normal bulbs but whiter. Hmm maybe the jeeps are using main beams or just cause they are so high up, the lights blind you...

    yeh it was crap, but i have to say i didnt think he would die. The alternate ending is so crap and stupid, you should try and watch it, I cant believe they made it....

    lol people in minis usually dont have the time to socialise with any car thats either not a mini or not a expensive car. they all seem stuck up.... Yeh the swift is like a cheap version of the mini :D

    lol yes! I will take over the usual lunch sandwich van that comes round and set up my own salty fish, smelly tofu stall!!!!!!! I can quit uni and quit my job :D

    lol LV chavs, I see less Burberry now actually, just the usual nike cap, polo t-shirt collar up and trackies tucked into socks -lol

    lol a brief case of £5 notes, I would look like a millionaire if they didnt know it was just £5. The car is all paid for, and i think there is quite a demand for 2nd swifts, so I think the dealer would be keen to buy. But that doesnt matter too much right now, cause im just gonna save up myself for a 2-4 months and when i have lots of cash i will see if i can get a bike

    omg AA meetings is you !!! I know your a secret alcoholic, dont try and divert attention to me

    lol yeh thats what bikers do, if you cut em up or something they just kick or punch your car and ride off. I cut a biker up the other day (my mistake) and he gave me the dirtiest stare like proper turning his head to stare at me, so i stared at him back, and there he was thinking i was gonna hide my face cause i was so ashamed of what i just did -lol

    Im sure your out getting inebriated :)

    have your ever seen new mercedes cars or really expensive cars and if your driving at night, youll notice how much whiter the light is compared to standard bulbs.
    Almost like this comparison, but my lights are still not as white or bright as the white lights in that car is technically illegal


    lol I would love to share the fun but my laser pen has been lost for a long time :(

    haha upper class, i just cant stand watching something that long in bad quality! Cant be bothered to ddl either as my house has crap internet....

    dont have to bring work home, in fact its one of the "perks" of a real job, your not expected to work when your not being paid. However saying that, you might not have enough time before a deadline or I did research at home so I could do the work I was asked to do

    haha yes I will give puppy dog eyes or puss in boots


    but Im sure whatever respect I had to try and bargain with, will all be lost as soon as i do the eyes and cry lol
    nah i have spell check on firefox :P

    ooooh yeh i remember the smart in wasabi cause it was convertible and a nasty brown (i think), but otherwise i dont remember seeing it!
    I see so many minis nowadays on the way to work its unreal, its like every girl and the occasional guy has one

    actually i work at a site that only has like 40 people, so we are a small location. only 6 people in our office. yes im gonna blow all my money on Burberry caps :D probably gonna save as much as possible for living at uni -smart

    lol the bike money will most likely come temporarily from my job (so 2-3 months of saving) and then once my car is sold the money is returned.
    yeh my crash course was quite a few hundred, but that was funded from left over student loan, which is what you get for hardly ever going out and blowing your money on alcohol :)

    omg cant believe your gonna run me over, dont worry, im gonna sneak up on your car, give it a big kick and drive off haha.
    Happy Birthday BB!

    Happy Birthday!!

    Hope u enjoy ur day!!
    Have lots of fun and get lots of presents!! ^^

    p.s its not much, but hope u like the cake =]


    Just finished my lunchhh... garlic shoots with minced meat, shitake n chicken and ma po tofuuu....
    same thing as i had last nite... i cooked heaps n it will probably enough for the next few mealssss...

    No way ima stay n camp outside in the winter...:p
    I would consider it in the summer... but not there tho...toooo crowded...
    J prefer camping out in a tent some where in the bushes hehehe

    My friend took some pics of the pope but it was quite far awayyy....(N)....
    The pics arent very bad...but not very good either.... not worth uploadinggg!
    If u ever come to sydney i dun think the pope is gonna be here...u probably better end up going to italy to c him hehehe

    Ooohhh..that monsoon shop looks cool....i wanna go shopping...its nearly the end of the month so i can go to the city n shop shop shop....yeayyyy!

    I've bought one of those prom-ish dresses at seduce once....so fail...i bought it over a year ago n havent worn it yet....its waaay too fancy
    I need a special occasion!!!!
    Keep telling my sister to get married so i can finally wear the bloody dress.... but she keeps ignoring me huhuhu

    oki la...back to work!!

    we dun have topshop in NL or Aussie....but i went to topshop when i was in uk, spain n indonesia...
    NL sucks for not having topshop (N)

    yeah...seduce is so expensive.... its like...i go in there n check out their stuff...n 1 outta 50 times i walk outta the shop with a purchase...
    sooo expensive.... i cant afford :(

    so....yeah i went to c the pope yesterday...there was no public transport to where he was so i had to walk all the bloody way...
    there was this pilgrim thingy going on....>_< felt so outta place hahaha....
    walked for like a bloody hour n when i arrived at the venue (a racecourse) it was soooooo packed
    there were like 100.000 ppl? iiii dunno....
    there was this sleeping underneath the stars thingy going on n all these young ppl were just gonna sleep there out in the cold....
    sooo many ppl......!

    hahaha after long waiting he arrived....he so funny...walked outta a little door with his bisshop brothers or whatever
    n he just kept waving...
    he stayed for like 2 hours....he talked n talked n talked.... n then he left again :p

    it was ok la.... probably only gonna go c him once in my life....

    ok ima go sik faaan....tata

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