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  • most likely to be in hk i think....seeeing as hes a new artist and its like his 1st ever concert....i knowww damn uk....they go to aussie as welll...

    here check out bosco's song....hes got a cd out as well....>>clicky<<

    i do lub the fact that these new economical cars have a/c even the ubbbber small engines like toyota aygo's....^^....whuts wrong with the prius...??...i thought they're meant to be good cars no..?

    back to being a student huh.....looking forward to it...?..but ya still got most of the summer seeing as ya finish so early which is kinda odd i remember my friends didnt finish till like end of aug and had only 2-3 weeks before they started final year...

    ya think ron's was bad...give bosco..a try...pwhahaha
    whut do you mean..?...your avy works worr....he's telling the truth so it wont grow...mebe hes being sarcastic...pwhhahaha
    nopes she aint popular...ya should check out her popularity here on PA....hahaha....true truee...i think raymond lam is one of the few that can....he's gonna have a concert soon too.....^^...<3 raymond.....!!!....would so lub to go to ittt....-down....hey have ya heard bosco song...?....oh wait some of myolie's singing is okies too....

    hmm...cant even remember the Z4 ad muchy nows...dun think it had a roof thingy wor...or mebe i saw an old ad...i duno but it was the Z4 driving round and the tyres kept painting a diff. color coz the tyres were covered in paint so when it moves it leaves a diff. color trail i dunno...trueee....its all about the small economical cars nows...-lol...

    icicic....are ya doing anything nice then..??...when do ya offically finish nows..?...leaving party..?..

    ookies yeshh that song 'dont blame her' was pretty good....check this one out... >>clicky<<
    i guess ya gotta try to know...??....

    umm....nah im sure its the channel4 ads for channel4 demand or something i cant rememer....but since ive mentioned it ive not seen it again -_____-" guess it phases when its on all the time and nows it isnt...i did see the new bmw z4 ad and that looks pretttty shexxxy...!!!..

    are you still off for easter...?..aint it been like 3 weeks already...O_o..??....its supposed to be a bit drizzly tomollow...not suree....but it was niceeee todayy...<3

    ron ng pretty much had a 1 hit wonder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fstfFN9VkDY sooo didnt know linda chung starred in the mv though...haha..

    a paradox..? its a oldd kidddie story..?...used to watch pinocchio....^^..
    exactlyyyy....!!!!.....now ya know how we all feel about the songg....pwhahaha...the dancing wasnt all that great either and the bits in engrish....oh nooooooo....(N)...

    umm....i cant remember the ad exactly but it starts off with the 4 guys being rejected in pubs coz theyre too knowledgeable that they win the pub quizzes and dont let other people have a chance to win so the pubs ban them...so they think of dressing up as women so they can play the quiz and win again or something...-lol...

    nxt weekend..?..im guessing this weekend has gone to your bike again then...??..-nono...whut a bad ownerrr....:p

    can you remember when ron ng tried to sing as well...?..omggg that was terrible tooooo....

    your avy nows....great how the student loan is like 2nd biggest -_____-"
    hehehe yupz same heree....i just get kinda jealous when im in there and ya hear someone win loads -___-" when ya mention them pub quizzes it reminds me of that channel4 advert when them old guys dress up as women to win the pub quizzes...^^..

    hahaha true truee...its gotta be a niceee car with a coool plateee....*day dreams*...:) so have ya got rid of the swift nows..?...i bet ya dun even clean it no mores do you....??...its the poor neglected car....-nono

    umm..bernice did the one hit wonder...the 'into thin air' themesong or something...and then thas about it...rest of her singing career never really lifted....she just reminds me of bernice coz i remember bernice was tryna enter the singing market with her dancing as well...hahaha...

    omggg i saw theresa sing liveee...omggg the crowd was so muchy better than herrr...puhahaha....is that why ya not got her on ya avy nows..?...hahaha..
    meh it was fun whilst it lasted....have ya played on them slot machines in pubs...?..

    on your bike and not your car....?....shame on you favouring ya new toy more than your old toy...puhehehe....something simple like...?....168 not badd....is that it had...no letters..?..

    really...?...*awaits the hate kateee club*...hahaaha....i dunno i thought she was good in speech of silence.....i hated her in moonlight resonnance...and off the beat....(N)....omgg when i saw her sing on JSG..it totally reminded me when bernice was tryna singgg....(N)...

    watch itttttt....!!!!!!!!
    really...?....not even the odd £10 here and theree....??....i tell ya whut is fun is scratch cardsss...but ive only ever one like once i bought a £1 and won £1 got another and lost...-doh!

    yupz.....for sureee....so people will be like looky theree....bb is cominggg....or bb just went past meee....hahhaa...are ya saying you dun want your name on a # platee...??......oooo i know your like them chins who likey random plates as long as it has #8 ya happy...so something like T88 HFS or something....-lol...

    ya likey kate tsui..?...wow....! -shock....omgg have ya heard her song...?..omggg its terrribleeeeee

    omgggg it was gooood....there was so muchy b*tching going onn...sooooo funnny...!!!!....:laugh:
    my friends tell me....shes only buys when big roll over and asks me if im buying/bought one but im not really one for buying tix....hardly ever win (N)...plus the euro is harder to win i think....dun ya need like 4#'s to win anything..??....i have heard the irish lotto is easier to win....hahha..

    more like you were tryna show off your culinary skiils werent youu....puhahaha....

    nah i want my name on a private plate and one that people can read not just my initials hahaha....funny plates lose there funny-ness after a while i think....:p..

    hmm...not sure..whuts the show called...??...oooo wait is it the one with kate tsui in it..?...sneak previewed that and thought it was so-so as well....

    apppprentice on tonightttt....!!!!!!
    sureeee it isss.....and have ya been bought a tix 2 weeks nows..?...buying another this week...?...-lol...

    umm...i dunno if the xmas din din was nice or not....not around over xmas why go to uni when no classes...hahhaha......dun lieee you had 2 xmas din dins didnt youuu in fact 3...!!!..-ohmy..

    well he has gotta show it off and the # plateee....if i had a plate like that i prolly would tooo...hahhaha.....i think youuuu shoulddd...(Y)...

    hahaha....yeshhh i think its rents thingy coz my baba liked it said it was funnny...but i didnt like ittt.....so muchy for you saying mebe i didnt understand itttt....-tongue2..
    ooookies ya can try ya luck wid it if ya wanttt.....i doubt it'll do anything for youuu...phahaha....

    and whut happened to your karma huh..?....aint it like the 3rd roll over for the euro millions again..?...-lol..

    awww thas niceee.....dun think i ever tried the xmas din dins at the uni cafee...everything is soooo expensive....on uni grounds...-_____-"

    nopes never watched the U.S version.....ya know whut i found out that i never knewww was alan sugars # plate AMS1 = his namee....hey do ya think you'll ever go on the show seeing as your such a fan...?....-lol...

    goood choice so when did ya watch it....??..ya watchey the 1st epi then...??.....i was saying how crappy it was to my baba and he kinda likes it....hahaha
    you think my brain will be of good use to you....??..hahaha

    wah xmas din dins huh....ya didnt go home for it....?...oh wait was that when you were home alone..?..hahha....

    nah i thought the other team was gonna lose coz they werent shifting any of the goods to the point 3 bottles for a £1...i thought they'd be losing out loads...coz the seaweed team sold all there products to that woman....her face was so funnnny when the old man asks them how much did you spend on the fragrance...hahahaha...:laugh:

    yayy....!!..i likey the gem of life show despite everyone else saying its crappy and too long blah blah....i <3 watching all the big actors in it....well once ya get the hang of whos who....^^...
    dun you have to use simple maths to work out how muchy change ya need to give back to the car owners...hahhahhaa....:laugh:...

    id go for the chicken burger then...hahaha...<3 the burger king fries...!!!!....mannn now i want some.....=/....have you even tried qourn before..?...dun mock till ya tried ittt....-tongue2...

    hahaha...i'll give it a shot tonight then..^^..

    im expecting you'd have finished the gem show over easter break right..?...did ya get muchy time off..?....psssh you and your paid holidays....(N)..
    arent you using maths in your placement...??...you are doing a placement related to your course right..and not flipping burgers right..?..ooh wait you've past that age right....umm...youre not in one of them hand car washes are you....??.....hhahaa...j/k

    nopes...i dun likey straight up meat....so no go on steaks/pork chops etc....i dun mind it if i dun see it like mince of something...i could prolly be a vege if my mammi didnt put pork chops in the soups...haha..the quorn stuff is okies actually edible....lub the vege burgerss...!!!...

    omgg he was terrible comeon the olympic idea was terrible...(N)...truee i think that team leader guy the one who bangs on the table and talk over EVERYONE will go today...!!!....is that the follow up show on afters...??...cant wait for todays show..they're making beauty products hahahaha....
    ooOOoo reallly....i bet ya worked it out on a calc didnt you....tsk tsk....

    a vegiee....umm..id say half if there was one coz i eat seafood and chicken...haha...i dunno just not a fan of red meat and will avoid if possible...

    yeshhh the wii thingy....thas whut it looked like...!!!....majid so deserved to be fired i thought...his ideas were terrible....esp. the olympic thingy for the sarnie one...haha..cant wait to see tomorrows epi....!!!...
    you dun even know whut the year is in 200 years time do you otherwise ya wouldnt say "date the cheque 200 years into the future"....hahhahahhaa....-tongue2...tryna work it out nows arent youuu...puhahha...

    *shudders*...well not been muchy of a fan of red meat esp. not lamb...=/

    omgggg the 1st epi of apprentice when they were washing cars was soooo funny....whys the inside wet...oo umm...he sprayed it whilst the door was open..puhahaha....watched y'day too....'they were most happy when ya walked out with the box'....:laugh:....!!!!!...

    umm sure you give it a shot and tell me whut you think of it....:p...
    umm..i think you just get fined for writing a cheque with insuffuicent funds or something...told ya...you should totally try it out and tell me whut happens....!!!...

    *shudders* lamb...ewww.....ya want char sui arr....(Y)...

    hahaha reminds me of the show 'the apprentice' for some reason...-lol....are you following it..?...

    umm....i didnt really like the melon one...not sure if its coz i dun really understand the jokes or something...i just dun really like it...comp graphics and stuff overload...and louise so is too old for her role..ya should really watch like 1st epi and see if it any good before d/l then...so greedy just d/l anything neww...haha..
    to test it out you should write your friend a £10,0000 cheque and see whut happens....hahhahahaha

    "something WE made".....and by that you mean HE made and you just stood and watched and was like "ooOOoo" "wow" "keep it up"...?..hahaha....are ya sure you didnt just google a piccie there...?....looks pretty pro...but is it actually edible..?...-lol...so you made the roast pork and stuff as well..?...'siew char sui'..??..

    hahaha @ the "emo-ness".....:laugh:...and sureee you may have taken the idea but have you implemented the idea yet no...??...guess we'll have to see who's faster then...-tongue2...

    i liked gem of life....whut have ya watched up to.....??...i watched a bit of the new-ish big melon one with all the comp graphics etc..not really my thing....
    blehhh you suckkk....you get charged too for signing bouncey cheques dont youuu....:p

    master chef.....hahaha sureee....i wishh....if ya can live off cakes, deserts and the odd pasta dish then suree....i dun mind being the -chef...haha...and youre the guy who makes alll the chin soups right..?..

    burger flipper machine...??...yeshh its been invented already acne teens flipping them....-lol...whuttt you are totally gonna try and steal my creative ideas....well im a copywrite them ALL...!!!!!!

    i watched 1-5 epi's and then on and off the series when it was on the tvb channel and then watched the ending....which was ubbbbbber cheeseyy "oh wait lemme see whut wish you wrote down..*shock* its same as mine"...jeeeeshh

    ooOOOoo gem of life..?...how ya finding itt.....??....seen the niceeee cars in it...<3
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