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  • ya should its niceeee~~~!...and they give ya them fat straws so the pearls go up it....^^..

    umm...i went to quite a few coz it got a few days off school....went with my friends and it was such a laugh...^^..

    yeshh there is.....you just need to SEARCH for it....coz free things are harder to find...:p...

    you got lots saved up...?..even after insurance of your bike and swift..?..or are ya them kiddies that rents pay for everything arr..??..seeing as banks dun give ya muchy...ya should transfer it to the BBB (Brown Bear Bank plc)....haha
    in bottles..?..ive seen them....but i dunno...when ya see the actual color its looks kinda weirdd....i likey it covered up in them red/yellow cartons..hahha...do ya know whut is nice..? the pearl tea in cans....kekekekke...

    i dun think i even looked online...i just checked out the places which friends/fam went and picked them....and uni's that are close by....^^..

    hmph deal declined :p..

    when ya back to being a bum..?..or kicking back earning the interest on the money you've saved up on placement..?...hahhaa
    'gook fa cha'....right..?..i also likey drinking them 'leung cha' in the red and yellow cartons cant remember the name teem...its not vita or yeos brand i know...

    i dunno....i didnt look into that when i was looking for uni's -___-" but to be fair we didnt have muchy of a careers advisor at my school...85% jeeeez....hey mebe you'll be a speaker for your grad ceremony for highest avg..?

    ya should post a recent piccie of your hairrr....!!!!!...

    ooOoo yesh...how far ya got..?..epi 19 by nows right..?
    then drink a diff drink then...vita does do other drinks dummmmmy....!!!...:p

    whoaaa thas so goood...!!...damnit i so went to the wrong uni....!!..you're on form for getting a 1st anyways right...?..i remember ya showing off how ya got like 70%+ average right...?...<_<

    puhahaha dun lieee...i can seee ittt...you even use a hair band to move it away from your face like the guy in 'grasshopper' dont youuuu :p

    um...i dunno if it had a drop or not...dun pay attention to tvb ratings...so have ya started it..?

    umm...still clean-ish...just rain over here...no ice...phew...but i know there might be some tonight though =/....its youuuu...youve jinxed itttt..!!...(N)
    whuttt yeos...??....gotta be vita all the way...!!!...

    hmm....the 'correct grades' = getting a 1st every year...?...no pressure huh....!!..haha..

    hmm..long to the point ya hair flicks out and sits on your shoulders..?...:laugh:...

    aww the gem of life is good...i liked it...if ya like the grand tvb productions you'll like it i think...i finished it not long ago and it was so exciting esp. near the end about 6-7 eps left..!!...

    i washed my car today....!!...<3 ittt...
    hahaha ya wanna know why i know....its coz i used to think its the chin carton drink ya can buy at chin supermarkets...so when i was ickle id walk in looking for chin foods and stuff =/

    thats is so unfair..!!!...i think you've found a loophole....have they changed the course nows...?...or can you still enroll on it nows.?

    you grow it long nows huh....so many chins with long hairs nows...do ya style it as well...or is the usual asian spikes..?..:p

    oooOOoo pages of treasure thats gonna be on tvb-uk soon...eric suen is in it right...?...anygood worth watching...?...E.U..its so addictive...!!..
    funnily as it is....i dun shop at places like yeomans....:p....not evil its called umm....self-protection like when ya walking in the woods...haha...-tongue2...

    does it equal to an actual masters as well....?..or just a postgrad diploma cert thingy..?...thats so unfair either way...!!!....

    you still shave your hair...?...i remember you're piccie...from ages ago..!!...one of my guy-friends dyed his hair blue looked good 2-3 weeks later it kinda faded slightly so he shaved it off to like a #2 and was like whut blue..haha..

    omg omg omg im watching emergency unit..!!...ubbbber good no more that 'hard s!#?t and tears"...!!..hahaha
    wuhahahaha.....ice climbing boots.....they sell these..??..-what?....them ickle knives at the bottom look puuurfect for walking/kicking somebody..!!..you want to try 1st....?... -devil...hahhaha....i dun have proof that its his water.....but we all know its his attempts to melt the snow....but like my mammi says just leave it la....so we can all get along nicely -___-"

    whuttt you still get student loan as well...?...thas not very fair to the postgrads and stuff though.....so you get no graduation after doing your undergraduate...?...that kinds suckys coz its like a milestone...^^

    nah hacken lee is going a darker shade of blonde/brown-ish i think.....ooOoo the fama guy i thought really suited him...deff. looked good...too bad its back to black nows =/ anyways it easy for a guy to dye your hairs....when ya get bored just shave it off....dun need to wait for roots to grow back etc...
    proper ice walking boots..??...i dun think ive seen/heard of it before....the only thing i can think of when ya say it like that are ice-skates...hahha...meh...i dun mind falling/slipping....lately i can trip over nuttin and ive had the 2 left feet comments....=/ i knowww we've told him so many times how dangerous but does he listen NO..!!...hes like them stubborn old men..

    wow your course included the masters as well..?...coz theres no student loans for them right..?

    ooOoo ya should...its surprising how diff. it looks when ya do it....hm going for the hacken lee looky huh...but mind you it doesnt seem as blonde as it used to...
    you mean walking boots..?....nuttin will go with them....and they look pretty ugly...i had a few days of wearing wellies actually....:p...but my feet started to hurt in them =/ well i wouldnt be falling if my smart neighbour wouldnt keep pouring water to melt the snow...ive told him so many times but he doesnt listen....

    hahaha....thas just like that advert on tv when this guy is saying whut hes got in the car for theives to steal....cant seem to find in on youtube though =/

    2 years..?..aint ya just got your final year and thas it...?...or you giving yourself some time just in case if you flunk something..?..

    i dunno i quite like the brown thingy...but i likey purple and reds more...ya know more diff. colors...^^...have you dyed your hair before...?....
    no need to dye it ginger la....just dye it blonde and after a few weeks it turns gingery....so there ya go another way...for you...-lol

    "so much cool"..?...thas clear signs of UNCOOL-ness right there....dummmy
    yupz...i slipped on the snow/ice too....but ya just kinda try to laugh it off and just pull your hood up to cover up the embarrassment >.< worst fall i had was when i stepped out the door and fell backwards and smacked my head on the porch step thingy =/

    nah i thought of that perfecttt idea for you....seeing as im the brains ya the one to test things out...-tongue2....ghetto life nah...i can just drive round the bad places up north....just gotta be sure to lock the car doors when ya going through it...

    ya gotta becareful of the animals that like to charge out on country roads so nott good....actually i see a few dead birds on the bypass as well -___-"

    keep a good rapport with them and who knows mebe they'll offer you a place when ya finish your course..?...how bigs the final one so to speak...1500 words..? :p
    ya should make your own grit and then tie it to the front of your car so its gritting the roads as you move if ya know whut i mean..?..hahhaa...whut an invention huh..!!...hahha

    puhahha....yeh right.....dun big yourself up that muchy....it aint cool ya know...-lol
    no transport....guess ya had to go back to using your legs huh....:p...

    told ya soooo....!!!!....ya should've got a BMX..!!..almost like a BMW....hahhaa...so ya can say to your friends i got a BM *ahem X*....hahhahah....i thought you live quite far from your work place..?...dun need to go on motorways ga meh...???..."not in the nicest places" meaning you live in the ghetto then...-tongue2...

    fun being passengers sliding from left to right and feeling sick coz the roads are hilly and bumpy..?...wow thas early....have you been doing them monthly reports as well...saying whut you've learnt on placement...or do ya not need to do that..?

    yeshhh they would if you wore it....if you dun believe ya should try it then...:p
    why would the roads need to be gritted if its been raining..??....not half as bad as my neighbour who keeps using water to splash his car thinking its "faster"....keeps icing over the place...(N)

    wow so your swift and the soprt swift not that muchy diff. then...??..

    and whut do i get out of it...if i try it..??...:p

    and when you do break out the alarms will sound off and then you'll be recaptured and your sentence will be extended...smart...NOT....:laugh:
    thas not half as frustrating as when ya forget to save your work and you click close without reading the boxes asking you to save etc...

    same same here....snow but not snow that settles....is that sleet...?...its just snow to me....^^....wow really..??...was power and everything out...?..or out being no transport and stuff...?

    petrol same as your car..??...that aint good surely...your car has a/c and runs on 4 wheels...and the bike doesnt....bad location...??...you live in a ghetto..?...haha....

    cat and fiddle...i dun like that its scary...me and my friends went for a road trip and to be fair she knew the roads pretty well....but it made it scary...coz she knew when to put her foot down and stuff....when does your placement end...?..

    the ginger will brings out your eyes...hahaha...-lol
    hey at least yours is just mud...mines grit and blehhh....the gritters have not done a very good job...i see so many huge patches of grit on some bits and like no grit somewhere else...but when ya drive throw it ya can here it tingling throw ya bodywork...=/

    ooOOo that suckys....so they dun show ya that pile of diff materials/patterns ya can get...did you customise your to begin with though....like choose extra stuff for your swift..??

    eww walk.....whut the hell is that...??...hahhaa....

    nah the code for that if we get caught is to be in denial...deny everything....hahhaa..so its just you in jail...loner..:p
    it was raining and snowy a little up here again...but it wasnt settling =/ i have seen some roads/places still covered with loads a snow....yeshh i heard about london too....mustve been ubbber weird....i cant even imagine it....how it literally closed for like 2 days....did you get affected by that..??

    i dun like twisty roads....i always go ubbber slow exp...if its roads ive not been on before... haha....whoa its a sports bike...petrol and insurance not expensive meh..??..-nono...haha ya see you wanna test out your driving skills up here dont youuu....have you driven on the snake pass before....?....its whut you can drive on to travel to manchester....but im guessing you prolly havent coz your a southenerr...:p

    ewww that hat looks disgustingg....why would ya want ya hair to poke out of the helmet...(N)...more like something like this...haha

    i dunno..if ya in town centre you'll have to pay for parking and be stuck in town centre traffic which sucks big timeeeee...!!!...=/

    i wouldnt know coz i aint been in jail before unlike youuu...suckerr...-tongue2...
    really..??...i heard from a few friends that it was snowing so badly london literally closed for 2days with no transport no nuttin coz of the weather...-huh...no..??..ive had mostly rain where i live...and some parts is still covered in snow...

    i duno...mebe ya just wanted to drive your bike to and from work like a test run..?...haha...do ya know whuts fun..??...a ride up north to pick me up for a road trip..!!..hey does your helmet have spikey hair that pokes out..?...haha...

    yuppz....there was a bit of left over snow which turnt to ice...but it wasnt as bad as they were making out...but guess its to protect themselves from people suing...or something..?..i dunno..and now i looky at my car again...its as if ive not washed it at all >.<

    so you dun get to re-choose the interior color and stuff..??...then yesh thas uncool...:p....ring them already...!!!.
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