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  • haha nah everyone will get nosebleed and i dont want to be responsible for that ahahhaha

    yeh and its always worse when you say but i havent had a drink in like 2 weeks! makes you sound even more alchy..... So what do you like to drink? archers and lemonade lol?

    haha my bookmarked discovery channel! yeh but i bet it will be a rip off! how about you lend me yours, i know you have plenty of others like the history channel :p:p

    lol ok it might be a long wait.... i really hate that women (well her character) that plays the mother of the dead son, she is really annoying me......... hmmm i havent really listened to the theme song i just skip straight to the start of the ep lol

    report is finished and has been sent off :D my first official report :D im off to newcastle tomorrow for a week to do more work! should be lots of "fun"!!!
    How about you, still not got any plans????

    haha yeh i have my driving glasses in my car -cool2
    well even if i did that pose i would still look sophisticated haha :p

    well you got to have a farewell drink! dont lie i know you want a beer ;)

    lol i dont actually, its not very attractive, cause i can barely understand it -lol i would have a discovery t-shirt if someone gave me one :( haha

    ohhh dear... uber bad ending..... haha yeh n00b actors! i do love some bad acting to laugh at..... =/
    I think i am getting drawn into love exchange, its quite intriguing but only just watched ep3 so we will see

    yep its how i work so well! the drugs and booze make me into the perfect employee, you should try it sometime :biggthumpup:

    haha yeh it does, but the bright ones still blind me -dead
    ahahaha that wasnt very sophisticated.... you may be privileged enough one day to see my pose -lol

    yeh his MOT and Tax ran out on the day he finished his job, so we were gonna do loads of stuff to it on the last day, but never got the chance as the pub got in the way -lol

    lol gum yu lo.... its just a quite interesting program about ... fishing... lol... guess im just a bit too much of a geek, i like my factual programs haha

    haha yeh the police series was when i first liked his acting. so what are you watching now??

    nah no need for meetings, i just take drugs.... haha

    haha no party here, plus with all your text colours,its disco enough!
    haha someone asks me something >> sophisticated pose >> then very intelligent answer -lol I know everything there is to know, cause i always ask google :p

    haha uber good rep! only cause you let other people take the blame! it was a vauxhall astra, but it had so much wrong with it cause it was old and the guy couldnt afford to fix up things properly. but since he was going back to uni, he didnt really need a car so just left it

    haha its on right now!

    i watched the first episode, and i was kind of intrigued by the story line. i dunno about that lead female actor, kinda weird but maybe she will grow on me haha. yeh hes a cool actor, but then again he always plays a cool dude...

    yeh must be all those drugs i take that make me hallucinate coca cola adverts lol jk jk jk

    haha nah, too lazy, no need to jazz it up, only you look at it :p
    i have a more "sophisticated" pose lol. cool i like those glasses but alas i dont wear glasses.... piccy!!!!! lol

    haha your worse than me! good idea though i will remember it :D But the only reason we were gonna do it was cause the guys car was gonna get scraped anyways, cause he was back at uni = no money to fix just about everything on the car to make it pass MOT haha

    it was called trawler men on bbc 1, its about fishermen lol but very interesting program :D

    oooh yeh i remember her! that series was very good, one of my favs :)
    yeh herbert is annoying, cause he cant actually act very well..... i dont really remember her, maybe i will when i start watching it

    haha no my memories not good enough to think back to 1990s..... so if i do remember that advert it must be recent like last year!!!!
    no its much more intelligent than scratching my head haha, if i had glasses it would look even better!

    lol tut tut tut bullying is not nice! Although for the last student who was leaving our work to go back to uni, we had to plan to smear lots of cheese into his engine, so that it would smell bad when he drove away haha

    haha you do???! Yeh its pretty cool sounding, unlike proper Scottish accent, I was watching something on TV and they had to put subtitles on for these 2 Scots cause their accent was so strong -lol

    yeh her sister annoyed me too, i think the characters she always plays are annoying. yeh they tried to make it sad, but did the most happy ending ever, well at least no one died....
    im still not too sure about love exchange, too many grown ups lol not enough young people, from what i can tell...

    im not too sure, we will see, but it seems to be in my memory, so it must be running at some time in the year
    haha yes I have a very good "thinking" pose ;)

    thats not very nice hiding your friends scooter! he must have thought someone stole it! how did u hide it, didnt he chain it up??

    haha yes, next time i will bring an extra suitcase with me just to fill with jap sweets, lets hope customs at the border dont catch me or i will say you are the master mind behind it all!!!

    lol whats wrong with ireland, meant to be a very nice place, plus they have leprechauns and proper Guinness :D

    Wales doesnt count though.... only sheep there....

    omg so behind on technology! go on one of those IT teaching course haha :P

    yes i am saving it up! 2 more episodes to go, but im getting annoyed at the whole tong tong feeling sorry for herself cause shes now deaf.... I think the next kek jap is love exchange lol then the dog one. I have legends of the demigods downloading, its meant to be stupid but funny, should be good!

    wow 100 days.... i always get excited when the coca cola advert with santa! thats when you know xmas is near! Reminds me to book my holiday off work....
    haha sure i think hard for uni assignments but not mighty hard :p

    ummm not too sure, havent bought any for a long time, but i imagine they will be just over £1 or so... I am so gona stock up on jap sweets when im next in HK....

    Hey! I can be left unattended, im am so responcible =lol
    i dont think i could study and work.... too much work, you never get any spare time.... better just to take a gap year and work, then go back to uni :D

    well i guess i wouldnt actually mind doing road trip, but you just dont get the magicalness (did i just make a word up...) of being in a brand new country :D
    yeh i went to japan with family, visit tokyo for a few days then went northern japan to the hot spa places.
    how about whoever gets to go first the other can hide out in their suitcase and hitch a ride lol

    maaaan i cant download them all, burn to dvd and send me the disk please :)

    yeh i have shamo downloaded. I havent watched them not cause i dont wana, im trying to watch kek jap and then watch hollywood movies and then watch HK ones too! but all too much in too little time lol
    you wait, xmas holiday im gonna do nothing but sleep, eat, watch all outstanding videos haha that is all

    lol i think if i show you some of the pictures of people who fell off their bikes and the resulting "grazes" you would never be on a bike without one. The road acts like sand paper and will grind away your flesh straight to the bone and grind on bone, and thats even at like 40mph... its not pretty at all....
    no the bike insurance is much cheaper! TPFT i dont think it covers anything that i do to myself or bike if it was my fault.... only covers damage to other people, if my bike is set on fire or stolen.....
    lol...u sound so chinese... playing with lanterns :p

    i bought a box of 4 cakes for my mummy... she doesnt like it but its just chin tradition riiiight....
    n yeah... mooncake is filling... do u like yolk? i dont :p
    i always chuck thattt....

    i never really work OT only like 1 hr extra... no more la... n my contract says no extra money for OT
    but if id work a long time i just show up later the next day which is ok with my bossy...hehe
    Hey typing reports in the name of national safety is hard!!!! I have to think mighty hard before I type!!!!!
    lol cant remember, it was like $3.50 or something which is like £1.75.... how about just send me some of yours as samples

    haha almost infact, since the government has been loosing a lot of things lol, they are very keen on explaining what you can take with you home, what must be locked away everyday, what cannot be left unattended etc etc
    Basically i work flexitime, where i must work a given amount of hours a month. So long as I work those amount of hours total i can be flexible about how many hours i work a day. so no overtime.

    yeh i would like to go anywhere, i have no specific dreams, as long as im with good company, anywhere will be a laugh and enjoyable! I would like to go japan again but with friends this time! oh I wana go Taiwan so i can go to those night food markets lol

    no i havent, i know how famous it is, but i dunno about downloading an old filml. old boy has a dark mood, but it isnt scary, watch it, has very good plot!

    last HK movie i watched was a 2007 one that i missed called love is elsewhere lol, but teh newest film i have watched was that one with stephy and alex fong lol I have loads of downloaded movies ready to watch, but just havent got round to watching them. I have loads of those ancient war films like Red Cliff and the warlord

    yeh budget includes insurance and bike gear like helmet, gloves, boots and clothing. My car insurance is so high i dont wana say it or i might cry lol, but lets just say at £800 for bike insurance, its considerably cheaper than my car insurance (although my car is fully comp and bike would be TPTF)

    haha yeh i post a lot less these days, no more spamming like we use to.... the should include my posts on peoples profiles!!!!
    No matter how hard i work my salary stays the same (not that i work hard tho lol)

    didnt do much for moonfestival....i did something quite aussie...
    we had a bbq on the balcony :p

    I had a small piece of mooncake before...still have got one left in the fridge :p

    what about uuu?
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