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  • mhmmm maybe i sent a pic thats not me thats why im participating....:shifty: good job sleeping earlier lately (Y)
    he's freaking good, combo to a grab, start thing off with a grab, juggle to wall and wall grab ender, air grab and reversals. unblockables very useful for wall combo as well. I've played a few top King and Armor King players and man they're deadly x_X
    HI, Camper. I'm using CCleaners, and I click on the "Wipe free space" check box, and them clicked on run. I don't know what's happening, but my Local Drive is decreasing its free space, and when I click on cancel, my Local Drive goes back to normal . Is
    this safe, should I keep on doing this??? THANKS :)
    -cry2>.<:facepalm: WHY WAS I THIS FOOLISH AH!!! how can u still rmb~~gosh

    mods said cant see the pics if u arent participating, so if u wanna stalk leng lui-s (NOT ME NOT ME NOT ME NOT ME NOT ME NOT ME), u have no choice but join :shifty:
    yes, and i regret T___T.....well just to let u knw, i'm so frigging shitty fking ugly so yeah, thats my response
    i did paste it properyl, i used the original link AND the direct link and both didnt work =/
    Thats basic stuff, then theres the advance pokes Lei have like df+4, df+2, d+4, f+1+2
    These are basically poke to get there life down or open them up while not getting punished, those are more damaging than the basic 1,2 jabs and can give you frame advantages, except for d+4...thats just for denting there life or interrupt them since that move is like fast and unnoticeable
    Once you're comfortable with the combo, start learning the pokes then the stances and ways to transition into them. Then learn the leftover rarely use moves, it comes in handy once in a while. After that, the mind games.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JUMA0zIK0c"]YouTube- T6 lei combo[/ame]
    Heres some T6 damaging ones, ignore the low parry one and the last one, since BR they change the low parry property and the last one, the WS+3 isn't guaranteed except if the opponent is tech rolling or getting up, BT d+1 combo only works if CH they nerfed that...
    Tiger Stance (TGR) df+1+2~f to get to TGR stance or from fn1,2,1,2~u_d
    TGR 4~DF FC df+2,1,4 PHX 2 b! ff+3,4
    imo that combo is weak
    go for TGR 4 uf+1, 2, fn2 ff+2 b! ff+3,4 instead
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