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  • lol kk..not going to see fireworks tonight?
    yeh i know, only went to the doctors today to check on my ankle an take another xray...
    'sighhhh' another 5 more weeks to go...
    lol yup cos i am supergirl LOL...*scrappy doo theme* PHOENIX POWER LOOOL
    hows u today and hows ur day been so far?
    an hows the gaming going lol
    _ = or
    db+4~f (gets you to drunk) DRU 3,2 b! ff+3,4 (easy to do)
    PLD 3_BT d+4~u~d PAN 2, 1, fn2 fn2 ff+2 b! ff+3,4 (hard)
    df+2_uf+4 f+3,1 fn2, ff+2 b! ff+3,4 (easiest basic combo)
    TGR 4, uf+1, f+2 fn2 ff+2 b! ff+3,4 (easiest basic combo)
    BT 4,3 d+1 ff+1 (crouch cancel with dash) fn2 ff+2 b! ff+3,4 (hardest combo ever from BT, timing is real tight)
    well thats up you your interpretation ;) .. and nopey laaah card captors is amaizng .. and lmao gigi .. i read bleach manga so why would that phase me ? mwhahahahahah
    oh btw im watching sora no otoshimono which are by same author as card captors if you like that which i loved xD .... fairy tail and 11 eyes ... u shud check them out :D
    lol my day's been pretty good actually, my b'ham friend came down to london for a school trip lol..so we just met up an had some sushi 2geva and just took him around places lol..
    are u getting better in tekken now? :p
    had dinner yet?
    wahhh..your so tall lol, i wish i was tall :p *jealous*
    yeah i just got home lol, that was a trek XD
    how's your day been? what u been up2?
    Why Manji Valley BGM?!?! Put on Electric Fountain!!!
    Practice the juggle I gave you, its like the basic of Tekken 6 now and show you're not a scrub LOL
    Also buy the Police Coat! Get yourself a pistol to fire at flying enemies and Nancy! Don't know if they fix the spelling of Police Coat in console, but it was called Police Cat in the arcades LOL. 2+3 to shoot the pistol when you have the item LOL
    Get the Red Police Coat and blue 2P pants, thats my old customisation and it looked the best
    wah musta been very hard work i guess...how tall are u? :p
    seems like today is your house chore day lol..yup set a good example for ur sis :XD:
    yeh i'm guna wrap up warm before i head out later ^^
    lol same here..i slept pretty 'early' for once lol an woke up early which is good lol
    did u cut ur hedge into animals and all sorts like them pro people do? :p
    an what are u guna ask your parents for? hmmm -detect
    have fun chillaxing today, weather looks pretty good as well (Y)
    lol okay well have u beaten all the other characters yet? :p
    and good morning ;) what u got planned for today? and you're up super early as well
    lol its ok, :p
    have u completed it yet? u hardcore gamer hehehehe
    lol have a good night's rest and sleep, and i shall chat to u later =]
    sweet dreams xxx
    Or use Feng Wei LOL play the waiting game, b+3+4 (stance) 4, 3+4 throw yourself at them when they go to ground stance to wait. Done that heaps at the arcades when I face Eddy or Christie
    Eddy lol, you got it quite easy if they're just spamming low, just down parry it (df just before the low hit ya) then do f+3,1 ff+3,4.
    If they're on stance d+4 him and poke him out, too far to reach, use the uf+2 or 3~4, 4 ,4 cartwheels or go to DRU f+3+4 and slam them with uf+1+2
    Other than those, stick with the usual f+3,1 poke, df+1 poke, df+4 poke and d+2 poke
    Use d+2 often, get them to block low and uf+4 hop kick them and then use f+3,1 ff+2 b! ff+3,4 short and damaging juggle, more than quarter of health gone
    i guess it was mainly the killing in God's name part that made u wrote THIS MUCH o_______o. NP, this one is short and sweet, the colloidal silver vid last time was mad longgggg
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