I know it is uncommon, usually its through being raised as one or being influenced by some person, but this was between me and God.
As for being focused, the bible shows us that there are 4 types of people which the gospel will reach, ill list them.
1st type – are those who hear and reject and the wicked one takes away what was sown in their heart.
2nd type – are those who receive the gospel with joy, but he/she is not rooted because they are in a stony place and when trial, tribulation and persecution comes their way they will give it up.
3rd type – are those who hear the gospel BUT he also has cares of this world which choke the Word (gospel) and he becomes unfruitful.
4th type – are those who receive the gospel in good fertile ground, they hear the Word and understand it (not everyone can understand it) and they bear spiritual fruit, some hundred fold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.