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  • whut okies i suggest you give out red packets filled with a £1000 chequeee.....along with your measly ickle sweets...:p

    so lazy.....i dunno we find pizza hut delivery not that good...needs to be in the hut to get it freshhhhh....thas prolly why we dun have take-out that muchy...

    i read somewhere that they do uni degree courses nows....ya should look into it..so you got a fall back plan...hey mebe ya could invent a better machine to flip the burgers or something...haha....

    omgg i started watching that 'click' tvb show....with eric suen in it.....i dun really like it the youngest sis....looks too old for that role and the oldest bro 'chu bak gai' (cant remember his real name) is wayyy old as well....did ya finish it in the end...??
    just sweets -____-" dun be soooo stingy....you'd have millions and all you hand out are ickle sweets....(N)

    i guess i dun go to pizza hut as often as you....:p....me and my friends are too lazy....we just eat on campus or the nearest shop nearby...hahaha...

    omggg thas so badd...dun think that theory's gonna work...get ready for your a$$ to be kicked out....-tongue2...dun worry im sure you'll be able to make it big with a Mc dong dong degree...hahahhahahhaa

    then dun pop into shops when youre riding...just drive through them...puhahahahaaha
    puhahahahaha......building up to a huge paycheck huh....and when that day comes dun forget us ickle people...(Y)...

    pizza hut...just give you them crappy vouchers...not good enough...hahahaha...

    whuttt as long as you typed it out its okies..?....is that whut you'll say if you got caught plagarising...?...

    some jeans for bike riding..?..arent ya supposed to have the entire bike riding suit thingy....
    if you do so many nice things....then shouldnt you have won like a gazzilion times seeing as you say you always buy a euro tix when theres a big roll over....??..not so nice nows are youuuu....!!!....hahahha....pshhh im not bitter....i just like to question youu...:p

    you dun get the wilkinsons stand...??..ner ner nerr...yup its in the goody bag along with a promo mag, and a £2 voucher....hahaha.....nah ya cant fight with a light bulb...we play on guard with the wooden spatulas hahahahaa....and yeshh we are uni students....-lol

    paraphrasing without a reference = plagarising....tsk tsk...-nono

    more bike stuff..?..like whut..you got ya bike, clothes and helmet...aint that good to go nows...??
    i think it is....cant remember they always seem to be having bit lotto roll-overs a lot anyways....and whut proof have you got for being a good person...??...giving yourself a false name...fraud...= good person/model citizen..?...hahahaha...guess you'll never win....-tongue2...

    ommmg free light bulbs...ive never seen that one before...-unsure....hmm must keep a lookout for that nxt time....-lol....i know i keep getting them crappy wooden spatulas and a £2 voucher from wilkinsons....:kekekegay:

    psshhh dun copy whut i said....you should say you lubbed it....hahaha

    and whut have you got your eye on with this pay check..?....
    aint it a big lottery roll over this week as well...?...-huh....guess you'd best try your chances and start giving out sweeties..hahaha...

    freebies are the way to go...and if ya do need to sign up to thingys.....fake names/addys...(Y)....hahaha...

    bueno.....:drool:....not tried the white choccie one actually...i tried this new-ish kit kat thingy called kit kat sensi or something similar to the bueno but not......too sweet no likey....(N)...
    but but its for charity...ho sum yau how bo...(Y)....nah im a be the passer-byers that take the sweets from youuu....:laugh:..

    anymore..??..aint it a lifetime membership..??..-lol...yupz you got sucked in...by the freebies huh...-tongue2...

    ya know the choccie i wasnt too bothered about it was all about the toys....!!!!!....the small kinder choccie bars..?...i <3 the bueno's....
    nah i dun think so......just see how it goes.....to make it better hold a bag with goldfishes....mebe they'll not mistake you as muchy....:laugh:

    exactly....and thas why i refuse to pay for that type of stuff....seeing as you paid for it mebe ya should go once to get your moneys worth...?..hahha

    nah the toys in them arent as good..although i did used to collect them...hahaha...do ya know how muchy them kinder eggs are nows..?.they're like 65p...i remember when they used to cost like 40p....=/
    well course ya gotta get more its FREEE..!!!...mebe ya should stand on the street and offer sweets and see if you can get more than 10 people come round you....:p...hahhaa..

    muhahaha...yupz we had a domino pizza stand.....it was great...!!...urgh rileys..i hate how you have to pay like £2 to get the freebies...(N)....technically it aint free at all if you have to pay for it...

    ya should....its cool how diff rest stops have diff machines....but mind you i mainly play on the toy egg thingys though...and not the arcade/casino thingys coz at least with the toy/egg one ya get a toy...hahha...
    yupz and the chin rule is if theres anything going for free act like ya dun know each other and ALL get one each..!!..hahhaha.....most of them time in them shows i thought they hand out red packets dun they....?...

    ooooOOOooo the jack daniels stand.....whut do you actually get with them...?...i was to lazy to hustle through the crowds....<3 the domino's one who gave free pizzas..its was like a pit stop...hahhahha....nice....and the hugggge crowds for 'play.com' and 'hmv' to get ya student discount vouchers or whutever.....hmmm a fisbee for a bottle opener...?...sure its getting summery nows....^^...

    its the best way with m-way driving i guess...^^.....do ya stop at the rest stops....muchy...?...i lub playing on the machines when ya put sometimes £1 or 50p for a toy.....there's always diff machines....-lol
    who cares your red packet...will be bigger than whut youre gonna receive....psshhh free-loaders...(N)...i think you went to a went to a smokers wedding...if every table had one..haha...

    your trap of disguising as a genius...?..or imposing as someone else..??..-tongue2..

    they prolly hide all their stuff knowing your a ubbbbber free-loader...hahhahahhaa...most of the stuff from freshers fair i aint even used....it was just the fun of who can collect the most stuff...hahaha....ive got so many bottle openers...i sell you one...!!..

    you go as fast as the person in front....?....so you tailgate them..?..tsk tsk...-nono
    pssshhh and the people who leave wont get a red packet.....-tongue2....hahaha...really....?...ciggies..?...cant say ive seen that before....o_O....or were you just on the smokers table...:p..

    you being/thinking you are a genius is exactly whut they want you to think....you've fallen in their trap...!!..hahhahahahaa...:laugh:

    really..?...thas weird....we have banks come on campus and set up stands near the student unions sometimes....hahaa true...its free whuts not to like..?...

    yeshhh everyone may speed on the m.way but that doesnt mean you should do too....you'll be just as bad as them...:p....meh well if your in the fast lane doing 90+ ish and not 100mph its all good....coz ya not breaking any rules right...and and youre not suppose to cruise in the middle lane...i heard ya supposed to cruise in the left lane.....so youre not lane hogging no..?
    there will be if i was to host a banquet...!!...and there wont be any disgusting cream soda for you suckerrssss...!!..hahahhaa...

    whoaa you needed a interview for uni..??..thas coz your ucas app. prolly looks/seems like a 'hung bo fun gee'.....hahhahaaha....

    yeshhh back in THE days.....get back to reality already....its recession time....make it a lever arch folder..?..hahhahaha....i remember barclays offering people inflateable chairs at this bank stand @ uni....so funnny...

    ya know i did something ubbbber bad....i went thru a red on a controlled traffic lights round about....i felt so guilty...but it was one of them new ones with traffic lights that didnt before and i dunno whut was wrong with me i just completely forgot about them...luckily it was clear so i didnt hit anything....but yeshh i dun likey them un-marked ones either...but the way i see it...if ya dun do nuttin wrong nuttin to be scared of right..?
    ewwwww no it aint...(N)....bubble tea...!!...or any kind of vita carton drinks wayyyy better...!!!...although i have noticed in them chin wedding banquets theres always a can of cream soda/coke/fanta....hahaha

    thas pretty bad at least wear one to an interview i think....i dun think anybody pays attention to the important stuff...if anything me and my friends were just getting lost and laughing...hahhaa....we noticed theres always one parent asking all the questions about the course...hahaha....and ya see the tutors *sigh...think how to answer*...-lol...

    but theres still the off chance..!..hahha

    okies i can offer you umm....A4 folder...!!..hahhaha...

    i dun think po po's near here are that bothered either....they're so lazzzy anyways....=/
    *shivers* i hateee cream soda...i remember i used to lub drinking it but nows whenever i drink it....its like ewwwww.....tastes like bubble gum flavour or something...:puke:

    dun lieee i bet you were looking at uni's with your rents who take it ubbbber seriously and wear suits to go didnt you...!!!...puhahahaa....wow 7 friends huh thas prettty good..!...we mostly went to diff. uni's but still chat here and there....:)

    i cant even remember that...-lol....yeshhh you just need to search for them....!!..:kekekegay:

    instead of the overdraft facility i can offer you a supply of free pens right up until you close your acc. hahaahaha

    you laugh randomly in your car..??...and there's you laughing at me when i told you i have random laughing fits on the bus sometimes...-tongue2
    urghh....after mentioning about them canned pearl tea drinks i got one yesterday and it wasnt very nice...not sure if its coz it was like old stock or something but the pearls just felt really old for some reason....mebe just a bad can i dunno...but was disappointed =/

    no i wasnt..who said ya cant looky at uni's and still have a laugh..:P...yeshh one but it diff. course made it hard to meet up and stuff coz diff. campus so kinda slowly lost contact with her =/ how about you..?..stay with your high-school mates..?

    clues for whut..?

    but aint you just bought your bike and stuff..?...surely that would have made a whole in your acc. right..?..of course you would...i would send you e-statements...every MONTH..!!!..^^

    came across this today...so funny....!!!.. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1159324/Motorist-pulled-quizzed--LAUGHING-hard-wheel.html
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