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  • mebe ya should look for work in town centre then....-tongue2...but mind you...ya lucky to have a job...with the economy and stuff at the mo...=/

    turn a fisherprice saw into a weapon...id like to see how ya gonna do that....

    yeshh your scary to 3year olds...and im 8 so ner ner ner...haha..:laugh:
    umm...its bad in some places...but the main roads are pretty clear...just the small side roads that are bit bad coz its turnt to ice....slipped earlier today as well (N)....it snowed today but not settling though....psshhh if ya stayed another day it wont be your fault so ya could just chill another day on 'her majesty's' expense right..? = win win..!!..(Y)..

    all the way to work and then back home to pick up your swifty..??..thas uncool...(N)...interesting being good or bad..?..i was gonna jet spray my car today.....but the people at the petrol station said it was health and safety reason they couldnt let me so i had to get it hand washed again...^^

    so ya get a total new carpet for your car..?..thas so cool...!!...im sure they'll give your a courtesy car if it takes a full day to fix right..??...so silly....-tongue2
    you live in a farm..??..one of them fancy places in the middle of nowhere and has a 2-3 mile driveway..??..

    nopes ya getting a plastic early learning....fisher price saw...-tongue2...hahaha

    i aint scared of you..!!!...-devil
    wow that sounds pretty fun....why didnt ya just stay another day in bristol then...or just abandon your cars like all them other annoying drivers -__-" heard its gonna snow some more over nxt week as well...<3

    have you used your bike yet...like properly and not just pushing it at the side..?...:p...seems pretty redundant buying something you aint used yet....haha your rents sound like my kung kung & por por....last time i came back to uk with them..their entire suitcases were full of 'yeurk choi' [herbs] and covered with a few clothes -__-"

    start whut..??...o_O

    omgg a boot that can sets on fire...?..how does that even happen...?..-unsure...pretty cool though....at least ya dun need to pay for it...^^.....so lazy book it in la....otherwise im a throw a lighter in ya boot...haha...
    or or or you should people share your car with your workmates so less cars on the roads...:p...in fact i heard if ya do do that....council gives you money for doing it..!!..(Y)

    nopes sowie...1st answers only....you get a saw.....a kiddie play saw...puhaha...-tongue2...

    its free....until someone tips you off more like....:p..

    whoaa bristol in this weather...?..heard its gonna snow again on thurs and fri..!!...eeee cant wait..!!...<3..
    you dun have 4 wheel drive...or whutever it is that stops your car from sliding..?..:p...i saw a 4x4 skidding about it was weird coz i never thought they would skid...-unsure....if anything ive seen lots of cars abandoned around the place >.<

    whut have you been buying then...seeing as its start of a month...so you shouldve recently been paid then right..?....didnt your fam just come back from hk im sure they bought you lots of stuff anyways...no..?

    its sad but has a happy ending its niceee....makes you all warm and fuzzy...!!...watch it...

    get it re-gassed la....book a day off work and get it sorted out..!!...<3 a/c...works like a charm in the winter esp esp when ya got steamed up windscreens and windows....clears up so fasttt....!!.
    ..coz its been cooped up for so long (N)...so ya kinda have to use it :p...you're killing the planet by driving anyways....if ya so environmentally friendly perhaps you should catch the bus..!!..:p

    ooOOo really...??..perhaps you need to re-test the theory and when ya do....i'll be sure to tip some popo's off for youuu~~~~!

    puhahaha.....admit to being in jail huh....omggg....how do you hide a saw in a cake..?...the cakes gottta be hugeeee...??...are ya aiming for them hugeee cakes where women jump out of..?...-lol

    icicicic....didnt know ya rents watch it too...thought they'd have set up chinese channel...^^..

    so you enjoy your day off..??...yeshh there was a lt of snow up here as well....<3 it...so pwettty....!!...
    thas very true...i do see lots of people wearing...esp all them whites tryna be asian...hahaha...j/k...nah the designs are pretty cool...theres like a hugeeeee superdry stand in house of frasers i see sometimes....-lol...hey ya need to hit the sales if ya free....heard its last few days..^^

    coz you work too hard..??...some of my friends are like that nows....its the doings of having a job...they just wanna stay at home....i was thinking wow you must be saving so muchy not going out and stuff and she was like blame it on online shopping haha...

    haha guess its more of a chick flick..? have you seen the other will smith movie called 'pursuit of happiness' thas prettty good i thought...sad as well..^^ but based on a true story..

    have you got 'super cool' mixed up with supper crappy looking.??...:tongue2:....nah i think they look okies on sports car i guess and 4x4's....but if ya dun use a/c and you have it the nxt time you turn it on...it proper stinks..
    nah...its ciggies or nuttin....so picky...:p

    wow for reals..?..i cant wait..!!!...-woot2 -woot2..

    yeshh lots of people dun really like the gem of life show...saying its too long and dun really like the story line...did you like 'drive of life'...the other ubber long tvb series..?...skip it...aint that a waste of d/l it then..?..i watched last one standing...thought it was okies la...roger kwok was great in it..!!..
    hmm....thas not a bad idea...i might just do that....hehe....i do also quite likey that other men's brand superdry...haha...

    is that your ideal weekend..?...and then having a cup of horlicks before you sleep..?...haha...comeon grandpa...-lol....not heard of that flick before...at 1st i thought of the korean film 7 pounds...but then realised i dun think will smith was in that...haha...was it any good..?..

    yeshh its good...but it looks silly on small cars i think...and whuts the point in them nows...most cars have a/c anyways...no need to breathe fumes anymore....:p..

    ooOoo really..mebe ya should do something bigger and really test your theory out..!!!!...
    i wont be in jail....so guess you'll have to blend in with your cell mates...:p...hey if ya nice to me i could try and sneak ya a pack of ciggies....to help pave ya way through..?..haha

    you owe me a LOT of piccies already...!!..where's my montage..??..

    ive been watching gem of life for agesss.....up to epi 55 i think...so good...i like it despite whut people saying its badd....
    shallup...no im not.....YOU'RE the crim....tryna taint my good image :p....on another thought i have noticed quite a few tops with the designer crimnal and the tee's are cool....but too bad its for mens =/

    no going out...??..you gonna kick back and watch a few documentarys then...?..haha nice ol' man...and dun be calling the cops on ya neigbours for having their moosic too loud...:laugh:

    wind deflectors..??..are they the shield thingys ya get on them big 4x4's...?...im scared doing that...it makes me think of that advert where this guys saying i have cd's in my glove box an mp3 player so thieves can come and steal it...haha...

    hehe ive used them smiley faces one too....cheaper eh...haha...i lub the green face one...apple niceee...^^

    wuhahaha....shouldnt break the law then should you..!!!..ner ner ner :tongue2:
    yeshh you'll be "in" alright...you'll be "in jail" more like....coz you're past juvie nows....hahahaha :laugh:

    omgg yeshh them rainy days suckkk....me and my friends would have to take it in turns to use the hand dryer....ahh the good ol days haha....

    or or or you could deliver some to meeee..!!!....

    hey have ya started to watch gem of life yet...??...or ya still watching ya engrish shows..??
    uncivilised people..being you and your asbo friends..!!!...-tongue2...umm...i think i just give them the stare when i overtake them....:)....aww that sucks i like them funny horns guess thats why the boy racer doesnt drive round with that horn no mores....haha...-lol...why are all fun things illegal =/

    whut plans ya got for the weekend..?..you air out your car...??..how...??...just stick an air freshner in it...(Y)..lub the black 'magic tree' one..:)

    hey hey hey who's to say mine wasnt to save the plannet tooo....!!!....i just hate jamming my breaks on....if i was to stop in time and then have half my car on the crossing.....
    nah we dunt...we just know how to have fun....:p...you're just uptight and need to losen up...hahha...j/k

    ive only done it once or twice and its disgustingg....i hate having to do it...i remember i had to do it for school one time coz my school shirt wasnt dry yet....bleh..

    okies guess i wouldnt call it chin town as such then =/
    "other means"...being you open your window and shout abuse/bad words at them whilst shaking your fist at them..??..:p....really..??..i didnt know that...we used to have this boy racer drive round at the weekends playing his weird horn....

    ooOo yeshh ive noticed that...esp....when its been raining as well >.<....i need to vac my car as well...:(...yeshh when leaves get wedged there...ya need to blast it down with the jet wash to get rid of them..so annoying...

    not if you go through it safely -tongue2....puhaha....i do actually do that....and do it when i dun mean to cut people up dunno why....do ya know whuts worst is when ya sneezing and you close your eyes but for some reason your hand pulls the steering wheel...ubbber scary...
    we had a hair dryer in the car from sleepovers and stuff....when we went for a mini break....thas if people like you poke ya nose and blow our covers more like...:p

    do ya know whuts the worst...??..is when ya in a rush....ya need to wear that top or something but it aint dry....its so urghhh....never again...!!

    haha i dun think it is either...its a pretty crappy chin town....have you seen any chin towns when ya drive up north...??...its ubbber rare...if anything....nopes no bubble tea either....but we can get the canned pearl teas in chin supermarkets -___-"

    nah its easy...but disgusting....when made....some instant stuff just aint niceee...(N)
    ya got one of them piddly horns havent you....-tongue2....so you dont use it....??...i like my car horn....it sounds goood...nah if ya gonna get a custom horn...get one of them circus horns....puhahhaaha....us....nah....we're ubbbber :innocent:...i think youve got me mixed up with you and your ASBO's....!!!..

    urghhh is that when ya park under trees...??..coz i noticed that too...esp when they fall just in front of the windscreen but not on your bonet so it sits in the bonnet bit if you know whut i mean...

    pshh going thru red isnt as bad as doing 70mph on a 30...!!...i dunno if they got cameras =/
    hahaha with a digi cam...OOooo gotta add that to the list nows...!!!...another funnny game is if you and your friends drive on the motoway or park your car at the side...hold a hair dryer and point it at cars...thas pretty fun too...hahaha

    i dunno why but that just sounds really weird....but ya clothes dun get any fresh air...and be free like them washing ads...-lol...i do like to hang clothes out in the summer though....fresh clean clothes always smells so nice..:D

    there is but its pretty crappy and there isnt good tofu faa....actually ive tried making it myself with them instant packets you can get in chin supemarkets and they suckkkkk....do not buy them..!!


    bah 2 parts for me too....:(
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