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  • hehehe....
    what kinda bag did u buy? send me a piccc
    I went shopping in the city on saturday... spent too much money... i bought some stupid overpriced eye cream, a new hoodie, a scarf n a new pair of adidas... quite nice... from the "sleek" line...
    I cant seem to find any pics of them online... i looked for it last nite cuz i wanted to show my sis....aaanyway
    My next target is to buy another adidas sweat suit to match my shoes >_<!
    No more money for this month... have to wait until i get paid... n thats like 2 weeksss....

    My hair didnt change much... it just needed some maintenance hehehe...
    I want it to groooowww....fasterrr.... i am so sick of short hair now... n now its on shoulder length so its hard to make it look nice :(

    Ok la.... ima get to work... its bloody Monday n i feel like im gettin a cold....(N)
    ok i guess we will just have to use our cars, plus the planet wont be ruined in our lifetime :p Someone can deal with it haha

    lol a fresh cardboard... yeh when i went to HK some summers ago, we had to find a hotel to stay for a month and YMCA was one of the expensive ones.... But then again ive never stayed inside one so cant say what its really like

    omg i hate orange smarties!!! but its probably cause i hate orange flavoured chocolate, its just wrong!!!

    haha fleabags... yeh we have many squirrels too, cause the guards feed them, theres one they call smudge cause it has like a patch on its face that looks like a smudge :D a squirrel would be a cool pet -lol

    £10!!! ok maybe a school uniform.....
    lol they dont pay for me to get to work. ok heres the deal so that i can save this planet you pay for me to get the bus to the train station, then a train close to work, then a taxi into work, and then the reverse to get home ;)

    YMCA is not bad ya know. Nah i dont care where i stay as long as its clean!!!!!

    haha thats fine, buy them all, cause i have another candy love, purple fruit pastels!!!!!! :p:p

    lol they could be stealing cats, but if i try to intervene they will probably set their evil cat army to kill me...
    we do have cute bunny rabbits running all over the fields at work and you can get within like 1 meter of them, thats pretty good considering they are wild!

    haha maybe, maybe, but if i do it during my lunch break to tescos i will get my work clothes dirty, ok how about you do one, and i do one :p

    i only wear uniform when i feel too lazy to think of what to wear... or else i just wear ehm....whatever i like...
    friday's is supposed to be casual day but for me everyday is casual day i guess...mostly i wear dark jeans, some skirt n some top or shirt....
    anything comfy hehe...
    just sometimes when i feel like dressing up i wear a business skirt n shirt hehe...

    BB... i need to pick up a new pair of shoooesss... a pair of decent shoes...
    Boooo (N)... ive been wearing heels a lot lately n back is starting to ache like helll.... i think i should go n get a back massage somewhereee....

    So...what u got planned for ur weekend?
    I am gonna get a hair cut tonite... n probably have a good good dinner tonight cuz im catching up with my friendddd.... n we both love love love eating
    hahaha... <3
    Saturday going to a bday party n sunday have some hakka fooood....

    Oki la.... ima get back to work again... tata...x
    yeh they are called freedom passes here.
    lol i cant go by public transport!! its in the middle of nowhere!! so its all down to you now :p
    travel alone is not always best though, car sharing is better than 2 people driving separate cars ;)
    i think they are almost the same thing, pent house is usually the one on the top floor

    omg i finally found the pic!!! see where he puts his hand!! lol i cant even remember why i wanted to show you this pic....

    haha yeh i remember that tape gum, they were nice!
    yeh its me secretly selling you fake gum, go on buy some!!!

    nah way, its always good to learn stuff, even if you gonna use it only 1 time :) plus scanning and copying your going to use often!

    lol just cause they breed cats doesnt mean they scream ahaha, i dont hear anything from them, in fact i dont even see cats, all i can see is the cages as i drive past
    home office isnt just in london, they have HQ in london but separate departments elsewhere

    haha i would be tempted to when im next at tescos but people will beat me up in disgust for taking the mickey !
    haha well the por por and gung gungs get their freedom passes which means they just show their passes to the bus driver and get on free, so no need to be slow counting money!
    nice article on eco driving, give a read before you kill this planet :p

    well we do stay in a hotel but we get paid a basic rate per day (expense) for meals and stuff, i think its like £10 a day....
    haha yeh im so gonna stay in the hilton presidential suite!!! waste yo money!!! wait do you even pay taxes yet!!??
    lol bribery by salty fish, i believe revealing restricted stuff is punishable by prison... i dont wana go prison...

    polar bears yes, polar bears that kill baby seals mind you... lol santa lives in lap land in finland!!! no chins, but i think Inuit people live there and they look oriental...

    omg they are amazing but they loose their flavour in like 10secs, thats why you have to keep eating them lol, but you only get 4 balls in a box and there are 9 boxes :D

    lol learning things is a good thing ;)

    yeh its just subtle changes, but still much better than your crappy old one neh neh neh haha

    lol my work is out of london, in the middle of fields and next to a cattery (a place that breeds cat) lol.

    no man, my chav skilllzzzz allow me to be like spiderman innit :p
    look hes riding a bike!!!
    wei weiii....

    im having my brekkie... japanese cake... soooo good =)

    yeah hakka food is veryyyy good... i have it once a week now when i go to my uncle's butttt to be honest my mum's cooking is better -innocent

    It's not thaaat cold in aussie... say like 5 degrees or something at worse.. but but... isolation is (N)!
    n i have always seen cold as my biggest enemy... today i feel so lazy i cant even be bothered to dress up.. i am wearing a hoodie at the office

    hahaha... bad eh....
    ok la... im gonna stop slacking i guess... tataaa
    no waaays, i would be the best bus driver ever, cause id keep all you slow people off the bus. haha your cousin is funny, showing off about how far he walks, but i guess its a good thing for the enviroment (haha hippy comment) and for your fitness (Y)

    yeh thats the place. haha i work for the government no all expenses paid or the taxpayers would crucify us.... lol i believe all the work i do is copyrighted in the name of the Crown (the government or whatever). But I guess I would never be able to show or have a copy of any project I do, after I leave since its all restricted...
    No i will deport you to somewhere crap like alaska, enjoy the coldness :p Yeh my sweets did arrive, and it was so good i actually bought another pack hahaha, and when i finish this pack i may be tempted to buy another one :D

    or maybe photocopiers just dont like you haha :p just use a scanner ;)

    nah it hasnt got a chip in it as far as im aware


    lol do you live out in the country side, i rarely see tractors even by work!

    chav thumbs up of approval!
    Hi Hi...

    I didnt make thaaat... i can only make ma po tofu cuz thats like super easyyyy... i like stuffed peppers... especially yellow onesss....so good!
    i miss my mum's stuffed tofu, peppers n eggplant... hakke food is just too good!

    LOL... i didnt swim at the beach i was just chillin... its way too cold for me to get into the water... i might get cramp after walker 3 meter into the water (N)...

    Hey... i was reading a mag the other day n it said that... topshop is now shipping to aussie.... :D soooo good...
    i should order some stuff when i have more $$$ hohoho

    lol you paid £3 in 1p's and 2p's. If I was the bus driver I would have told you to go away :p
    They might have pay points in the shops but im not sure, ive personally never seen one, but then again i only use my oyster every so ofter, since im either at uni or in my car and oyster card is london only

    yeh hopefully im going up to Cumbria to do some testing near october time :D Stay there for a week and a half.
    I havent forgotten, if i ever get to choose a project name, i will name it after you so long as my boss doesnt mind haha
    yeh im actually with immigration and im gonna get you departed mwuhahahaa

    lol surely then after you have watched them a few time you know how to use it!

    yeh, but i did get the new style license!!! pretty funky haha
    yep, lorry drivers are pretty good, im still amazed at how some of them can do some of the manoeuvres they do.
    but you know what i really hate about lorrys, when they over take on the motorway, they take years to overtake!! and you have to end up going into the fast lane at 90mph just to pass the overtaking lorry

    haha no, no rizla stickers at all, its all about non-chavness!
    Cause they want to cut out cash payments, cause they are slow, as the driver has to take the money etc and give change. But with Oyster card its like octopus card in HK you just have money already on your card and beep it as you get on the bus, so no hassle for the bus companies

    haha sure, you need to go to TVBDRAMA Anonymous and confess ur problem :p

    lol i work for the home office scientific developement branch, where we test a lot things, Im in the explosion and ballistic protection department :) so we also have nothing to do with immigration :p
    omg i hate in tvb when they say they gonna "'port" people lol

    lol its cause text books are often weird sizes and photocopiers copy into A4, A5, A3 etc so you just gotta be careful and look at the markings on the copier which tell you where the boundaries are
    but yeh, i hate it when lecturers hand out photocopied notes and half the lines are chopped off !!

    lol dont lie, i bet thats your style!!! i see a lot of chavs these days wearing stripes, like striped cardigans and jumpers....

    yeh its all one license, even if you wana get license to drive trucks, minivans, etc its all on your one license

    funnily enough if thats the bike i think it is, its one of the bikes im thinking of getting, cause its meant to be a really good beginners proper bike. but i defo wont have a rizla sticker on mine haha
    yeh i know £2 for a single journey here if you pay by cash, or 90p if you have an oyster card

    alternate endings are usually just the last 15mins or so. So for DIE you see roger die, but then it kinda goes weird and the cast start talking about going back and saving him....
    depends sometimes they come on attached to the last ep, sometimes you have to download it separately
    haha i know you love them cheesy bits! maaaan i dont have time to bou kek jap 24/7

    well he only made me copy stuff once, but i guess it needed to be done and since i wasnt busy then.... but its all good. I work for the home office!!!
    lol photocopy machine is just switch on, put paper on copier and push the big green button!!!

    yeh you know you wana dress like a chav too and have big gold hoop earings haha

    lol its all the same license, but on my license on the back i will have an extra category which allows me to ride a bike. So on the back of yours you should have B for a car, i will have a B and an A for bike :D
    no ways, push bikes are for girls :p

    no ways, i dont give evil stare, i will just aggravate you and then let you eat my dust :p

    i treat u to some good good hakka dish okiii

    -sorc *ngong TOFUUUU*

    1 of my fave hakka dishes my mum made for me quite often....i miss ittt...

    aaanyways.... lol... i bought the shirts for workkkk :P
    need to look professional sometimes...lol... not that i am... but maybe i can fool some ppl by trying to look like oneee....

    no way ima get promotion here soon... no vacancies... small company (N)

    i am going to tha beach tomorrow....yaaayyy

    let u know how it went when im back okiii....

    hello hon,

    hohoho...yeah i got my pay n my taxreturn a few weeks ago...hohoho.... sooo good

    i did mad mad mad shopping...
    bought, dress, tops, bag, few business shirts, cardigans, sweaters n a hoodie.... soooo happyyyy.... wooooohooo....

    so....u enjoying the summer over there?

    i bet u are ehhh..... keep it cool!


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