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  • why dun you just shallup....you're them people that stand in the line moaning, and sighing arent youu.....if ya wanna sit so muchy ya should carry them fold up portable chairs....pwhahahaha...WAIT....ya dun get change on HK buses...?..i never knew that....im sure you doo....-unsure..

    ookies...mebe it is..i dunno it still seems kinda weirdd....like ya gassing yourself...are ya sure ya not reading the 'committing suicide manual'..hahha..:p

    prob go..?...he deffo going ya mean...he's got no-one to back him no mores...

    is that the kenneth ma and kate tsui one..?..not good..?..hmm...mebe i'll skip that one too then...wanna watch the rosey business one.....!!!!.

    well it is the shopping channel aint itt...omggg ya need to watch this weeks it was so excitingggg...!!!!....cant wait for the finals nxt weeeek...i hope XX wins...dun want it to win...=[
    the rocking horse thingy was so expensive i couldnt believe it...but hey if they sold that 1 horse they wouldve won...hte tv ad's one was soooo funnnnny....the leather jacket looked disgustinggg...!!...and and and "oooOOo lemmme release my inner guitar goddess"...PWHAHAHA...and tonights...omgggg....(Y)
    it aint that hard to work out...£20-£2=£18 jeeesh....they should just be more organized and have money in them little £1 tubey thingys so they'll know how much is in it or something....do ya know whuts worsee....people who pay with 1p-2p-5p they take AGESSSS...!!

    5mins..?..does that even run the bad smell out..?...and when ya cleaning the interior..thas just gassing yourself with the smell...

    i heard they get pay-off's for resigning....and whuts to say the people who stay there aren't gonna carry on...its like umm...yeshh we better stop now whilst its still a hot topic..

    haha...but lemme guess...you'll continue watching it though..?..im watching just love II and its goooood...!...watched 1st epi of that new roger kwok one..something 'ID' pretty good about the hk immigration stuff...(Y)...but might watch that ancient show with kenneth ma and kate tsui nxt not sureee...
    sure it issss......more like you were speaking from experience werent youuu....!!!!.....so wad dut...

    ive actually done that....its just one of those times when ya dun have any change....ive had times when the bus driver rejected me and made me spend it and catch the nxt bus =.=

    omgggg you do it when you're cleaning your car...?...thas so bad for the enironment..esp. when ya not even in the car....(N)...ooo wait do ya mean when ya cleaning the interior like the dash or something...?...doesnt that make you even hotter in the car then..?...youre weirdd

    psshhh even if they resign they get like these BIG FAT pay offs anyways...(N)

    the snooker one...meh....saw 1st epi and thought eh...nuttin spesh not worth d/l i'll wait for that to be on chin channel..

    omgg last week was pretty funny...did ya watch previous week with the bb stuff...?...
    umm....ewww the cow comment....-sick2...and how do you even know this..?....bad experience with cows..?...:p..

    still not as fast at the hk ones i think...yesh paying mebe faster but doesnt cut the slow-ness of the actualtrain/bus turning up on time....(N)...

    i dunno in the winter i think its weird turning the a/c on and have warm air come out....just so ya dun get that yucky smell...

    pshh....and who said you're good enough to have a BAd friends list..?...-tongue2...

    okies i heard about the duck island..its s ridiculous....esp. when he was saying its none of their business they're just jealous of him...WTH..!!!..and the guy who claimed expenses for a box of matches that are 29p...!!...omggg....and yesh they mebe leaving but its not as if they dun receive like 100k for going or something =.=

    im guessing you'll have finished by nows..?..whuts up nxt...E.U finally..?..

    omgg apprentice..so funnny...'i'm releasing my inner guitar goddess'....PWHAHAHAHAHA....!!!
    psshhhhh less petro....coz ya constantly moving and dun need to wait at traffic lights and stuff...so when ya moving..more gas/fumess...dummmy....so ya aint saving it..do ya know how to save the plannet..sell them both donate the money to meee and you walk....-tongue2..pwhahaha

    whuttt how does having your oyster card cheaper..by half price as well...-unsure...i remeber when i was last on the bus i was late and just ran out the house without my student card and had to pay full fare >.<

    you HAD to turn a/c on huh....how come not turnt it on for a while..?....got that yucky smell leh..:p....

    you wouldnt accept...?....then you suckk...i'll just bombard you with more messages then....hahaha

    the "duck island"...not heard that one =.=

    heyyy have ya finished watching 'gem of life'....??
    really...?...psshhh.....still youre killing the planet more than i am....youve got bike AND a car...-nono....:p....hey do you car share with people at work...?...heard ya get gov't incentives if ya do...well thas if they aint claimed everthing...haha....mind you i'll take the bus if i have to...its so blooody expensive though =.=

    ive got a bit of sunshine nows....but i can see the grey clouds moving over soon =/ feels likes its been raining for agesssss....

    i think you shoulddd....!!!..one of them just in case precautions ;) if ya want some help i could run you over...and then we'll be able to see how high you'll go too huh....good idea leh...pwhahah...

    and if i did do ya know who'll be on it..?...YOUUUU....-tongue2..

    omgg at the MP thingyy...how they're all pushing the blame on each other..."it wasnt me" blah blah....(N)(N)(N)(N)
    i think thas whut happens to most cars actually looky at the porsches....whenever i see them its always these ucky old men stepping out of them...i have seen more and more swifts about nows though....i am liking the light/sky blue swift that i keep seeing about...<3

    new friends list....?..-huh?..

    i thought the wine flue thingy was slowly dying out thas why...?..hope it doesnt come back....sounds pretty scary...

    nah whut i hateee :rant:...is the fact that yeshh they're prolly all in shame and stuff but nuttins really gonna get done..and we all know that....(N)(N)(N)(N)(N)
    umm.....i dun think ive heard of his moosic muchy eitherr.....he just happened to be on jsg when i heard him...i dunno...whenever i see him...he just gives off this small scrawny looky...and is only in showbiz coz his dad's rich vibe...hahaha

    exactlyyy.....so who caress....a/c all the way..!!!....(Y)...actually i think your should be more environmentally friendly and walk to places....!!..1 less is better than 1 more killing the planet...:p

    pshh i think your totally jinxing it nows....its rainy again today....=/

    well mebe ya should practice your fall....fly into the sky and land on a car bonnet then...!!!...pwahha...ewwww @ all the fly swats...:puke:....thas the main thing i cant stand when driving on m-way..(N)...all though recently when i park on campus its under all these trees and the amount of leaves im getting not goood...
    1000 word limit got me too....>.<

    oops saw another iq and it wasnt automatic...so i guess it can be both..(Y)...does seem slightly more tempting...but the one i saw was black and had this disgusting plasticy interior...awwww well thas old people for ya....i think its a pretty cute car and suits that age as well...^^...it certainly beats them old people in ubbbbbber big cars and drive like 10mph or something...and takes them like 4hours to park coz they need to watch the front/back =.=

    guess that includes you then...-tongue2...

    hmm....whut a way of reasoning yourself with swine flu....mind you this swine flu business seems to have slowly died down...so mebe its all good......i do kinda get cautious the amount of people sneezing/coughing at uni though...

    and the news thingy about them robbing mp's....annoys the hell out of me...i read somewhere....this mp even claimed money back for her tampons....(N)(N)(N)(N)(N)
    solly....slight late reply...but better than nuttin right..:)....convo continues....

    have ya heard juno mak sing live...?..i heard him on jsg the other day and ive never been muchy of a fan of his mooosic...but him singing live....was pretty bad also..and yupz eason, joey etc are brilliant live...thas why they deserve to be popular...(Y)

    pink car....?...noways its gotta be a black car for the pink wheels to stand out dummmy....pwhaha..(ewww)....nah i wont kill nuttin these new cars that have a/c are more environmentally friendly anyways..

    this past week hasnt been all that great either rain rain and more rain with a ickle bit of sun and thas it...(N)..

    if it gets that hot mebe ya should be ubbbber cool like this old guy i saw on the m-way once...he as riding his harley i think...topless...yet he had a helmet on still...hahahahaah
    hey hey....i was flooded with messages from "boii"...

    umm..i heard raymond lam a couple of times on award shows and jade soild gold and he sounds okies...mebe a little bit quieter...i dunno....at least he doesnt sound as bad as theresa fu when she sung live on JSG...-lol

    whut....??...the moment you move off in your car you're killling the environment already..:p...chrome...?...noways i have pink alloys..(ewww...i actually feel pretty sick saying it..haha...)

    really...??....uk a proper summmer..??..dun get me excited...previous summers were floodings everywhere...(N)...wont you be on your bike anyways..?..

    umm..i think the smart for 2's are semi-auto whutever that means..?...mebe ya change 1-3 gears and then auto..?..i dunno....the iq i sat in was auto though...(N)

    ooo wait when ya say it like that..i get it....i dunno why....i thought you meant ya had 2 sets of friend good and bad...hahhaha..

    or or or you have it that baddd....your body is numb all overr.:p
    oops....nearly forgot about ya then.....haha...-lol..

    yupz....raymond lam songs are used in quite a few shows.....the one that sticks in my mind the most is the one he did for drive of life and the abalone show....'tong sum fun bo'...(i think that was the name of it)...

    whut are ya talking about whutever the speed is a/c is on...!!!...doh how'd ya know...i drive round the town centre doing laps as well -____-" hahahaha...i <3 it more when ya see them wid their windows down in the summer and you sit back with windows up and have breezey a/c....^^

    pshhh whut a copy cat..!!....hahaa...they remind me of the smart for 2...too bad them cars are all auto's though....you feel like you want a auto yet...?

    all your "good" friends..?..you have a set of "bad" friends..?...pwhahaha...

    mebe its hit that badly but nobody is saying anything...so you might have it already...-shock..-nono..
    dun lieee....i bet you've saved the link and its in your faves as well....-tongue2...haha...nah im just open to new moosic...and most tvb artists seem to let me down though.....i do admit myolie's stuff grew on me after a while....its better than bosco's and kate tsui's....mebe ya should give myolie a go...:)

    omgg 50mph+ with the windows open is sooo badd...ya cant hear ya radio....and the amount of dust that blows in ya faceee....not good...(N)...so yupz i agreee a/c (Y)...wow i never knew prius are so badd...have ya seen the toyota iq's about there so cutee kinda like the smarts...

    no no i meant people on placements....some people on placements dun finish till the end...or close to when their course starts thas all..

    your old avy...ya thinking too muchy into it....too complex...(N)....hahaa....your new avy pretty funny though...hahhaa....aint the swine flu hit places near you...?
    #2 doesnt work wor....if his not lying and the nose doesnt grow = he's telling the truth no...?

    i think your making something more complicated than it is....-lol
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