meh tickets have to be bought hte minute u realised that there are still some there! lol
that's how quick tickets go
sucks man!! no more good gigs on then?
oi im watching FMA: brotherhood and its basically the same as the other FMA!!??, i thought it was supposed to be a continuation like with them more grown up!!!!
heh, mg = fail? be more creative no need for jokey insults cus it just escalates and stops being fun. its a pic war not insult/name calling contest 8ball :finey:
save up man!! or use your christmas money! if she was brilliant in V festival with the usmmer just gone imagine her whole gig just her? msut be amazing!
Ooohh.. there was a website advert on facebook that had GaGas tickets but they were like at least £100.......... i dunno what the link is tho.. actually mayeb i do as i have found it but i dunno if there are anymore tickets left???