even more stupid is that .. we had to do a personal statement, and a reference from our school, and our school would write down our predicted grades =_=.. and the unis can reject you, give you a conditional offer (i.e you need so and so grades to get in), or interview you first... or for me..cos i applied for architecture.. with the 5 unis i applied to, i had to do 2 drawing tests and for the other 3 unis i applied to .. send setted task portfolios they wanted by post......
it was all such a nightmare but i was offered all places

then i had to pick two..
what was rly bad.. was for some who didn't get any offers.. =_=" i have some friends who are straight A students.. but got rejected from all unis.. =_=".. really bad ....
anyways enough about work work work stuff
hows everything

enjoying..... the... winter? is it winter over there yet?
summer is about to begin soon for UK
