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  • just you wait for your bday to roll round....-evil...hehe yupz i had a nice bday thx..!...the usual double celebrations 1 with fam and then 1 with friends....^^

    whut but aint you chin.....okies are YOU chavs tryna move into the brand LV...but its still pretty pricey for youu.....hhahahha....-tongue2.....how do you even know these facts are you making them up as you go along....?..-detect

    hahahaahahahahaa @ the guy spalshing youuu....ive done that doo but i did it by accident last time till that biker gave me 'the look'...haha

    def. toasted with cheese...so muchy nicerr....and always...always...honey oat..!!!

    the old is only good if you keep reminiscing about it...drop the old in with the new already....get with ittt...-cool2

    duck and dodge reminds me of that brand duck and coverr i <3 ittt....!!!.
    geee thx for the bday pic =.=

    NOT a chav..?.sure you're nottt.....with ya 24/7 burberry clothes...really...i always thought it was germans for some reason....haha

    eww push bike noways....i aint dropping to 2 wheels....4 wheels..(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)

    i had tuna mayo sub a few days back and it was weird they slapped the tuna on and then toasted it...coz whenever i normally eat it they toast the bread then slap the tuna on...o_O

    then time for a change for you...:p...dun get stuck in ya old ways la...

    then the gurls will spin round and punch you....its like a chain reaction....-tongue2...hahaha
    uh huh i'll ask nicely and give you the tix..?...with my name on itt...?...you dummmy....:p

    and are you not british...?..pwhahhaha....that includes stooopid..

    were you going downhill though..?..then yesh ive seen push bikes go fast then..=.= i hate them push bikes most when ya stuck in traffic and they past youuu....grrRRRRrr

    is south west spicy though...?....but the tuna already has mayo in it why add more...:p

    hey ya start later...= longer summmer...quit the complaining already....hahhaha...

    really sun is gonna be out..?..this week has been terrible...(N)..yesh super manly esp. hiding behind a gurlie...
    you going this week...?...forecasts rain rain and more rain esp. early aug....hahaha...

    pssh blame me...?....you are so manly..!..[NOT]...
    or or or just flying everywhere for leisure but business class would be more fun...!!!!...i thought getting bumped up to business class only happens in movies and tv shows...-shock

    catapult huh...not a bad idea and ya wont need to go through customs or wait for your baggage...but 1st you'd need the spaniards to launch it for you so ya need to get on their good side...and forget ya drunken rowdy nights there...hahhaha..

    catch of course la....how fast can a *puch* bike go...?....:p

    wahh youve never had the teriyaki..?...its niceee...!!!!!...way better than the others....!..try ittt... whut were you expecting its IS slices and turkey and ham afterall....??...not heard of the south weat sauce...i usually just go for sweet onion sauce or bbq i think...no sauce on tuna though..coz thas just weirdd...

    hk summer eww....wayy toooo hot for me....but how do you usually go @ xmas time then..?..aint exams and stuff always after xmas..?..
    awww man i wonder well actually hope i can fly business class some day....whut would be even better is if a company paid me to sit bus. class *dreams*...

    there would be a train from spain to uk if you made one....arent you the engineer..?....:p ya should look on google maps i remember seeing some directions from canada to uk or something it tells ya part way to swim across the sea...hahhahahha

    wow biking it up huh....nicee....tell me when ya doo...mebe i'll roll up in my car and accidentally hit you from behind...-innocent....hahhaha

    when i have a subways i normally go for chicken teriyaki..(Y)...meatball sub is ubbbber messy whenever i eat one =.="

    i think we're going nxt year not sure...whut about you...?...over xmas right..?

    a week in brighton huh....hope the weathers nicer then...hahha...nah not rude...just shows ya interested...you got a bad rep coz you gave them an aeroplane....-nono....
    day out..?..or drunken weeked in brighton...?..well shame on youu still..!!!.ya should have chased up on it to see when/whut was going on with the pa meeet...giving me a bad rep....hahhaa
    do ya know i get so tempted to bring my own pillow on the plane...kinda stuff it in the hand luggage..but if i had a nice pillow id sooooo want a nice bed to go with it haha..your rents get less than you...?..thas pretty bad mebe ya should help out round the house already...:p

    but didnt you say this europe trip ya going on is a train ride or whutever...?..why do ya need to book ya own flights..?..£25 wow thas a ubbber good deal who with...?..

    ive been on the cat and fiddle road and yupz its pretty scray lots and lots of turnsss...if ya like driving through country roads go test ya skills on it...

    you dun like subway...?..depending on the 'sub of the day' then its pretty cheapp...haha...(Y)

    nah wuldnt say holiday blues its more like lack of sleep going to hk and not sleeping muchy in hk coz too busy/excited and then no sleep on the plane back to uk coz i dun sleep on planes...^.^
    umm....ive seen them in big department stores like debenhams, house of frasers, john lewis...near the travel suitcases etc are....rolled up hoodie....?....ya dun even use their 'ubber fluffy' pillows they give you...?...hahahaha...hm...thas early soo.....1am-9am...?...ya whole fam. gets 8hours as well..?

    mebe you should be the one who shops around for the deals then...:p

    pannini's its all about the tuna and sweeetcorn....-tongue2....ahahaha....have you been on the cat and fiddle road..?...you tryna kill me...-noclue

    still 50% off..?...ya should go there everyday..!!!...and when offers finished dun go.....hahahhaa....

    wow never knew about the customs thingy....im normally like a walking zombie when i get off the plane from hk...hahaha...

    hey hey hey...and whuts this i hear you backing out last min of the pa meet shame on youuu...!!!!...-nono
    nobody told you to buy it from the airport you dummmmy...!!!!!....but yeshh stuff @ airport always cost co muchyy....i was so thirsty last time since the no liquids cant be taken in when ya pass the gate or something i bought a bottle of water and it was like £1.79..!!!!....:rant:...wow avg 8hours not badd...velly healthy lifestyle...so tucked up in bed by 11pm-7am....??...hahaha

    i dunno.....my baba used to go to a travel agency but they'd always give us a more expensive quote than whut i can find online so nows we dun bother with them aymores =/

    suree i use one of them companys but are you paying for my flight..?....i duno we went to buxton on one of our random drives and thought it was really pretty around there...very scenic (Y).....haha boy racers @ night guess every towns gotta have some

    nahh more like you've been called it so many times ya auto guess whut it is nows...-tongue2

    wow thas generous just opened 50% off....chin restaurants..?

    morning = no customs..?..-huh
    neck pain...why dun you use one of them travel pillows where you blow it up and it sits round ya neck things...hahaha...you drink coffee meh...?...i likey the smell but i dun like it..

    nopes ive seen them on the website as well....the spesh offers bit but can never seem to get them...and who still goes to travel agencies...they're expensive....when ya can get tixs firectly and not have a middle person do it for youu..

    i'd lub to fly down...you have ya private jet come pick me up la...!!!...thx....exactly....i went to buxton a few weeks ago with my friends and its such a quiet and relaxing town i thought...around the town max speed was like 20mph hahaha..

    omgg i just looked down and realised i completely spelt retard wrong and ya still managed to figure it outtt......pro RETARD status for youuu....hahahhaa...:p

    50%...??.how did you manage that onee...?..

    and when ya mention that to them they're like 'well its for you....im a boil the soup for you blah blah'.=.=
    wow you can sleep 10hours on the plane...o_O...i barely sleep on the plane coz its so uncomfortable and im soooo excited...^.^....wow 8hours thas pretty goood....nah i dun drink coffee...i sleep about 6-7hours....too much and it makes me feel O_O

    do you know whut i hate the most..my por por reads the chin newspaper and theres always ad's from travel agencys saying cathy p flights to hk for like £350 or something but whenever i look online nuttin....!!!...:rant:

    sureee i'll drive faster are you gonna take the rap if i get caught then..?..:p...up northh people just like to take things slowww...haha.....ya drove up to buxton right..?...ya see whut that was like...hahaha

    you are a 8ahem restad*...student...ya sat on ya a$4 24/7 arent youuuuu.....hahhahaa..

    spoken like a true chin....its all about the discounts....-lol

    omgg yeshhh i knoww....i was watching my por por pack and it like a few tops and the entire suitcase was herbal stuff =.=
    you sleep for 10 hours..?????....only ickle bb's and old people sleep that muchy....so lazzzzy....

    emirates and virgin not that expensive la....ya can pick up some goood deals sometimes well thas whut my friend says....umm...i pay for you tix then you you pay for me and my fam's business tixs okies....:yes:...

    "only a drive away"...??....its like 4-5 hours more likee....anddd i think drivers down south are ubbbber aggressive....its scary...

    you want student mentality...??..heres whut you do....stand up from your chair.....take about 7 steps back...and then run as fast as you can with your head aiming towards your chair....(tv/wall works as well)...pwhahaha...:p

    other id's..sure sign up for your old age bus pass.....haha..

    refusing entry noooo....im always smuggling snacks back when we come back from hk...hahaha
    yupz they all point to the same thing....youre getting old...!!....senile...

    really...?..ive had on the times ive flew with ba wor.....i thought most airlines do it nows anyways....nah they dun hand it mr potato chip comes as part of the kiddie din dins =.= nxt time i fly i wanna try emirates or mebe virgin....!!!..

    if i was down south i would do....mebe some day....some day la....you can tell me how this goes and i'll think about it okies haha....just heop youre not some axe murder coz i put you forward for it...hahha..

    hmm greedy and complaining yupz you're sounding more and more like a ol man as we speak...the hk ID cards..?...you aint got it yet..?..oooo wait ya mean the uk ones.?..i thought they scrapped that already coz no money..

    psssh...and who do you think you are....deciding where to send me....sure think highly of yourself....
    nopes...you just neglected meee.....:(...shame on you....-nono.....started to think somehting's not right huh.....hahaha...ya getting OLD...!!!!!!

    um....BA does pot noodles as well =.= chin shows..? i know there was a chin flick on last time i cant quite remember nows though....do ya know whut i always see is kids food seems so muchy nicerrr they always get a packet f mr potato chip calibee..!!!!!....

    evil mui aint new member...:p so ya know 1 rightt....:p

    if you like to be greedy then dun complain about how muchy you have to spend on these docs then..-tongue2

    aint yemen supposed to be a nice place anyways..?...
    wow he got a placement in paris thas sooo cooool...!!!...one of those 'have to be there moments' then...

    yeshh your STOOOPID level....course im not there....im wayyy above youu....-tongue2....but didnt you use whut you learnt @ uni in your placement..?.

    meh i hateee BA as well....the planes are soooo old...haha....but better than budget airlines i guess...well if they can charge you to check in nuttin stopping them charging you for water....i read a while back ryan air was tryna charge people to flush the toilets as well...(N)

    you know quite a few people on here anyways dun you....you have been here for quite long ya know...ya aint no nooobie nows...hahaha

    ya know i remember we we're waiting for so longgg my baba fell asleep and we missed our # at that window or whutever my mammi was so pissed so funnny...ya shouldnt be so greedy having 2 passports then should you....less hassle....:p

    psssh you aint got no links.....stop bluffing already....-lol
    your in paris nows..?..niceee...where's nxt stop..??...dun forget to wear a beret...!!...hahhaa...wow 8 mins of poking huh...sounds like a MUST watch clipp....¬_¬

    now you're just being stoooopid...so imatureee....im not gona stoop down to YOUR level...-tongue2...hahahaa

    flying...nicee...hope its not ryan air...they charge for EVERYTHING nows....even to check in =.= mwhaha...ya should totally thank me for putting you forward for ittt..*bb recommended*...pwhahaha

    i hateddd updating the hk ID cards...coz that'd always take a day out of the HK hols....i remember getting the kiddie one...adult one....then the chip one...we'd always go to the 'chung waan' i think to get it as well....ummm driving license doesnt need updating till 10years and thas just your piccie anyways..

    umm...you meant you WORKED...not anymores suckerrrrr....!!!!!...-tongue2....hmm...yemen huh...mebe i need to go shop @ yeomen's to be prepared then...hahhhaahah..
    not reallly....coz the shower could just be broken......OMGGG chairs and tables...?....your friends must've beeen passed out....

    umm....its subjectivee....so for me....30 y.o = adult la...hahhahha...my 10 y.o was an example of a child genius....i exceeded way before that..i was @ uni at 6 y.o....hhahahahaha

    wow interail tix huh...never heard of that before but im guessing you'll be going on the eurostar though right...nah there's beeen more meets after the #1 meet a few years back....:p.....there's another meet coming upp...

    you're used to it..??...how come..?..always buying fake passpots for other people hhaha....??...ooo wait dun you get discount coz you used to work in passport department..?..haha...you engineered the passport barcodes..?..-lol...
    no shower wouldnt you just have a big bath then..?...haahhah....suckerrrr....-tongue2...hahaha real life jenga..?...whut ya use to balance on them..?..pots and pans..?..-lol

    dun people say that line "no longer a teen" when they hit 20...?...is 20 y.o still counted as a teen..?...hahahahha....and how do you know im older than you..?...i could be one of them child genius-es (if there is a word) and go to uni @ 10 y.o :p

    sure you're not complaining coz you are the target audience...!!!...hahhaa

    you going on a cruise..?....aint they pretty expensive...?...so the whole trip is like 1-2 weeks....? ya should meet up with PA people on the wayyy....hhaha....hang on how come ya didnt join in the other uk meet....you're down south =.=

    do ya know its like £70 to renew nows...!!!!!...so expensiveeeeee.....does the hk id card even expire anyways..?

    they dun start till aug..?...didnt you start in like july last year...?...its sorta laterrr....
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