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  • ooOOo....yesh...now i looky clearly the piccie has a company name on it...hahaha...is this your 1st htc phone...?...you likey it..?

    which album did you listen to...?..i <3 the whole 1st album 'dreaming out loud'..latest album 'waking up'...umm these two tracks were released..so you mustve heard these right:


    yupZ..so you got their album nows..?...theyre good..!!

    nopes coz i didnt even see the post...so nuttin for you..:P

    well you said "might not be suitable"...meaning...bad piccies....

    dun see no piccie here..!!..=/..relink...:)...whoa p&p £10...thas pretty expensive....group buy with some friends :)
    pssh stooopid max messages length...><

    how muchy was your cardigan after currency rates..?...OooOO show me which one...or or or wait for it to arrive..wear it and then takey piccieee..!!!...=]
    puhehehe you took a piccie of your phone as well....thx...-lol..hmm...from the piccie it isnt the one when the bottom bit kicks out is it..?...but mind you thas been out for awhile nows right...?..is yours new...?

    at the moment im ubbbbber liking the onerepublic album...even though its a little old came out end of last year i think..still good..!!!..<3 it...

    give this song a try...one of my fave ballads...^^....: [video=youtube;6lOj9XYKccA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lOj9XYKccA&feature=PlayList&p=7B3C51D1674CA552&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=4"[/video]

    gurlie sounding guy band...?..psssh whutever...ft island are goood...!!!....if ya likey the 1st song..ya should give their album a go....theyre good...^^...in fact theyre all good...hahaha

    by 5 people....guess more leechers then..?...ya see ya need to set them an example and show them you post too...who knows mebe theyll follow hahaha...

    suitable..?..no thx for the x-rated pics in advance....:P
    lols that top is pretty cool actually...hmm...might just get one to laze around the house with...so anything caught you eye yet..?
    errrmm...all we did was put the phone nxt to some speakers and the app searches for the song and then shows the song name and artist...its okies la...it was on a nokia phone does it work with your phone...?...velly nice phone wor...!!!....thas the one with the curvy bottom bit right...do you likey it..?

    psssh old school stuff are goood..!!!...classics...!!!!...have you heard the new jacky cheung album...his stuff...def. aint as good as his old stuff...=/

    i dunno you said the other song by brown eyed girls sounded like someone so i was like who..?...=P...ya didnt likey the other one coz it was guys right...?...haha...how about this one: [video=youtube;gbsmdPSOyjY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbsmdPSOyjY"[/video]

    it must be...ya joined in 2006...4 years of PA fun...!!..sure you are....ya thx aint getting any higher..:P...congrats you earned the title: LEECHER..!!!..

    how come they wont be on facebook then..?...you not giving your permission or are piccies usually up anyways...?
    there is if you make one..!!!!..:P....same pa radio..<3...we we're just testing the moosic recogniser thingy thas all....see how smart it is...hahhaa...you want the link for the free app..? i'll ask my friend for it if ya want....=] whut phone do you have anyways...?

    psssh 16 and 18 coz noobies have prolly covered it....but 16 for sure...!!!...<3...guess your rents didnt play you muchy chin moosic when you were young...?...get into the sam hui stuff...-lol

    how about these..: [video=youtube;5bCr4Imp0Ts]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bCr4Imp0Ts"[/video] ...=]...let me know when you think of whut it sounds like....hahahhaa....

    has it been 3 years...?....i dunno i just guessed...if ya wanted random #'s ya should have said 56057678753897 years..hahaha...you up stuff..?..or are you saying "thanks"...?...:P

    oooOooo you can get this when you come back then...have a safe and fun trip then...dun forget them picciess...!!!!
    oooOOoo..yeshh...ive had a go on that before....one of my friends had it on their phone some free app or something...its okies la...not yet works on chin mooosic though hahhaa...

    the big four album..?...ermm..ive listened to it a few times...mebe ya just dun recognise the oldies like..tracks 6,7, 8, 11, 16, 17, 18...

    okies the guy tae yang is pretty :drool:...hahaha...but the song is goood..[video=youtube;gxs_JoDbNzo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxs_JoDbNzo"[/video]

    i did already...now lets see yours...!!!...your post count aint even moved since like 3 years ago...!!!...you leecherrrr..

    nah i think argos is going downhill..online shopping killed them....and places like ikea...<3 ikea hehehe

    when you going nows...?....got one of them last min deals..?..yeshhhh deff. post piccies on PA...!!!..:D
    do ya know the most annoying thing has gotta be when ya listen to the radio and like a song...but they dun tell you whut it is..!!!!...it drives me crazy...!!....i likey the old, classic songs on the big four album...^^

    kpop like rnb..?..i dun pay attention to moosic types/genres...ya must have heard of taeyang's song: [video=youtube;hQdttPG4n8g]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQdttPG4n8g"[/video]... that was pretty big when it was released...ubbber goooood =]

    no you didnt you lied...!!!!..

    yesstyle return policy not too sure about it to be honest...i have read a few reviews about it online and people do say it quite annoying to do if ya need to return it....the more i think about asos it sounds like the argos clothes brand O_o

    theseee...: http://www.popularasians.com/forum/group.php?do=viewmembers&groupid=31 ya see so many you know right...!!...now get organising...
    nono...they dun likey the simplified stuff either...they lub reading newspapers engrish and chin -lol

    eng, chin or even kpop and jpop i just listen to the tune...if its good on the ears its all good haha..

    anything new so like the charts stuff...??...jumped on the lady gaga craze..?..gotta admit her stuff is good and damn catchy..!! chin moosic wise...liking that 'big four'...hehehe...kpop too many to list ^^

    i need someone to spam with at least...!!...step it up already tong tong..!!!!

    the same goes both ways about that asos website tooo....!!!...returns for yesstyle or asos..?..-huh

    ermm i think so neverlands is near amsterdam right...?...-confused

    i likey boiled eggs too...!!!...so far i have collected a cadburys cream egg the biggish ones...
    read that simplified chin then...?...my rents hate that stuff haha...you read mooosic lyrics..?..if the tunes good enough i'll listen to it....and whuts are ya listening to lately..?...you should come back..it aint no fun on my own...!...no time you say...?...make time then..!!!

    guess you need to keep trawling the website...!!..and report back to me and show the item of course :)

    if i see anything mebe i will...seeing as all the COOL people use....-lol

    Amsterdam..?...for leisure or work stuff..?...you should have PA meet...lots of people there...!!..actually did you end up going to the london meets..?

    not sure yet...should be a few eggs heading my way...!....*wonders whut they are*...:kekekegay:
    now whut are you gonna practice your chin with...?..guess you'll have to drop and buy the chin newspapers nows...=P....yeshh how comes you dun post no mores...!..feels like im the only one left in the pack thas still active-ish..

    nah 3-4weeks depends on the whut it is and if its in stock etc...so whut have you bought...?..dun tell me you bought yourself some socks =.="

    hmm....yupZ not heard of asos...you shop there..?..whuts it like..?..shipping/returns good..?

    and whut plans do you have for easter..?...any eggs your way..?..
    blog stalk them too..??...nice...more like its coz you cant find new piccies of them coz they dun do nuttin..!!..thas why in the Z-list they go :p

    pwhahaha aint it just....so muchy cute clothes huh...tell me how it goes...from a few of my friends they say shipping takes about 3-4 weeks sometimes =.="

    asos..?..ive not heard of that one.. US company..?

    but i thought you get to graduate with your degree 1st...?..

    raining all week...?..buts its the easter weekend..!!..=/
    whut happened to your collection of Z-list chin celebs..?..finally saw the light...?..=P

    yupz.....and ive read bad reviews about the returns policies online about yesstyle...so prolly not the best place for you...im guessing you dont shop online muchy..?

    final year right...?..so should be graduating soon..?...

    i am ubbber cold and walked round with a wet sock coz realised theres a hole in my shoe...and it happened to rain the WHOLE day...!!!! where has the sun gone...=[
    hey i recognise that avy...digging out your old pics/gifs...? =P

    erm...shipping is free if you spend US$150 or more..or $16 (£10-ish)...my friends ubbber like shopping from there so they group together and go for free shipping by having it sent to 1 house and re-paying the other if you know whut i mean

    and how have you been lately..?
    didnt know yesasia did clothes O_O i sometimes shop from yesstyle thats pretty good and does men clothes so you could looky there if you run out of your "original tees"

    you could at least do it by record delivery

    coz she aint famous enough...kinda like a z-list celeb
    why dont you shop online....hk shops have online sites...no..?....i know that hk shop 'bossini' doesnt..unless you can find it....was tryna find a jacket that i saw in hk but didnt have time to buy it...but cant get it online =[

    no chance i said my cny lines to you first so you give me red packet NOW =]

    profile pic..? the fishes..?...i meant the dudes comment below me 'sheulun1988' hes same age as you as well..
    coz normally when stuff are in the sale...it means the stuff is out of fashion..?...i duno...ya know the most annoying thing has gotta be when you pay full price and then you see it in the sales later on....ubbbbber grrrRRrrr...!!!..you picked up anything in the sales lately..?

    you dont need to be married to give red pockets now give me one please :D

    and hey you made a new friend congrats :)
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