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  • hmm...mebe it was someone flashing for me to move over then -huh...omggg i <3 them truck horns too...omg that would be so amazing to use like when youre driving through the school runs or something and theres always one kid that charges onto the road -__-" when my friends first pass their tests we used to use them bike horns and pressnit out the window at people and cyclists haha

    bah i was gonna do it myself but it rained nearly every weekend and my car looked really sad being so dirtyy...they bound to move your mirrors when the dry it silly...and even now my mirrors dun look right....esp the passenger side >.< i know mine lasted for whut 3-4 days and its dusty again....the rain at the moment must be taking a layer of dirt though nows :)

    pssshh whuteverr ya still went way above the speed limit...im a have you booked...haha...i dunno why i was driving today and i went thru like 3-4 orangey/red traffic lights....hope i dun get a tix =[
    ooOo thas dangerous...!!..ive never done that before...-whistle...but nows most people dun oress horn they just flash their lights at you ive noticed..;)

    i took my car for a wash last week...wayy too cold to wash with jet spray ended up going to hand car wash place on way home...and they did an okies job la...but when they wiped it dry...he pushed my wing mirrors and now whenever im driving or parking or something...the mirror still doesnt look right...>.<

    tsk tsk shame on you..!!..thas like 30 above the speed limit...-nono....i have discovered a new game thas pretty funny..if ya drive past them speed cameras that you know has film....flash your full beams at them...(at night) so they think they've been caught...-devil..

    you hang it in your house..??..you have clothes line going across your sitting room...??...or you mean just on the heaters...??

    omggg thas so not fairrr....i want tofu faa....!!...and green bean desert...:(

    didnt notice no word limit here..:p
    you lieee...you seem the type to hold the horn down for ages and them have half your head out the window shouting badd words at people dont you...!!!!....i dunno if i see someone getting ubbber pissed off and i notice it..it makes me go slower and take my time...haha...:p

    icicic....hmm...might go to one of them too...i really wanna try going to one of them car wash machines....heard its pretty good...but im scared my aerial will come off...coz knowing my luck thas whut'll happen >.<

    you got drove 70mph on a 30mph road...??..50mph max on whut bypass...??..

    omgg yeshh i was tryna do the laundry today...4 times i hung the clothes out and then i just gave up...need to use a dryer damnit....stoooopid weather....yesh i'll make a beach house for you to stay in....-tongue2..

    bahh...i want 'tofu faaaa'....!!!...
    hahaha road-rage....something us drivers never get..-innocent.....tong tong stop shaking that fist and pipping your horn....!!!...hahhaha...i dunno...if you fail you drive yourself home for more practice..?..i dunno...

    bah i was going to wash my car yesterday...but it was wayyyy too cold...and now my car is still grotty...(N)....you stick it in them car wash machines..??...im not sure about them scared my aerial might come off =/

    you have got your motobike license right...?..so silly...omgg please dun be them a$$ drivers that drive below the speed limits...(N)..

    omgg the amount of grit on the roads....its looking like a beach soon if they grit anymore... no fairrr we had a bit of snow on rooftops and nuttin else...yeshh i noticed it got slightly warmer in the mornings...

    eeeeeEEEeee now you mention it i want 'yu daaan' and freshh daaan tattt....damnitt...
    ya see my instructor rocked...!!!...on my actual test i accidentally hit the radio on coz the buttons were on the steering wheel...but i was to nervous to do anything about it till at the end of the test the guy said to me...'we had some nice tunes back there'....hahahaha....-sweat...whut my instructor was cool about it anyways...-tongue2....they drive you back coz you're to happy to drive home mebe..?..haha..

    hey hey and so i see your bike....niceee....whut have ya done with the swift then...??..i guess thas gonna get neglected nows you have a new toy right...?..-nono...

    no snow up here :(...is there lots down yours...?...are we talking inches..??..*jealous*

    umm it did get kind of warmer we werent hitting minus double # at least....(Y)..

    yeshh you cant taste muchy...but at least have something TO taste..!!!...plain congee is just like drinking water....(N)
    he even said if i wanted to i could bring my own cd's to listen to on 2hr lessons providing its something he likes...haha....but i never did....-sweat.....omggg yeshh i hated that so muchy....but do you know whut was fun...was when you pass your driving test and they drive you home...and then you have a go at pressing the breakes for him...that was pretty funny haha....but i only did it when he was approaching a junction...hahaa...:laugh:

    yeshhh but dun you have to pay a certain fee for them to do that for you...?...my rents have always told me 'theres no such thing as free lunches'...haha...-lol...everyone is a broker...?..-huh....you can buy insurances from the companys itself ya know like tesco's...

    yeshh it was coldest at -12 a few nights ago and now its not as cold....*phew...it was getting rediculously cold....eveyrone in my fam was looking like michelin's...

    Dr's shout at you if you only have a cold...coz they say you should stay at home so they dun get the cold from you....haha me neither....but its the virus thas going round at the moment one of my friends felt ubbber rough for like a week so she went to see the DR's and they just told her yeshh its a virus....urghh i hate white congee...so boringgg...(N)
    haha...he does...i prolly just didnt listen....haha...nah not like that...he'd just point which way to go sometimes...like right in front of my face...it was laugh my driving lessons....i just hated it the most right at the start when they used to step on the brakes or hold your clutch for you...-angry...haha...

    omgg...people still go to insurance brokers..??....so lazyy.....why dun you just do it yourself...instead of finding a middle man...??..ooOo my baba used to be with zurich...

    it was bloooody -11 yesterday...i was like whoaa..thas pretty scary...to say...there was no snow....only ubbber lots of frost here....>.<

    if ya felt so badd ya shouldve taken a day off work...!!...whu did you do cough on him..?...give him a sneeze coffee...??..-nono...did ya know if you have a cold/flu and you go to the dr's they shout at you..!!...
    no im not rebellious....-innocent....i just hate being asked on the spot left/right....thas why im slow when i play twister...>.<....my driving instructor was pretty laid back anyways...-cool2...i remember he used to lean over near my head when he wanted me to turn sometimes...-lol..

    dunno....hmm..come to think of it i do need to start looking around for car insurances mines due soon...bahhh its soo boring (N)....whut company you with...?.

    myth busters..??...whut the hell is that....made me think of programmes that used to be on after school like 'big bang' and this other one about inventions called 'shindogu' or something hahhaa...

    nah i dun like eating in my car it stinks it out....:p....the roads need to be gritted when its like -5 degrees...dummmy....just you wait till your following them grit trucks...

    its a man-cold....a little cold aint gonna kill you....-tongue2....your workmates prolly think this dudeee partied real hard....hahaha...:laugh:
    hey ya totally stealing my colors...!!!!...-angry....meh...it looks quite good on my profile....top secret message...haha...-lol...

    hahaha i remember reading that happened in uk before as well....nah im no good at taking directions....i dunno why...i always do the opposite...my driving instructor used to lub it...haha...

    i wouldnt dare try it anyways....i rather just moan and whinge about going at 50mph than going faster and be out £60...and how many points ya get nows...:)

    ive heard people behind the tills announce on the machine telling people to get off their phones before...it was pretty funny coz the guy was oblivious to it....the person behind the till had to describe his car...etc...:laugh:...i do turn my phone off in hospitals though...id hate to have that on your conscience...that your phone killed someone...:(..

    hey hey im a greattt driver....minus the occasional hic-cups here and there....haha...:D...at least i dun eat mc dong dongs whilst i drive like my friends used to do...esp when we were at 6th form...during A Levels....haha..

    OOoooOOo thas well unlucky....guess hitting the boozer to muchy for you lor.....you'll have to wait till your fam gets back and get some chin soup down ya...!!..whut ya got the flu..?..or just a cold..?.
    puhahaha you dun trust your tomtom do you....-nono....umm...i dun have a fave one....i use AA or rac sometimes google...but its so blooody slow sometimes....when im ubbbbbber bored i sometimes use google maps when ya can see the streets and stuff and find shortcuts on my routed to uni...haha..

    are you sure....?...i thought they take both front and back # plates....i have heard from a few friends about themv av. speed cams....that they measure your speed depending on which lane you are in....so if you constantly switch from lane to lane....it wont have your average speed....but i aint tried it...im too chicken to try it....>.<..

    yup...wierd isnt it....ive also been told ya supposed to turn off your phone when ya go to petrol stations like you would do in a hospital...but i doubt anybody even does that....omgg..changing cd haha....when i was driving a few days ago i was holding a drink and trying to change my cd at the same time...cd dropped....tryna pick it up...spilt my drink as well....>.<

    nah i dun think so....i think your boss would be jealous and begging to be IN the piccies with you...!!...:kekekegay:

    well if you have thas pure signs that you are a schizo...!!...hahha...-tongue2...

    nah....haha...i was just curious thas all...im might just have to see whut you have to offer as well....haha....

    pssshhh you copy cat....(N)
    psshhh...im on a level way above you....i use my 6th sense and feel my way out....-tongue2...haha...i remember the days when my rents used to open the window and ask people for directions...mannnn i hated that so muchyy....i never really listened when they tell you...i just switch off half way through....>.<...nah most of the time if im going to places i dun know that well i just go online and get the route planner thingy...they're usually pretty good (Y)

    yeshhh i totally know whut you mean.....its like 'do they know something i dont know'..-what? how come they can go so fast :(...well either that or they're unmarked police cars..

    do ya know even if you pull over to one side to take a call...you need to turn your engine off...i totally didnt know about that till...a parking warden told me...omgg argueing with passengers counts as well...!?...that suckssss....i know about the eating one....i got pulled over for that...but they gave me a warning....pheww...haha...in my defence if you cant eat whilst driving why can you smoke...???...surely thas more dangerous...!!..-angry..

    whut film ya watch....!?...ya should totally take lotsss of piccies when ya nxt in the hotel...show them ya asian genes....tong tong in reception....tong tong with receptionist...tong tong outside the room door etc etc.....hahhaa...

    nah im sure you'll slowly develop a new friend in your MIND...hahah....-tongue2....

    well if he doesnt redeem it....i think it should be up for grabs...hahha..

    hmm....not used this color in awhile and i know how muchy you like it....:laugh:
    ya see...ya see....how impressive that looks....and ya aint even seen the bit where his chair can 'spit' knives out at people....!!!...i think you need to watch it just for THE chair..!..haha...-lol

    not sense...i 'feel' my way out..!?...hahaha...yesh they're cheap...but its getting a good one...thas hard.....wayy to many to choose from....

    now ya know whut i mean when i say its so -angry...when ya stuck behind tractors....huh...! yeshh i drove to nottingham the other day on M1..and like 5-6 junctions before nottingham there were roadworks and average speed cameras...sucks..!!!..(N)...

    ive only done it a few times...-innocent....and its blooody scary...one time i nearly swerved into a lamp post....explains why its illegal to txt haha...

    hey mebe ya boss knows ya likey clint so muchy....they send you to the same place all the time...have you got clint piccies in your office/desk @ work...you have havent you...and your sipping out of a clint mug right now...-shock...-ohmy...hahahaa....the sandra bulluck room..?..how come they all celebs..?...aint that kinda weird..?..

    you suck...you pulled the 'i'll call you' but DONT intend to at all line...shame on you...-nono...haha...

    when i was home alone...i either crashed at my friends house or they came over to keep me company...the first few nights i spent on my own and it creeped me out and i got lonely =/ house alone is scaryy..!!..

    hahaha....hey has your secret santa thingy redeemed your present....??..

    hehe thx....i likey my piggy too...!!....your ava makes a change from your gurlie piccies..:p

    nah couldnt find any piccies of the chair....>>Youtube Link<<...watch that and you can see THE chair...haha...

    i know...i likey gigi lai's acting too....:(...yup yup...so you gotta watch the series to support her..(Y)...haha..

    i dun have a tomtom...so i guess if i was lost i'll just try and sense my way out..?..>.<...

    wow 4hours thas pretty long...were you stuck in traffic or something...?...yeshh i didnt think you could multi-task you are a guy...-tongue2...haha...j/k..ya should try txting and driving...thas hardd....haha...im guessing your fave hotel is the clint one right...?..puhaha....wheres the nxt place ya gonna be sent to..?..

    how did ya drop her in the end...?..did ya have a argument and told her "your method sucks and dun bother coming to pick me up no-more..."...something like that..??..hahaha... my fam went with big company names coz thas the company my rents passed with...so they must be good if they;re still around right...:P..

    when does your fam get back...?!...you miss them muchy..?..i remember my rents went to hk and i missed them....:(...

    you d/l them as well....-ohmy....you must have a superrr speed connection...d/l all this stuff...ya know whut im gonna do...is 'port you to the bobbys...!!!..-detect
    haha...if i was disabled sure....that chair was pretty amazing...with it being an ancient series and everything his chair would be able to be up in the mountains...in forests...its one impressive chair...haha...but but its a tribute for gigi lai....its her last series..!!!...

    w00t w00t so it isnt just me who follows other cars sometimes haha...i get so scared that they're going home sometimes haha....

    well whuts the longest youve driven non-stop..?..you do need a break sometimes...at least for a pee pee...unless you pee in a empty bottle dumb and dumber style haha...(N)....ooo look at you with your cheapy b&b room more like :p...haha...j/k...got a best hotel yet..?..

    mebe thats her method in making you realise whuts wrong so you learn the tough way..?..like being thrown in the swimming pool to learn how to swim..?..i dunno...-unsure...haha..even for driving lessons and stuff best way is through the contacts you know..?...whut a society we live in huh...;)...but v.true we can hold our licences proud :)

    hehehe thas nice....ya rents leave ya food money = booze money huh....niceee...hahaha...drinks all on tong tong....-woot2 -woot2...haha...night out on the tiles or house party for new years..?..nah you need to pass out to mark the new year..!...haha

    umm...1932 era...

    omgggg you follow all of them...!?...-what?...no wonder ya dun have much time...you watch it on telly or online on your comp as well..?..your eyes must be like @[email protected] on comp home time..and face comp again...@_@
    hey hey....the gadget chair was pretty cool at first....how he manages to fight in it....and he can push the back of the chair down to avoid being stabbed and stuff.....whoaaa 80 eps are you sure..?!?....umm.....drive of life was a pretty long series and that was like 50 eps wasnt it..?...moonlight was 40-something eps wasnt it....then yeshh i guess the grand productions are pretty long huh.....but its gotta be long to be able to have all them actors/actresses in it right..-lol

    well if i dun see others doing it....im not looking silly and doing it...:p...i remember i was stuck in traffic and saw all these cars turning down this road...and i followed...and was like whoaaa never been down here before....luckily it took me out and not to someones house...hahaha....

    numb a$$....you do know the service stations are there for a reason right..?!...aside from robbing ya blind with the riduclous prices they have...>.<

    omggg.....thas so funny....you totally dun need to change down gears approaching junctions hahaha....when the car makes sounds its NORMAL....and when ya stall thas even better (Y)....hahahahahaha....ya should just stick to the big companies...safer....haha..umm...not really....i went with bsm and it was £19 something wor...

    pssshhhh shallup....just coz im sentimental....!!...thinking back....another emotional bit when travia runs away......wow nxt week huh...thas fast....hows it been xmas holidays with ya fam in hk right..?...where did you go..?...crash someone elses party..?..-lol....ya bike in toy r' us..??..i dun think you can bargin with them prices..-tongue2....bikes in a shop = brand new bikes right...?!..

    well i just watched 1st epi of that easterly showers blah blah (long name)...and no comment but i know joe ma and charmaine are in it....keke...

    do you follow all the american shows then..?...lost/24/heroes/prison break etc...?..
    omggg yesh he leaps off his chair to fly into the sky with the rest of them...at 1st i thought it was a pretty cool series....raymond lam's chair had all these 'mo hai' [hiddel tools]..but the ending was a total -nono...

    yesh its good for them....but i dun see anybody else doing stretches before they drive..>.<...hey hey i dun have weird joints...you're weirddd....:p....your joints never clicked before ga meh...?...

    i think that piccie was pretty funny.....lets see ya race that car....hahaha...:laugh:

    how come ya switched companys..?..have ya seen how muchy it is for driving lessons now...?..one of my friends were telling me if it goes up anymore she dun think she can afford it no mores....its like nearly £23 an hour here...

    now now dun go OTT nows.....even i didnt cry every episode...(N)...you still on holidays...!?..when ya go back..?!...you have a nice holiday so far...?!...did santa bring you your BMX..?...hahha...

    hahaha when i read " oooo those kind of period dramas "....i was like -huh period dramas...period....o_O....whut the hell...then it clicks -lol....hahaha i did watch heroes when it 1st came out but then i kept forgetting to watch it and i fell behind and couldnt be bothered to catch up...haha...i heard people say the new series is badd...
    the series was okies la.....i just finished it...and the ending was terrible...!!!....there were like 1000k+ army and the four of them were about to fight them all....they all leap into the sky including raymond lam who is disabled...leaps from his chair...and the credits roll...(N)...

    yeshhh its when i press the clutch in...so badd....now i just turn my mooosic on louder...haha...psshhh light jogging / stretching.....its not like im about to do a marathon or something...haha...is that whut you do...?

    aint that the 306..?..the piccie i found was a peugeot 205....dummmy....haha...ya know when i was looking for them piccies i saw this...hahaha...

    rents told me peugeot cars arent good...so got talked out of it....well why didnt you buy the 306 then..??...haha...you learn with a private company..?.i went with bsm so learnt in a corsa...

    well...if it does affect me im sure student loans will send me another letter right...:P...pshhh you noob kiidies get more money than i do...no fair >.<

    pshhh.....dun lie...i remember you admitted....you cried in the tvb show before...its okies la...!!..neither can i.....you finished it in like 2 weeks...-ohmy..

    umm....yeshh i think it is...but not as much as king/queen time...more like a victorian times...oh wait or is it like 50's-60's time..?..eww....american shows...?...(N)...hahha..i never got into prison break, lost, 24....etc...even though everybody says how great and addictive they are...
    nah most of the links are still pretty active coz i missed an episode on chin channel...and had to d/l an epi and it came down pretty fast on megaupload....haha...

    tell ya whut is weird...lately when ive been driving is my knee clicks when i change gears >.<....

    this one..?..i guess its coz its cheap..

    i used to ubbbbbber want this one...but one of my friends learnt to drive in it...and told me the back window was ubbbber hard to see out of....


    oh is that the so called 'top-up' fees that everybody was kicking up such a big fuss about..?..then yeshh mebe it didnt affect me...hahha...-woot2....but hang on when i was filling in my student loan forms and stuff i did notice you guys can apply for more money...like maintenance grants etc...so it all balances out i think.....and them statements i receive them but i dun pay attention to them....i cant even remember where ive put them -sweat....haha

    omggg when the grandma died that was pretty touching as well...and even more when 'jo ba' was in hospital and kicks all his kids out of the room...:tear:..i dun know whut the hell is wrong with you....!!!!...you suck (N)...so whut did you think of the moonlight series..?..or did you prefer the 1st one....!?.

    oooOoo one last standing with roger kwok and kevin cheng...yeshh i likey that one...lots of suspense..!...thas exciting..:)...im in the middle of watching the gem of life and then a new series called 'When Easterly Showers Fall On the Sunny West' starts nxt week.....just finished 'the four' and whut a cheesey ending...
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