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  • -lol...no snow here..actually its not as cold today...i think it was like 5-6C as well...nah its ubbber pretty when theres suddenly lots of snow...and then the sun comes out...

    omggg they are pretty cool..i would totally get a pair if they fit and are cheapp...(so chin huh) haha..<3 sales

    happy new year...do anything fun...?....kung hei fat choi...wish you...'sum sheurng C sing'....now give me red packet please =]
    hahaha...nah i remember that was reported in the news or was it newspaper bleh i cant remember...well last night and tonight is something like -2 or -4 still ubbbbber cold....even saw some snow yesterday..but didnt really settle...

    nah i want a pair of them coolio wellies...that have patterns on them =]....really...theres me thinking lilac brings out the color of your eyes hahahaahaha..

    push him..? so i can say hi to you in your cell..?...

    psssh thas coz you have sucky cravings..!!..=P
    a bit of snow a few days ago...most of that has gone now though....nxt week is -12 so get ready...frost aint good...esp. early mornings..when ya need to scrape it off or de-ice it...but i dun use deicer...i think its ubbbber bad...

    trench boots:

    hahaha..-lol....timberland huh...whut color are yours..?...the sheXXy pink or lilac ones..?...haha

    hahhaa @ the student preacher....would've been funny if the bus broke down....lets see him work..!!..-lol...nah worst has gotta be the guy i told you about before who shouts in the train station random religious stuff....

    whut..!!!..you dun like daan tat..??...whuts wrong with youuu...okies then how about fresh lo por beng..!!!..:drool:...thats a def.!
    no snow here still.....just ubbbbbbbber cold-ness and lots of frost...!!...urgh the gritters were out yesterday....i only just washed my car yesterdayy...boo...!!!...ya know what sucks the most in the snow...converses....its like ya feet just get wet...actually..worst is slippers...haha..you have trench boots..?

    uni life = 2nd home is the library...!!..hahaha...good luck for the last 2 then...nearly at the end of the tunnel..!...yes there is light....(hey i sound like a preacher...hmm day job...?..hahaha)

    umm as if ya can ever get out of not visiting fam...actually that would be pretty cool...sneak back to hk...muhaha....it was nice....but wish was there longer....haha...curry fishballs...more like 'gai daan jai' and fresh daaan tarts..!!!....:drool:
    psssh nah black cc is all mineee....i dun like to shareee...hahahaa
    no snow heree last few days....although there was that muchy grit i thought it snowed a ickle bit and nopes it was grit....=.=
    niceee jan exams huh arent they THE bestt..!!.hahhaha...good luck..!
    yup we went briefly...not for long....it was funnn been ages since i last went...just wish it was longer bt like they say always nxt time =]
    happy new year..!!....lets big up 2010..! =]

    ermm....i think hsbc gives away amazon vouchers? or was it hmv..?..cant remember nows...hmm me thinks im due for a loyal customer prize from barcalys toooo....!!!!....my 1st barc. acc. was opened with my mammi till i was old enough to change it to my name...haha....if its gonna be a cc. i want a black one or or or american express...!!...haha

    how was the 2nd round of snow down your side..?....heads up for round 3 tomorrow or day after....!!!...*so excitedd* haha

    ya fam back from hk..?...many goodies..they bring for you..?.
    icicic....did ya hmwk on it huh....-lol...get good reviews..?...not heard about that before...no freebies..?..are you really chin...?..hahaha...jkz....barclays dun give you x% off ya shopping there and then when ya sign up does ittt....hahhaa...

    didnt know it was gonna snow that muchy...!...went to the cinemas to watch avatar came out snow everywhere...made snow angels then got in car moved off and bam hit traffic =/...ya shoulve just rode ya push bike on the pavement and not that crummy bike lane..hahaa...

    so you stayed home alone..?..thought you were gonna head up to meet ya sis and gate-crash that party no..?...ya friends tell ya...you out-stayed ya welcome last crimbo...?..hahaha...nopes snow was pretty much melted on most roads...the few resiential roads still had a bit of ice and snow though..heard its gonnna snow some more in nxt few days though
    random cc company...is that even safee.....whut freebies did ya get that made ya choose that..?..haha....im always tempted to get a store cc when they ask ya @ the cashiers but people always tell me the interest is ubbber high so i resist :)....omg another barcalys *hi5*... most people are with either hsbc or halifax...well most of my friends...

    ask and find out then :p

    omg on the 1st day it snowed i was stuck in NON-MOVING traffic for agesss.....it was so frustrating a normal 30-35min journey took nearly 2hours =.="

    how was crimbo for you..?...gate-crash many houses...?? haha
    im with barclays...i knows its crappy....but im too lazy to switch and move everything...who you with hsbc..?

    well with YOU...you dun need to pass the 3 years so nerrrr....it starts from umm...now...pwhaha...ask one of ya relatives to pick it up and send it to you to uk..?...thas whut my fam did with the hk id thingys haha

    haha yesh i heard/seen it on the news...ya see the eurostar business...so badd...but whiteee christmasss...!!!...i wantttt...

    are you really chin...?...im so jealous of that...!!!...us chin kids are always compared to others...!!!...its like one BIG compeition =.=
    hmm..not heard of the pre-pay cc thingy before...hmm..might do that with hkd....hahaha...damn the charges when ya takey money from cash points...

    they can takey ya hk id card @ any point....ima drop you in..."loook out for this guy"...they gonna have ya photo behind them immigration point/desk thingys....pwhahaha....ya cant update ya hk passport online...?

    hahaha i knows....heard the strikes till jan 5th-6th as well...i heard this couple got their trip to america ruined coz they cant afford tix with diff. airline company nows coz its late to book as well...

    wow med huh...ya rents must be proud....no pressure when they go round saying "yesh my kids studying this blah blah blah"...hahaha...
    whut ya gonna do with all them left over euros nows..?...donate to bb fund....we accept all forms/types of currency..hahaha.....have ya heard of that thingy....if ya dun go back to hk for like 3 or 4 years they takey ya hk id carddd...

    uh huh...so whuts happening wuth ya fam...ba kicking up a ubbbbber big fuss @ the mo...

    ooOOoo whut shes studying..?..didnt know uni's up north are better for certain courses @_@
    nxt summer....no-more europe..?..or have ya been to all the places nows....ive never been hk summer time coz its wayyyyy toooo hot for us...latest has gotta be easter and already thas like hot hot hottt....now we changed to mebe going to hk for new year...hahaha...-lol

    ewww BA...(N)(N)(N)(N)(N) (and thas 5 thumbs down)...hahaha...cathy not bad pretty expensive whenever we check their prices....not been with them for like agesssss =/ bb want emirates nxt....wanna see why everyone says they sooo good..

    your sis in sheff...?...which partt some of my uni friends live in sheff. so ive been there a few times too...nah not that far fron london....about 3hrs train...?..i dunno....hahha...how come shes up and your down..?
    ooOOo you aint been back to hk for awhile nows right...? home alone again huh...
    which house ya gate-crashing this year..?...hahaha
    and yupZ its ubbber late thas prolly why they ubbber expensive...when/which airline ya fam going with..? mebe we'll crash they're party and be like ooOOoo we know them..!!...hahaha
    hehehe....someone told me its 2 weekends away from crimbo...!!!...*excited...*
    hey ya going to hk this year..?....my fam we're discussing it...and the tix are expensiveee.....so
    still thinking....not too sure....dun normally go @ this time..^^
    1 more..?...aint that ya MA programme though..?....so this would be your UG final year right...?... psssh presentations go well..when all ya team mates actually DO the work....so pick them wisee...haha..

    its nearlyyyy.....christmas timeee...and counting down...21 days left...^^
    uh huh generally nice...to people that arent drunk and disorderly like YOUUU.....that would explain your sudden reappearance...hahahaha...

    hows final year treating ya...?..still riding swifty and ya push bike..?...=P
    umm who are you again..?..do i know you..=P

    thought you were too rowdy on ya hols so they locked you up for a couple of months for being drunk and disorderly...pwhhahha
    hmmm guessing youre on ya ickle holiday nows..gave fun and buy lots..!!..

    didnt have time coz you were down @ the pubs 24/7 yeshhh you said so before....you alchy :p

    i dont ride push bikes..
    january..?...are you suree...?....meh i knew it was at the start of the year-ish....guess i just missed it then..happy belated birthday...:)...i can safely say that that has not happened to me unlike you...dirty stop out..-tongue2

    you have TOO many..?...getting kinda bored of the same logo huh....hahaha....nah high street clothes is good enough for me....-^_^

    okies i believe you hahaha...:p.....only used to watch newsround coz it was on before neighbours..haha...yesh its a legit news show coz its the only way kids will know any news...i wonder if that black guy 'lizo/leezo'(?) is stlll in it...-lol

    how is it okies to ride with 1 hand on a bike...ya not even stable..it'll tip to 1 side...or how about when ya turn on bends 1 hand..?...

    whens ya brighton/europe trips anyways...?...not very good at planning huh....-nono...even if i did....nuttin for YOU...-tongue2

    if they fit i will....some gurlies look pretty -cool2 in guys clothes....-lol
    aint ya bday in easter or something...?....-huh....eww no...is that whut you do...?...we have more class than that...hahahaha.....-tongue2..

    well chins like their labels so i thought you'll prolly have burberry items...haha...sureee they're from the news....newsround doesnt count by the way...hahaha..actually is that show even still on..-lol

    riding ya bike single handed...-shock...im a tip you off to the popo...:p

    wahh no freshers fairrr....-shock....go anywayssss.....gatecrash ittt....!!!!!

    here: >>Clicky<< hmm...i thought they did womens clothes too....guess they dun...but it still looks cool...^^
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