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  • Its hard work!!! Not like uni cause I get paid for it mwuhahahahaha
    Yeh i love the grape ones (lol i love all jap grape sweets :D), give me theeeeem!!!!

    yeh loads of random stuff, like long meetings and security training.... yeh i will do some OT, then take the time off some other day :)

    have some friends who want to travel round Europe, or maybe HK, depends on who wants to go where!
    Hmm where would you choose?

    I wana start watching some korean films due to lack of HK movies, have you watched Old Boy~??? One crazy film, but its so good!!!

    lol i got my bike license ages ago!!!!!! well in July.... No bmx -noclue :p but im starting to look at bikes, really really want one lol Worked out i need roughly £3.5k-£4K to be able to afford everything....

    seem to be busy lately bb....
    spring has arrived n i havent gone to gym for ages.... :p
    however i play badminton nowadays... n thats why i got a bit of a back ache now =/

    what u been up to ar?
    hey its ok to be dai lung dont hate :p

    lol well we will see if i OWE you! ok since your all about try before you buy, send me some m&ms to try before i spend my hard earned cash haha

    haha hand me down work! yeh im soo lucky.... to make things worse is next week is so busy... dont even know when i will have time to actually sit down and think about what im gonna write....

    yeh i see your point, but i think i will save my money so i can go for an extended vacation during the summer!!!!!! much better :D
    i dunno what i will be doing for xmas.... maybe i will go to relatives (if they havent all gone on holiday), go out with friends (if they aint with family) or be adopted by a friends family for xmas lol. or be all alone...... :(

    haha yes i like uber cheesy comedies... actually i dont like too much cheese.... i need some cheesy comedy HK films!
    well since you are having this mo lui convo with me, you must be chiew dai lung too :p :p

    well i got reduced postage prices and a discount on the actual gum haha
    ok next time im in tescos, i will look out for them. if they do not taste as good as you say, youre gonna owe me ahaha

    lol we test things to do with explosions, so people like you will be safer! It was last years student who done his year, but never finished off the report... so the boss handed it to me....

    no we get like xmas day, boxing day, new years off, etc, but you still need to book the other days in between off! yeh I would need to explain to them in detail why i was going and to do what.... i dont even know if you need permission or just to let them know.... but its all too much hassle so i cant be bothered
    lol last time i was in UK for xmas/new years was a long time ago, 5 odd years i think.... yeh i will be home alone haha

    Nah jeh becomes annoying?? Im up to the bit where tong tong looses her hearing after falling down and got replaced in her dubbing job by nah jeh.
    lol oh dear i dunno if im gonna enjoy moonlight.... i need comedy!!!
    Yes, life is much too boring without mou lui conversations :p

    lol Ive just ordered some more, the person even gave me a discount cause i keep buying them...

    yeh we do lots of report, not in making things, but we often test things out so people like the police, government can use them as advice in terms of explosion protection
    yeh my boss has got me writing up a report which another student that left didnt finish....

    i have 23 days worth of holiday i can book. So im gonna take some time off at xmas, so the earlier i book it, the more likely my boss will approve!
    prob not going back to HK this xmas, because of my work, if i want to go to HK or China, i have to let the home office know about where im going, what im doing etc...... too much hassle, so ill just be a bum for a few weeks and celebrate new years in UK!

    lol har jai meen, hes quite funny, especially when he was arguing with that muscle guy at the food place
    omg yuo cried a FEW times!!! was that cause they keep killing people with cancer.........
    and out of nowhere you return :p Been busy eh?

    yeh i have never seen crispy m&ms, but since you are buying some you can send some to me and i will try haha!

    placements ok, need to write up a report in the next week... soooo busy.... -cry2
    havent booked my xmas holiday yet, but looking to take just a week or 2 off to be a lazy bum :)

    Im in the process of watching speech of silence, on like chapter 15. bit cheesy but funny sometimes! I dunno bout moonlight, i like the cast but i think it may be too long and sad, like the last one!
    whuuut..... weetbix is nice wo...!
    u just gotta eat fast before it gets all soft :p... i had a sandwich with spread cheese this morning :p its a part of my save money project...lol... no more breakfast outside! good eh?
    my roommates think my suut yee tong is weird for some reason...=/ its quite yum i think...but oh well who cares...

    ive got a bad muscle ache... played badminton this weekend n my bum n back are hurting me...

    i have an ongoing contract so... its never ending unless i get sacked or i quit hehehe...but my visa is only valid for 4 years...
    however... if i wish to....i can apply for PR after 2 years.

    I hardly go clubbing here la... im a boring old lady.... but just wait la.... when i go back to NL.... non stop until i get sick of it :p
    must go out n playyyy...

    hey did u watch the closing ceremony? it was quite cool but nothing spectacular actually...
    oooh n the london part...lol.... leona lewis came n also so many chin singers... lee hom, andy lau, joey yung, karen mok etc....
    oh n i saw bi-rain too... so weird... he was singing chinese :p
    Wouldnt have fought you could do that in UK, but now I know, if I ever have to stand up on a train for a long time, im getting a refund!!!!!
    A TVs better than nothing though, the most recent upgrades our buses, is that the stop sign is now like a display that shows the street you are on and when you reach a certain street a speaker says the name....

    yeh it was great fun. yeh the markets are great, and we got good at bargaining, but like any market, the best trick is to walk away if they say no to you, 9/10 times they call you back :D But yeh those guys are pro at telling if your from abroad!

    what the hell, i dont remember "crispy" version, are they just the normal ones or are they special??

    yeh I was suprised to see him play such a dai b role, hes usually a business man or something, but i think he plays the character great, i always laugh when he lifts his top up and rubs his belly in front of the ladies -lol

    lol laughing at myself?? well as long as people think im crazy, they will be less likely to cut me up or tailgate me!!!!!!
    hehehe... i have weetbix sometimes..at work hehe... but not that often anymore...
    mostly i just go out n buy a sandwich...

    my mum keeps telling me to cook some soup... n sometimes i do... but everytime i cook soup i always have this huge pot n have to have soup with the next 4 meals lol
    i dun think i wanna be in aussie forever... i keep calling my mama n tell her i miss her...
    but IF i'd decide to stay for a bit longer i would ask her to fly over n hang out with me for a bit... she's got nothing to do anyways :p
    wish i could move all my family n friends over with me.... miss all of em heaps... i wanna go clubbing with my girls...
    i feel like an old boring lady sometimes... doing my 9-5 n then go home, eat, bum around n sleep.... everyday
    sucha big difference between worklife n the time i went to skool....

    no way ima do aussie meeeet.... im scared :p!!

    oops...im so stupid... i was typing the message on my own page n then when i was done i accidentally posted it...hohoho...
    sooo baka!
    where was that uk or hk?? the TVs are ok, watching the news is better than nothing :p but it always shows the same news of the day...

    a white friend, so yeh i was a tour guide. the price was ok, cause if you stay long term like a month or more, you get a special deal thing. mong kok is where ladies market is, so plenty of shops nearby
    lol no it wasnt that kind of hotel....... but i have been past those kind of places -lol

    the blue packet? is that peanut ones or plain choco? peanut m&ms are best

    haha just imagine you just waving a piece of paper around whilst the lecturer trying to teach. yeh we get like 3 wasps everyday and every one of them end up dead...

    yeh he is the typical bad guy that everyone hates! i think that guy who works on the pork stall is hilarious!

    the guy does not sing too bad, when he sang on the radio, but they keep playing his brother and his one liners, i keep laughing in my car, people think im crazy....

    Nooo...my b'fast not heavy wo... u should hear my b'fast in NL... my mum cooks me all kinda noodles, wonton n cherng fun lol
    anyway, i thought uk ppl always have bacon, eggs n beans in tomato sauce !?

    I think ur right... i always have some kinda sickness... not very healthy... but i dun even party much...
    actually i hardly ever party here... i partied a lot in NL but i dont get sick that often...
    maybe cuz my mum always forces me to wear so many layers hehe

    When im moving back to NL i think i will have to ship all my stuff...>_< its gonna cost me heaps n heaps...arghhh....

    LOL...BB the point of the meeting is to meet ppl riiight...hahaha...
    if i ever go to UK again...which i probably will...we MUST meet oki :p

    So, bb... what r ur future plans? u gonna go look for a job now or u gonna get ur master degree?
    yeh, but actually i think HK type trains would be bad in UK, cause they have less seats, its mostly standing cause the journeys are relatively short, but in UK, standing for 1hr would kill people. But yeh the general system and prices of HK public transport is much better! and they have TVs inside the busses and trains :D

    I went back one summer for a month but couldnt stay at my place and i was with a friend, so had to live in a hotel. But living in a hotel is good, people make your bed for you, you get a paper everymorning and i was next to mong kok, so always was close to something to do :D

    after eights are ok, but i dont love them. but no orange chocolate for me!

    i dont actually know what the feed them, it might just be seeds and nights. Yeh our work is swarming with bunnies and squirrels but lately full of wasps... they fly into the office all the time. Quite funny, cause this one wasp flew into the light, must have knocked itself out and started to fall out of the air, hit the table and then bounced straight into the bin lol and there he died....

    haha you must just have a thing for school uniforms... :p

    on chapter 17 of the clai money kekjap, i have to say it has got much better, and i actually wana see the ending!
    hehehe... i shouldve bought a decent pair of shoes... but i couldnt find any so i just bought a pair of sporty shoes... their comfy too (Y)
    Ur bag looks nice :)....looks so mature BB...lol... u dai gor lui la?
    i was cleaning out the mess in my room last night n it hit me how much stuff ive got now... i came here with 2 suitcases and now ive got sooo much junk
    ima be in big big trouble when i go back home!

    i am having my brekkie... smoked salmon n lettuce sandwich ++ hot chocolate... healthy eh :p

    I started to feel sick yesterday morning n i havent got any better since then... even though i took like 4 of those freaky chinese pills =/
    i feel so drowsyyyy...

    i dun wanna work no more :(

    ooh hey...u not going to that UK PA meeting mer? LOL....
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